ForumsWEPRSaudi's kicked off plane?!

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493 posts

If you have heard the story of 2 saudi men travelling on an american plane who got kicked off for speaking arabic then you will think the same as me. Why did they do that? is it just that people are biased about this? also, they were asked to move seats many times till one pulled out his diplomatic pasport. then,they got kicked off.i really dont see why this is happening. it makes no sense to kick off saudi diplomats off a plane because they were speaking arabic. now imagine how i, asa saudi, and many others reacted to this response. next thing you know, you'll be kicked off a plane for wearing a scarf around youre hair(only applies to muslim women)!
I think that this has gone too far. why dont they accept saudi's and muslims as normal people i wouldlike to know?

  • 149 Replies
178 posts

I am Israeli, I look like "the typical terroist" but am the oppisite really. So just because you look Middle Eastern does not mean you need special treatment.

626 posts

im just going to say this...
most of what you just said was "Just because they're known for it, doesn't mean that they are!" in one way or another
and thats 100% true
i dont think that they should have to change their language or clothes or whatever... and it isnt fair that people are so prejudiced... but its how most people think... its nobodies fault humans are naturally prejudiced.. if black people started terrorizing my country id be naturally suspicious of black people.. i couldnt help it

493 posts

Yes it does

PanzerTank, i have a feeling you are the biased security guard. or someone who's parents filled with bad info
203 posts

America is just paranoid.

493 posts

America is just paranoid.

crazydumdum, not all of america is paranoid. only the people who believed bush
1,707 posts

No, it's not.

If it wasn't sarcasm, then were you serious?

You're saying that because the terrorists on 9/11 were Middle Eastern, we should keep an eye on all Middle Easterns, correct?


I am countering by saying that just because terrorists were Middle Eastern, that doesn't mean Middle Easterns are terrorists.

I know not all terrorists are Middle Eastern. Some are Cuban!!! But anyways even though the terrorists aren't all Middle Eastern I still believe they should be watched carefully.

Why should we force them to speak another language?

I just said why they should speak another language! You may not like my reason but it's my reason none-the-less.

Again, what if it's a private conversation?

To bad for them. Lots of people say private conversations out loud.

What if they aren't fluent in English or whatever language?

But these ones are. They were speaking to the staff and the media. So these ones since they could speak English should've. If you aren't fluent in English or can't speak it at all, then you shouldn't speak on an American airline.

So, because they're Middle Eastern and we don't understand them, we automatically default to "terrorist"?

No we should watch them thoroughly. I already said this by the way.

Bull****, it's not a fact. They are KNOWN for it, but that doesn't make it true. That's like saying because the South/Bible Belt is known for having racists, that means that people from the South are racist. I don't know how many times I'm going to say it, public perception is almost always inaccurate.

Your telling me Mexicans are particularly known for jumping people on a bus? Maybe their known for jumping people, but not on a bus. Oh and about the South part. I don't think that matters because even if the South are known for being racist they don't really attack black people, unlike Middle Easterners who blow people up.

KNOWN =/= are.
Let me put it this way. Nevada is known for Las Vegas. If I asked you to name one other city in Nevada, you'd probably have difficulty. Does that mean that every person from Nevada is from Las Vegas?

No that doesn't matter because that doesn't have anything to do with violence, unlike Middle Easterners being terrorists, they blow things up. So what I'm saying is you watch people particularly known for something.

And Utah is known for Mormons. Does that mean that every person from Utah is a Mormon?

First time I heard of that. Anyways that doesn't matter. Read above.

You may not care but an airline company does care if alot of it's passengers are getting nervous and ready to leave is something isn't done about the Saudi Arabian. So the personel were forced to decide what to do. Care about what the passengers say or let them leave

What?!? That sounds like some thing I'd say. I don't know what your point was. But I agree the airline did have to choose whether to let them stay or leave. And I think they chose they better choice. Letting the Saudi Arabians leave.

Yes, we are.
Why are the passengers getting up and leaving? It's because of their OPINION that Middle Easterns are terrorists. And I have said this about five times now: the company will lose money if people get up and leave, that is true. But they will lose a lot more money if they make the Middle Easterns leave. Lawsuit, remember?

Yes I agree with the lawsuit part that they would lose a lot more money, but only because of their decision of what to do after kicking off the Saudi Arabian. I've said this about five times now. But I'll say it again. I agree with the decision to kick off the Middle Easterners but not of the way the airline did after they kicked them off.

And I thought we were talking about their fears more so than opinions. But your probably more or less right about us talking about their opinions.

But they are Middle Eastern, how does that make them suspicious? I know that it makes them seem suspicious, but you yourself just said that opinion doesn't matter, so...

If I did say that oooops. I do think opinions matter. They are suspicious because they are more known to hijack things and blow some stuff up.

I would like to see some evidence on your part that Middle Easterns are more violent, more inclined towards terrorism, etc.

