An anagram is a word created by rearranging the letters in another word. They can be fun, especially when applied to names.
For example, my name (in real life) is an anagram of "A Learned Worm", which I find quite fitting. My AG name is an anagram of Darken and Ark End.
So, I thought, wouldn't it be nice if we had a thread where we post ORIGINAL* (that means your own creations) anagrams, preferably of names?
Of course, if you're posting an anagram of your real name, don't actually post your name, because people on the internet are trying to kill you and whatnot. Better yet, just anagram-ize your AG screen name.
If no one reads the OP and this thread gets spammy, it will be bumped into Forum Games, because people are treating this as a forum game and not reading the OP.
Okay, back to my name(lots of good ones, hard to decide) Decided to make a poem out of the anagrams describing me so it could still be in the writing section.
Wagers Thin Swathe Grin Art Shewing Star Hewing Has New Grit Gnaws Her It Gas Her Twin Get Rash Win Wears Night Wanes Right