ForumsWEPRA message for the religious and the atheistic

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Alright, first off, all the "there is no god" and "every atheist is going to hell" threads that come up every few days: They don't convince anyone of anything, they just get people mad

To the atheists: the basis of society is religion, that never changed and never will. Get over it making religion smaller isn't going to make anything "better" even if it isn't true

To religious zealots: flaming doesn't spread religion, it just spreads hate, I know most religious texts tell you to spread religion, but to reuse an overused phrase You're doing it wrong

So let me just finish this by saying to let people be wrong

  • 39 Replies
2,420 posts

I couldn't agree more. People just want to belong to a group, and the bigger the group is the better. Whether that group is religious or isn't religious, they want to feel a part of something big.

I invented my own religion, and I don't really want people to question it so I just keep it to myself. I personally feel that religion is best kept to oneself. By that I mean that it is fine to talk to about, but not to force it upon another.

Atheists should also stop trying to be unmindful of other peoples' beliefs. I know that they have the right to free speech, but I think it is disrespectful to have someone criticize and undermine your entire belief system.

1,714 posts

Atheists should also stop trying to be unmindful of other peoples' beliefs. I know that they have the right to free speech, but I think it is disrespectful to have someone criticize and undermine your entire belief system.

While I agree that people should leave others beliefs alone, there are religious people who try to convert atheists too.
2,420 posts

While I agree that people should leave others beliefs alone, there are religious people who try to convert atheists too.

Of course. Everyone should be able to choose their own religion without having to be scrutinized. Being told that your religion is ignorant or not as good as their religion is just wrong. People should be entitled to their belief, but also should not force it upon others.
1,714 posts

People should be entitled to their belief, but also should not force it upon others.

If only more people would think like this.
1,448 posts

Atheists should also stop trying to be unmindful of other peoples' beliefs. I know that they have the right to free speech, but I think it is disrespectful to have someone criticize and undermine your entire belief system.

Why do you go to WEPR? Is it to state your beliefs, without resistance? Or if you do say something, do you want it to be tested by a number of minds here on this forum - do you want other people to think of your ideas and comment on it, in an attempt to prove, or do you want to remain in the dark about what others believe about your ideas?
5,001 posts

Why do you go to WEPR? Is it to state your beliefs, without resistance? Or if you do say something, do you want it to be tested by a number of minds here on this forum - do you want other people to think of your ideas and comment on it, in an attempt to prove, or do you want to remain in the dark about what others believe about your ideas?

Well put!

I would say that most of us here, have allowed some of our ideas or beliefs to change on one subject or another over the course of their membership.

I can certainly attest to it. I can go back and read some of my older posts and go...WOW, I do NOT think that now.
2,420 posts

Why do you go to WEPR? Is it to state your beliefs, without resistance? Or if you do say something, do you want it to be tested by a number of minds here on this forum - do you want other people to think of your ideas and comment on it, in an attempt to prove, or do you want to remain in the dark about what others believe about your ideas?

I go to discuss topics that I find interesting. My definition of discuss is to express one's beliefs and see what others beliefs are. If they aren't the same, then I would be curious, and ask them why the believe what the do, but not label someone's beliefs are "dumb" or "uninformed."
1,448 posts

not label someone's beliefs are "dumb" or "uninformed."

If they do that, call them out for arguing ad hominem.
1,448 posts

Sorry, I missed the word "beliefs." Just tell them that their arguments are stupid (ironic...).

2,420 posts

Sorry, I missed the word "beliefs." Just tell them that their arguments are stupid (ironic...).

That is exactly what I don't want.
1,448 posts

That is exactly what I don't want.

How about legitimately defending your points (if they are truly correct), and pointing out that they are not making any argument at all?
2,420 posts

How about legitimately defending your points (if they are truly correct), and pointing out that they are not making any argument at all?

So you want people to stubborn, call others arguments stupid, defend points that cannot be proven nor disproven, and point out that other people's arguments are even an argument? That is what I got out of this, and I'm sorry if you feel I am stuffing words into your mouth, but that's what I interpreted from your words.
1,448 posts

So you want people to stubborn, call others arguments stupid, defend points that cannot be proven nor disproven, and point out that other people's arguments are even an argument? That is what I got out of this, and I'm sorry if you feel I am stuffing words into your mouth, but that's what I interpreted from your words. argument within an argument...dramatic irony?

No - the call other's arguments stupid thing was a joke. We never said anything about defending points that cannot be proven nor disproven - name a particular argument where this is not possible.

And, you need to point out the weaknesses in your opponents arguments, sometimes, like by demonstrating (not simply saying) that they don't make sense.
1,448 posts

Hell, even mentioning atheists exist seems to send religious folk into a raving froth of rage.
5,061 posts

Oh and btw people, by "the basis of society" I was trying to refer to Law, not the reason for forming of society

I was going to comment on this, but it appears that E1337 beat me to it. Justice was not developed by religion, but a sense of morals and ethics, that were held true by the leaders/wise men of the time.

As for let people be wrong if they wish, it's not a matter of right and wrong. At least not to me, I'm an agnostic-atheist, I know there's just as much a chance of us having come about with the wave of a hand, as there is of us having evolved into being over billions of years. If I argue with someone over the topic of God, it's not because I believe mine is right, but because I want them to see and understand my point of view, while at the same time I want to see theirs. After all, views on religion tend to differ exponentially.
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