On January 20th, 2011, at about 4 PM, a young boy was playing Call of Duty. He was doing very well, and was obviously enjoying the game.
And on January 20th, 2011, at about 4 PM, this young boy was killed. Simply because he was reloading his weapon, this innocent young boy lost his life.
Compessive Reloading Syndrom, or CRS as its more commonly called, is a psycological disease that affects millions of game players around the world. Not much is known about CRS, except that it stems from the false sense of security, and the undiagnosed attitude of 'I'm too good to NOT have a full magazine'.
However, theres hope in the midst of this sadness.
Through out the world, the Maverick foundation, set up in honor of that boy who lost his life, has been making a differce. By setting up hospitals, way stations, and research facilities, they good doctors and nurses of the Maverick Foundation hope that they can find a cure before any more lives are lost to this tragic disease.
So, pledge your support now! Before any more lives are lost. It could be your friend, your brother, or yourself who's talked about next. Don't wait any longer, pick up the phone right now, and dial the toll free number at the bottom of the post.
Help us find a cure.
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Payed for in part by:
The Maverick 4 Foundation
And through the donations of generous viewers, like you! Thanks!
THERE IS HOPE. equip slieght of hand, fix that pesky guy firing at me but i cant fire back due to the clip in my gun being changed. NEW to black ops, dual mags, to make sure that tape is getting used to kill even more.
I have the antithesis of CRS. NR. Never reload... *shudder* I can't tell you how many times I will sneak up behind someone, try to shoot, realize I have one shoot left, and be blown away while trying futilely to reload.
I have gone to rehab for this problem and they suggest that I just choose a weapon with a larger clip. I have done so and I don't find myself reloading as often as before. Though I am temped to do it. I shall not. I shall remain sober for as long as I can.
ive got this really hard in BLACK the worst about it is : everytime when i reload all my sight is all blurry except my gun but i cant stop it even with my ridiculous great mags which got about 90 rounds in a small mc10 i reload after 5-10 shots
sleight of hand thats all of yours answers unless you really really have to use warlord if thats so just hit triangle (or y for xbox) and switch to your pistol which i do when im sniping A LOT
sleight of hand thats all of yours answers unless you really really have to use warlord if thats so just hit triangle (or y for xbox) and switch to your pistol which i do when im sniping A LOT
You realize the entire thread is a joke, right? And not all of us are (un)fortunate enough to own Black Ops, or whatever you're talking about, so what about the FPS that have a 'fast-reload' option?