ForumsWEPRSaudi's kicked off plane?!

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If you have heard the story of 2 saudi men travelling on an american plane who got kicked off for speaking arabic then you will think the same as me. Why did they do that? is it just that people are biased about this? also, they were asked to move seats many times till one pulled out his diplomatic pasport. then,they got kicked off.i really dont see why this is happening. it makes no sense to kick off saudi diplomats off a plane because they were speaking arabic. now imagine how i, asa saudi, and many others reacted to this response. next thing you know, you'll be kicked off a plane for wearing a scarf around youre hair(only applies to muslim women)!
I think that this has gone too far. why dont they accept saudi's and muslims as normal people i wouldlike to know?

  • 149 Replies
26,390 posts

Those are both job discrimination lawsuits, which you can sue for. These guys got kicked off a plane, do to passengers complaining probably. Could you give me an example closer to that?

As you wish.
Six imams who were kicked off of an airplane won a lawsuit, and they are going to be awarded a cash compensation to the tune of $50,000, although no solid numbers have been settled on yet.
3,817 posts

Kicked off a plane and arrested. The "And arrested" part sounds like the bigger problem to me.

26,390 posts

The case is still very similar.

3,817 posts

Not necessarily, a false - arrest is much bigger than a simple escort.

However, after looking up this case myself do to the lack of any actual information in the OP, they claim to have not received a refund or rescheduled flight. They are attempting to sue, the company's name is Continental Airlines (I say from memory). This may change my position, however the airline's opinion on the subject seems to be impossible to get. My prior arguments have assumed that the diplomats received a full refund, as they should have.

1,707 posts

And you're missing the point completely.

I probably am but according to what I saw you mean that if you bring in music that's disrupting other customers they should move and not you? Same as on the plane, you mean that the passengers should move or leave the plane since the Saudi Arabian's were disrupting them by appearance and the sounds they made.

When did I ever say "blaring" music? I said that I brought in some music that maybe the person in the next booth could hear.

That doesn't matter, your still the once who came in disrupting other person(s), by what you were doing. And you threatened the company some business and cash. So logically you should move or leave the restaurant or turn down the music or put on head phones to satisfy the other customers.

Which is still a stupid idea, by the way.

How so? If they spoke English the other passengers would've been content, the Saudi Arabian's could've went on with their discussion. No one would've been kicked off the plane or leave. The company wouldn't of lost money or have been threatened with a lawsuit. The Saudi Arabian's could've went on with their trip peacefully. So how is it a stupid idea except for the fact that it violates the Arabian's rights?

dude, its only $400. thats how much a first class ticket costs. the company make more than that

What are you talking about? It sounds like your agreeing with me even though your not. It sounds like you mean it's only $400 so who cares if we kick off the Saudi Arabians, we can easily make that back.

Anyways what I meant is the the company either saves $4600 by kicking off the Saudi Arabians so the other passengers aren't to nervous and leave the plane, or the company can lose the $400 by kicking off the Saudi Arabians and keeping the other passengers content enough not to leave.

and i seriously agree;the bush administration or something has one deep in ur brain and practically poisoned u.

I'll say this again, I've never heard of the Bush Administration so it couldn't have poisoned me genuis. I think ignorance and arrogance has poisoned you though.

too bad u did.

It's to by the way not too (I think).

And secondly I did not say that I was a racist. I simply said that I would take a discreet watch over Saudi Arabians because of what there known for. It's not being racist just safe (maybe biast).

Are we hear to argue the morals or the justification? Companies do not run on morals. They run on money. Could you please describe a discrimination lawsuit that could effect customer complaints?

I agree with that.

Those are both job discrimination lawsuits, which you can sue for. These guys got kicked off a plane, do to passengers complaining probably. Could you give me an example closer to that?

Just as I was thinking.

As you wish.
Six imams who were kicked off of an airplane won a lawsuit, and they are going to be awarded a cash compensation to the tune of $50,000, although no solid numbers have been settled on yet.

Isn't a settlement when the case is solved by the defendants paying the prosecuters not to goto court or to stop the court case? So if there was a settlement you can't be 100% sure if the judge was going to vote for or against the prosecuters?

The case is still very similar.

It is similar but not very similiar. If they were arrested that's totally different than being refunded and having the next ride out to where they were going.

However, after looking up this case myself do to the lack of any actual information in the OP, they claim to have not received a refund or rescheduled flight.

