Why does everyone blame Obama for the country being the way it is? He actually has only two obligations, to declare war and to veto or affirm bills passed by Congress. Even then, Congress can overrule both.
It seems that people want one man to solve their problems alone, as if it is a temporary dictatorship. Congress is made up of 535 people. Those people are people that citizens voted for. Even if they did not vote for Obama, they still probably voted for a member of Congress that won.
Obama really can't do much other than to plead to Congress to address the topics he wants Congress address in his State of the Union address. Besides, if Obama is doing any thing unconstitutional, Congress can't impeach him. The Supreme Court can only deem his actions unconstitutional, and then impeach him. He can be impeached from office, but not removed from office unless he did something horrendous.
So, why do people want to impeach Obama, force his image on the reason the country's status is like this, and blame him for not being able to be bipartisan with the increasingly leftist Republicans?
and i believe we havent attacked iran.. because it is a lot bigger than iraq... and we still have our hands full there... we probably wont be bothering iran for a while... but its a dangerous country yes :/
we can just attack iraq because china doesnt love iraq like they do north korea.. and iraq posed more of an immediate threat... saddam supported terrorists for gods sake
and i believe we havent attacked iran.. because it is a lot bigger than iraq
and iraq posed more of an immediate threat...
What about Iran being the bigger threat by actually working on nuclear weapons? Recently that was nearly stopped by a virus, but what about a few years ago before we attacked Iraq?
iran for sure had nuclear weapons.. and they dont really like us. they have a much larger population than iraq... and they could very well use the nukes and leave radiation all over the place for dozens of years... if we could barely control iraqs population we'd have a terrible time trying to control iran. and this just in.. china is a huge ally of iran.. so if we attacked them we might get embargoed... thatd be a problem
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