In the beginning, God made the television But the television was without form, and that screen that you get when there's no signal was on all the time. And God said, "Let there be channels" and there were channels. And God saw that the channels were good, and divided them from each other. (This is where it starts to break down)
It was something like - Einfach ... Einfach, here I am Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is a holy movie set.
I am the God of thy father, the God of E1337, the God of Squidbears, and the God of Maverick4.
He also told me that the scriptwriter had written in a terrible flood into the script and that I need to build a ship and put a bunch of animals on it and stuff - it sounds like a TON of work, and I'm too lazy *yawn*.