Well I believe not being refunded or having a rescheduled flight is wrong. They may have grounds to sue for that depending on the airlines rules on entering their planes.
26,390 posts

I probably am but according to what I saw you mean that if you bring in music that's disrupting other customers they should move and not you? Same as on the plane, you mean that the passengers should move or leave the plane since the Saudi Arabian's were disrupting them by appearance and the sounds they made.

No, I'm saying they should suck it up, or deal with it a different way than they did.
Also; as for the Saudi Arabians, it's just stupid. I'm sorry, but if you are disturbed by the way someone looks, then what right have you to make them move? It's not their fault that you are so sensitive, and they have the right to look any way they please. Get over it, don't force them off the plane.

How so? If they spoke English the other passengers would've been content, the Saudi Arabian's could've went on with their discussion. No one would've been kicked off the plane or leave. The company wouldn't of lost money or have been threatened with a lawsuit. The Saudi Arabian's could've went on with their trip peacefully. So how is it a stupid idea except for the fact that it violates the Arabian's rights?

I love it when people answer their own questions in the question itself.

Isn't a settlement when the case is solved by the defendants paying the prosecuters not to goto court or to stop the court case? So if there was a settlement you can't be 100% sure if the judge was going to vote for or against the prosecuters?

That is what a settlement is, you are correct, and they did reach a settlement, but a settlement must also be approved by the courts before it is acceptable. That is stated clearly in the article I provided.
In addition, they went to the courts first before a settlement was reached, and the judge was ruling in the favor of the imams. The imams were already winning the court case before the airline reached a settlement with them.

It is similar but not very similiar. If they were arrested that's totally different than being refunded and having the next ride out to where they were going.

They were detained and questioned temporarily. That is not the same thing as being arrested.
And can you please provide a link to the article on this subject before we start assuming that the Arabs were refunded and allowed on another flight? I would like to see the article on this.
1,707 posts

No, I'm saying they should suck it up, or deal with it a different way than they did.

Well that's what I thought you meant. But if your the disruption to other people you should change yourself to make everyone content but you. It'd be for the greater good.

Also; as for the Saudi Arabians, it's just stupid.

I mean the Saudi Arabians could have changed their appearance and not look like a terrorist in other peoples eyes to make everyone content.

I'm sorry, but if you are disturbed by the way someone looks, then what right have you to make them move?

Well... Me personally I wouldn't want someone to look like a terrorist right beside me and speak gibberish when they can speak English.

I love it when people answer their own questions in the question itself

Ok but what do you think of everything else in the paragraph? It makes sense though eh?

That is what a settlement is, you are correct, and they did reach a settlement, but a settlement must also be approved by the courts before it is acceptable. That is stated clearly in the article I provided.
In addition, they went to the courts first before a settlement was reached, and the judge was ruling in the favor of the imams. The imams were already winning the court case before the airline reached a settlement with them.

They may have been winning the case but you can't be sure they would've won the case. The company may have thought they could've won but didn't want that sort of publicity and wanted the case done with.

They were detained and questioned temporarily. That is not the same thing as being arrested.
And can you please provide a link to the article on this subject before we start assuming that the Arabs were refunded and allowed on another flight? I would like to see the article on this.

Ok they may not have been refunded or have had a rescheduled flight but it's still quite a bit different if they weren't detained like the others?

And who prays in an airline. That's begging for trouble and acting like a sketch ball. So naturally the security would detain those people.
12 posts

Detaining Arabs from a flight is just as wrong as imprisioning the Japanese during WWII. Unless I'm mistaken, freedom of speech IS the first ammendment.

26,390 posts

Well that's what I thought you meant. But if your the disruption to other people you should change yourself to make everyone content but you. It'd be for the greater good.

Oh, so if all of a sudden people were freaked out by people with blond hair, does that mean everybody with blond hair should dye it black because the majority is bothered by it?
Or if people were suddenly bothered by people with dark skin, should everyone with dark skin bleach their skin just to appease other peoples' stupid, irrational fears?

I mean the Saudi Arabians could have changed their appearance and not look like a terrorist in other peoples eyes to make everyone content.

If they want to look that way, they can. The other passengers can feel as uncomfortable as they want to, and it would be their own fault for being racist, paranoid idiots.

Well... Me personally I wouldn't want someone to look like a terrorist right beside me and speak gibberish when they can speak English.

