The OP explained (not in his OP) that he didn't like the way tiger was handling it, so let's give him a chance to rebut our arguments.
Very well.
What is my evidence? For one, personal experience.
To start off this is not evidence. Since this is just your own personal experience, we can not recreate or test it in any way to determine if you are gauging what happened to you accurately.
I have been protected from SERIOUS accidents that many others (Non-believers) have not.
Sorry but the number of serious accidents are not disproportionate between believers and non believers.
I have been healed from things unhealable (diabetes) after praying.
What type of diabetes?
God (Yahweh in Hebrew) has talked to me in life or death situations telling me what to do.
Again this is your own personal experience, totally useless as proof. This could just as easily (and far more likely) to just be your own subconscious.
Many of the Bible's prophecies have been fulfilled and in them (which most people don't understand) are metaphors and things that are figurative.
The one's that have been "fulfilled" was the result either self fulfilling prophecies, or were so vague they could be applied to many situations.
As for the metaphor vs. literal point, there is no clear line between what is what. So we could just as easily say God is just a metaphor. Also it might be worth noting the things int he Bible are only considered metaphor after being proved to not possibly have been able to have happened. So really this is nothing more then moving the goal post.
I have a question, is it possible that Mt. Rushmore could be created by nature) You would say no. If Mt. Rushmore could not be created by nature than how could somthing so complex as a human being (Or even a honeybee) be created by somthing that DOES NOT have divine powers? There would have to have been a creator. A house is much like a human being, it has electrical, plumbing, a structure, a skin, and where did it come from? did it just POOF come out of nowhere? Or was it built?
Rock or houses do not have the same properties self replicating molecules have, so right off the bat the two are not comparable. Second we didn't start off complex but rather basic. Finally we have plenty of example of nature forming very complex structures (for example crystals) with the need for a creator, or any sort of divine power involved.
Now for my question. Does the Bible ever contradict itself? If not please answer the following questions.
According to the Bible,
-Has anyone seen God? (yes or no)
-Should the son be punished for what his father's sins? (yes or no)
-When the Devil was trying to tempt Jesus, where did the devil take Jesus to first? (the temple or the mountain)
-As Jesus and his followers left Jericho, how many blind men did Jesus heal? (one or two)