I've been busy busy busy since the launch time of Armor Games 2.0 and I have been severely neglecting posting in the community forums since then, which is especially odd since I am usually pretty active in most forums. So expect to see me around moderating, I'd love to get to know most of the moderators and regulars around here a bit more . In case you don't know who I am I am the guy who writes on the blog a lot, wrote the rules and guidelines for the site, makes some of the games you see on the home page, and drinks all the Dr. Pepper in the office.
It's been a particularly busy 4 months since we've launched, and we're getting new features added just about every month. I get a lot of questions emailed or IM'd to me, but I wanted to extend to opportunity to answer any of your questions personally about the site, the people here, modship, anything that you think needs an admin to answer. We love your feedback, and we care that you spend the time you do on Armor Games . So fire away. Or if not, I'll see you around! Always feel free to email/message me too!
Haha, this is almost starting to sound a lot more like "The Dating Game" than asking an admin questions. I am just waiting for someone to ask "If I was an icecream cone, how would you eat me?"
One thing I have been wondering: What are the hours like? Is it like the average 8-5 job or does it require more/less hours a week?
Do you feel you are addicted to Dr. Pepper? I hear the dependency on Dr. Pepper is close to an illicit drug.
Sorry I stumbled over your question! I am currently not addicted to the substance, merely a major fan. I have been addicted to other foods in the past though, such as Gummy Bears and Cheezits.
As gameing starts to expand, and more complex games are getting made by smaller groups of people, do you think that Armor Games will expand its horizon of types of games? Like 3D or online multiplayer games?
I am not a huge fan of 3d gaming. Most likely if I was pursuing a 3d concept it would somehow include 2d elements, sort of like Paper Mario or something like that. But sure, Armor Games does have some games that were 3d... take a look at Armor Snowball '08 for example. And if we ever develop on other platforms I'm sure we'll explore our possibilities.
What are your plans for armor games in the immediate, near, and far futures?â¨or is that too broad of a question?
AG for the meantime is staying put in Flash game development and we'll continue doing that for some time... it's what we're good at . Beyond that I think we might start to explore other realms as well... possibly consoles or beyond!
If you could buy only one thing but it can be eneything what would it be.
I want a boat. One I can sail on the ocean.
One thing I have been wondering: What are the hours like? Is it like the average 8-5 job or does it require more/less hours a week?
I work 40 hours a week. That runs from about 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. We did have a part time developer once, and our Admin Assistant Fil is there part-time, but for the most part we are looking for a few more dedicated full-time game devs.