Maybe so, and that's fine, but just because you're a little uncomfortable (and you can be, whatever) that doesn't mean you get to kick them off the plane.

Ok but what do you think of everything else in the paragraph? It makes sense though eh?

No. Giving yourself up for the greater good is a stupid thing to do when the so-called "greater good" is a bunch of paranoid bigots.

They may have been winning the case but you can't be sure they would've won the case. The company may have thought they could've won but didn't want that sort of publicity and wanted the case done with.

Maybe so, but they are going to settle for something like $50,000. The point was the money. Now, I don't have a math degree, but $50,000 is a little bit more money than $4,600.

Ok they may not have been refunded or have had a rescheduled flight but it's still quite a bit different if they weren't detained like the others?

Just stop acting like they were refunded if they weren't. If they were not refunded, then it's even more unfair and retarded.

And who prays in an airline. That's begging for trouble and acting like a sketch ball. So naturally the security would detain those people.

Lots of people pray in the airline. It is their right to pray in the airline.
And I find it just so stupid that it's okay to do this kind of thing to Muslims. If we kicked Christians off a plane for praying, there would be an uproar. If we kicked Jews off a plane for praying, there would be an uproar. Why then, is it all right to kick Muslims off a plane for praying? And don't say it's because they're terrorists: just because you're Muslim, that doesn't make you a terrorist.
1,612 posts

A previous comment made me lulz a lot.

Of course, by the time it all goes down, you are going to be speeding through the air, several miles above the Earth and when that plane that you are in flies head-first into a mountain because you did't take an initiative against a potential threat to your well being, you are going to be as dead as the rest. Bye-bye, no more you, or your ideals, your hopes for the future, nada. You are DEAD. Get that? Good.

Sure! So, I'll assume you're going to avoid every person who have a gun,aka 90% of the US citizens, and can kill you, for money, or just because he is mad! Ace plan!
26,390 posts

One more thing...

Well... Me personally I wouldn't want someone to look like a terrorist right beside me and speak gibberish when they can speak English.

Just because YOU don't speak the language doesn't make it gibberish. Arabic, or whatever language they were speaking, is a perfectly viable linguistic option and they can speak it if they so choose.
1,707 posts

Oh, so if all of a sudden people were freaked out by people with blond hair, does that mean everybody with blond hair should dye it black because the majority is bothered by it?
Or if people were suddenly bothered by people with dark skin, should everyone with dark skin bleach their skin just to appease other peoples' stupid, irrational fears?

That was a pretty good response but when I said change yourself I meant wear different clothing, shave your beard, don't speak a language that makes people think your a suicide bomber or hijacker. When I said change yourself I meant reasonably so. Not bleaching your skin lol.

If they want to look that way, they can. The other passengers can feel as uncomfortable as they want to, and it would be their own fault for being racist, paranoid idiots.

You know if the hijackers on the day of 9/11 were kicked out of a plane for this reason we would be having this same discussion and you would still call the people that got them escorted off the plane raciast, paranoid idiots. So I think it's safe act this way to people who appear suspicious and may be terrorist.

No. Giving yourself up for the greater good is a stupid thing to do when the so-called "greater good" is a bunch of paranoid bigots.

That's rediculous, if what you would do would make everyone in a plane ride happy and not get you escorted off a plane that's obviously a better choice for the cost of different clothing and a shaved beard.

Just stop acting like they were refunded if they weren't. If they were not refunded, then it's even more unfair and retarded

I'm not acting or saying that they were refunded now, before I was just mistaken. And I do agree that it is unfair and retarded as you put it.

Just because YOU don't speak the language doesn't make it gibberish. Arabic, or whatever language they were speaking, is a perfectly viable linguistic option and they can speak it if they so choose.

True but you shouldn't speak Arabic in a American air line if you can speak English
26,390 posts

That was a pretty good response but when I said change yourself I meant wear different clothing, shave your beard, don't speak a language that makes people think your a suicide bomber or hijacker. When I said change yourself I meant reasonably so. Not bleaching your skin lol.

Still, changing yourself to fit what the public wants to see is just wrong, no matter how extreme or moderate it is.

You know if the hijackers on the day of 9/11 were kicked out of a plane for this reason we would be having this same discussion and you would still call the people that got them escorted off the plane raciast, paranoid idiots. So I think it's safe act this way to people who appear suspicious and may be terrorist.

