ForumsNews and Feedback[suggestion] Regular contest for submitting walkthroughs

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32 posts

If you like making guides on the internet for flash games, especially for AG, i believe that many people would love to have a compition mounthly or weekly.

People could write there own guides and the top ones would be voted for by AG3 users, which would make poeple want to contribute more. If there was a small reward it would be a huge insentive for people to help. People could get 5 points for a guide and then maybe 200 points if they come 1st, 50 for 2nd and 20 for 3rd.

Post your opions and if you see any problem within this let me know.

I hope you will consider this idea i believe it would be a majour asset to the website.


  • 5 Replies
2,891 posts

&quotoints" as you describe them won't be the same in AG3. We *will* however have achievements, which would be handy for this sort of thing. I wouldn't necessarily give something to everyone just for submitting something, though, because that would lead to tons of spam. We'd probably have it go through a screening process, and those who make it beyond that would probably get something, and then leave it up to a vote of some sort.

32 posts

Thank you

5,001 posts

It would be nice to have some sort of unofficial 'official' walkthrough guides with some encouragement. Some of these guys can write up a darn good walkthrough and should receive some sort of recognition for it.

So, I do like the idea of this.

311 posts

i agree with asherlee it would be a very good idea to make giudes for games! But for some games video is the only good guide format and having to go though every video would be hard... and you can't realy make a filter for that only for the title of it...

With text giudes it would be easy just make a word searching filter and any that have bad matteral are out! But using text to make bad images would take some on looking though every one...

There are a lot of those kinda problems with it but I like the idea! Maybe you guys (web dev) could figure some thing out? How did you guys weed out the bad images in the old armatar contest?

9,504 posts

I don't remember any being "bad". But if there were, they would just be deleted followed by a talking to. The user actually had to post the image if they wanted it to be added.

Text walkthoughs could just be like how we have them now, right? If there aren't official ones but unofficial ones, you could still link the game to the FAQ, wherever they might be, like the community.

Video walkthroughs would be nice, for those who can make good ones.

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