So you're saying we should judge people on looks alone? You know the underwear bomber, Umar Abdulmutallab, his father actually warned the CIA that his son was a radical and that he was going to do something. They did not do anything to stop him. Meanwhile, here we are detaining people from flights simply because they look Middle Eastern? It's ridiculous. We need to focus less on how people look and more on actual proof. If people weren't so busy looking for people with brown skin whose beards weren't cut with a buzz saw, and instead looking for people who were actually suspicious with solid evidence to back those suspicions up, maybe they could actually catch real terrorists instead of kicking innocent people off of planes who just happen to look a little different. We're not being safe by being paranoid and racist, we're being less safe, because we're taking innocents off the planes, and that means we're leaving the people who are actually dangerous on.

That's rediculous, if what you would do would make everyone in a plane ride happy and not get you escorted off a plane that's obviously a better choice for the cost of different clothing and a shaved beard.

I'm not talking about the cost, I'm saying that they can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't actually endanger anyone. And if it makes the other passengers uncomfortable, too bad.

True but you shouldn't speak Arabic in a American air line if you can speak English

Why not? Once again, it's because people are racist and paranoid. The media is fear-mongering, making people terrified of an entire ethnic group, and it's not going to pan out well. They can speak whatever language they please, because it's a free country and the right to free speech is protected, in any language.
1,707 posts

Still, changing yourself to fit what the public wants to see is just wrong, no matter how extreme or moderate it is.

Well I don't think changing yourself not to look like a suicide bomber is just wrong, especially if it only takes a shaven beard and a change of languages especially if you know the language you should switch to.

So you're saying we should judge people on looks alone?

Not judge but discreetly watch just to be on the safe side. Depending on the circumstances. If it looks like there are some teenage kids up to no good lingering in front of a store or some elderly ladies passing by on the other side of the street with their grand children your saying we should watch both of them equally the same if you were a cop?

You know the underwear bomber, Umar Abdulmutallab, his father actually warned the CIA that his son was a radical and that he was going to do something. They did not do anything to stop him. Meanwhile, here we are detaining people from flights simply because they look Middle Eastern? It's ridiculous.

No I didn't know of the underwear bomber but I just googled it and your right that is rediculous. What I would've done is put some special agaents on his case and put some of the airline staff on discreet watch of the Middle Easterners in the airline.

To be on the safe side. Makes sense?

We need to focus less on how people look and more on actual proof. If people weren't so busy looking for people with brown skin whose beards weren't cut with a buzz saw, and instead looking for people who were actually suspicious with solid evidence to back those suspicions up, maybe they could actually catch real terrorists instead of kicking innocent people off of planes who just happen to look a little different.

Yes you right about that except for the fact that at that time on that airline the security found no solid evidence of any terrorist like things anywhere in that airport.

So if you were the security and saw no incriminating items anywhere on anybody wouldn't you watch out for the people who stand out and look like terrorists?

We're not being safe by being paranoid and racist, we're being less safe, because we're taking innocents off the planes, and that means we're leaving the people who are actually dangerous on.

You know I would have to agree with that if that were actual true. But there was no one actually dangerous on that plane at all. So it's only being less safe if someone actually dangerous was on that plane right?

But was there anyone dangerous on that plane at that instance or was there actually any instance where some people looking like terrorist were escorted off the plane and then someone did something dangerous?

I'm not talking about the cost, I'm saying that they can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't actually endanger anyone. And if it makes the other passengers uncomfortable, too bad

How do you know that they weren't actually talking about doing a terrorist bombing or hijacking the plane? The security could've escorted them off to be sure they weren't talking about hijacking the plane. But if the diplomats spoke English no one would've felt so uneasy or afraid.

Why not? Once again, it's because people are racist and paranoid. The media is fear-mongering, making people terrified of an entire ethnic group, and it's not going to pan out well.

They should speak English so the airline crew and other passengers know there not planning to hijack the plan. So it's not because people are racist or paranoid, or that the media is fear-mongering, making people terrified of an entire ethnic group. What the pilot did in my opion was completely rational.

They can speak whatever language they please, because it's a free country and the right to free speech is protected, in any language.

Theoretically they can speak what ever language they want, and that America is a free country and the right to free speach is protected in any language but as you can see on that particular airline sense beat free speech right?
26,390 posts

Well I don't think changing yourself not to look like a suicide bomber is just wrong, especially if it only takes a shaven beard and a change of languages especially if you know the language you should switch to.

That's exactly the thing!
They don't look like suicide bombers, they look like Middle Easterns. And it's the racism that makes people think that. Why should they bow to racism and change themselves just because some people think a certain ethnic group is comprised entirely of terrorists? It's foolish. They should be allowed to look how they want to, without being discriminated against because of it.

Not judge but discreetly watch just to be on the safe side. Depending on the circumstances. If it looks like there are some teenage kids up to no good lingering in front of a store or some elderly ladies passing by on the other side of the street with their grand children your saying we should watch both of them equally the same if you were a cop?

No, but that's different. A teenage kid loitering around is legitimately suspicious...a Middle Eastern on a plane is not. The teenager is guilty by circumstance, a circumstance they placed them self in, whereas the Middle Eastern is guilty by association. There is a difference.

No I didn't know of the underwear bomber but I just googled it and your right that is rediculous. What I would've done is put some special agaents on his case and put some of the airline staff on discreet watch of the Middle Easterners in the airline.

Why would you put the staff on watch for all people from the Middle East when your tip was on that one guy? Why not just put him on the no-fly list, or have them watch that one guy, or question him, or something like that?

To be on the safe side. Makes sense?

No, it doesn't.
The chances of being the victim of a terrorist attack are 1 in 10,408,947.
The odds of being struck by lightning in your lifetime are 1 in 6,250.
The odds of fatally slipping in the shower are 1 to 2,232
The odds of being in a lethal motor vehicle accident this year are 1 to 100.
So, go ahead, if you want. Be racist just to be safe. But that also means that you should never shower again, because you might slip and hit your head and die. You should also never go outside in a rainstorm, because you might get hit by lightning. You should also never drive, because you might be involved in a lethal vehicular accident. The chances for all of these things are far, far better than the chances of being the victim of a terrorist attack on an airplane. I'm afraid the Bush administration fear mongering has gotten into your head.
So, if you REALLY want to be on the safe side, stop showering, stop driving, stop going outside, just hole up in a bomb shelter eating fresh foods(but not packaged, canned, or raw foods because those can be dangerous!) wearing your little tinfoil hat until the aliens come and enslave mankind.
You see my point?

Yes you right about that except for the fact that at that time on that airline the security found no solid evidence of any terrorist like things anywhere in that airport.
So if you were the security and saw no incriminating items anywhere on anybody wouldn't you watch out for the people who stand out and look like terrorists?

'Oh, I don't see anything that's actually legitimately incriminating, so I should just find someone who looks Middle Eastern and kick them off the plane!'
That makes PERFECT logical sense.

You know I would have to agree with that if that were actual true. But there was no one actually dangerous on that plane at all. So it's only being less safe if someone actually dangerous was on that plane right?

So if you don't see anyone dangerous on that plane, that means you should kick off the diplomats who look Middle Eastern?
Just because they are Middle Eastern does NOT make them a terrorist.
Here's an experiment: what if the next time I got on a plane, I wore a burqa and started speaking with a Middle Eastern accent? I'm not even remotely Middle Eastern, but I would look it! Does that mean they should kick me off?

How do you know that they weren't actually talking about doing a terrorist bombing or hijacking the plane? The security could've escorted them off to be sure they weren't talking about hijacking the plane. But if the diplomats spoke English no one would've felt so uneasy or afraid.

So, if I started speaking German, or Spanish, or French on an airplane, I would get kicked off for speaking a language that other people don't understand?
Because you never know, I might be plotting a terrorist attack! You never know! How can you be sure I wasn't? I was speaking another language, that means I must be a foreigner, that means I must be plotting a terrorist attack! Right?! RIGHT!?! I mean, why else would you speak your own language instead of your second language? *facepalm*
English was their second language, and obviously, they would feel more comfortable speaking their own native language. I don't see why that would be such a big deal.

They should speak English so the airline crew and other passengers know there not planning to hijack the plan. So it's not because people are racist or paranoid, or that the media is fear-mongering, making people terrified of an entire ethnic group. What the pilot did in my opion was completely rational.

So you're saying that they should speak English so everyone knows what they're saying?
So, if I started speaking another language, the default assumption is that I'm planning a terrorist attack, just because you don't know what I AM saying?
THAT makes sense...

Theoretically they can speak what ever language they want, and that America is a free country and the right to free speach is protected in any language but as you can see on that particular airline sense beat free speech right?

It wasn't sense at all, it was paranoia and stupidity.
Showing 76-90 of 149