Strangely enough I could not find any statistics at all on nationalities that has hijacked planes. So I may be a little wrong that Middle Easterners do terrorist acts more, but doesn't is make sense since the Middle East has quite a few terrorist training camps? I use my logic off the fact that the Middle East has terrorist training camps.

Please link to your source. Where are you getting this information about crime demographics?

Well I can't find crime demographics, just the link obove that has given me my theories that Middle Easterners perform my terrorist act.

So you're saying that you think the diplomats were ACTUALLY going to commit a crime?
There is NO evidence for that whatsoever! Now you're saying that just because they're Middle Eastern.

I just said it wasn't very likely that they were going to commit a crime... I'll say it again. Even though it isn't very likely that they would commit a crime they should still be watched. And yes it is because they are Middle Eastern

Oh, and of course you think the measures we're already taking are reasonable...

I use my physique senses, and sense sarcasm! But I think it is reasonable about what the airlines do.

Demand they don't talk?

Precisely. That's what they should do, but sadly that's illegal.

We can't force people into silence just because they feel like speaking a different bloody language.
And immigrants DO come to America knowing English...but not fluently. They probably speak their first language a lot better, and are more comfortable in that. Like you, wouldn't you vastly prefer it if this debate were carried out in your first language?

I know you can't force them to, and that's a shame. If immigrants come to America knowing English slightly they should speak what ever they can in English and use hand gestures for everything else.

I don't mind speaking English actually, it doesn't matter to me which language I speak.

I'm not talking about this one specific case on that point. You're saying that in a similar case, they should have been forced to speak English, shut up, or gtfo, is that correct? And I'm saying that not all people speak English fluently or at all.

Yes I think they should have been force to speak English, shut up, or gtfo. And I know not all people speak English fluently but they can try their best. The people that can't speak it at all shouldn't go on an American airline then.

So you're talking about appeasing the masses? Not about safety at all?

It would be doing both. If they couldn't speak Arabic at all then they couldn't have any possibility of speaking about hijacking a plane secretly. This way it appeases the masses and safety is still the #1 priority.

Then why didn't the passengers just look the other way, plug their ears, and go "lalalalalalalaa"? That would make everyone happy, too.

How would it make everyone happy? The Middle Easterners would still be on the plane with the possibility of a hijacking and everyone would have to listen to lalalalalalala for hours. That sounds contentful eh?

There are always idiots. They are still going to be nervous.

Prove that

Prove what? And ok then... They'd be less nervous.

Just because they're known for it, doesn't mean that they are!
Like, African Americans are known for being good at basketball, right? Does that mean that if I just walked up to some random black person on the street, they could dunk a basketball? No.

Theres a difference there, in the case of the Middle Easterners theres a possibility of a hijacking so you should be weary about them.

The African American thing is way different, theres no need to be worried about African Americans dunking a basketball, and theres no threat of them if they just play basketball. Unlike possible terrorists in a plane.

Read the above, please.

I hardly think that applies when in this case you'd have to worry about a missing wallet and a hijacked plane. In the sports case theres nothing to be worried about, except for a good black basketball player.

Quit with the asterisked actions, please.

Then quit the sarcasm please.

Great, then maybe you can understand. Wouldn't you feel more comfortable if this debate were carried out in French instead of English? What if you were forced to speak English all the time instead of speaking the language you wanted to speak, and if you didn't speak English, you couldn't talk at all?

You might have a point there except for the fact that a lot of people speak French in North America and a few people speak Arabic in North America.

...So people who LOOK Middle Eastern are more likely to be terrorists?

Why do you put the dots ... in front of the sentence? I know why you would in the middle of a quatation or the end of a sentence but I don't know why at the beggining.

I think they are more likely than the average person.

I recall earlier you said the men from 9/11 dressed like regular people. So as you say "Prove it" or wheres that info coming from?

What if I was born in the United States, raised there, never been out of the country, but I looked Middle Eastern?

You wouldn't be speaking Arabic now would you? If you were speaking English like everyone else I'd be fine with that.

But why should they be watched? Just because they're Middle Eastern? No, your logic is that they are terrorists, so they should be watched.

Correct me on that if I'm wrong, in which case please tell me why you want them to be watched more closely then.

My logic isn't that they are terrorists, so they should be watched.

They should be watched because they appear like terrorists in the average mans eye.

Lawsuit could still be filed for discrimination, even if they were refunded. I already gave an example in this thread

It depends on how good the lawyer is to determine who'd win really. And the circumstances surrounding the case. Also the example doesn't prove anything. A settlement was agreed on, that's different than winning.

I am Israeli

I'm not argueing with an Israelian in this type of arguement. It just wouldn't make sense.

PanzerTank, i have a feeling you are the biased security guard. or someone who's parents filled with bad info

I have a feeling your very ignorant.

I'd respond to Kevin, but I'm not in the mood to listen to someone insult me, and talk down to me as much as you do.
493 posts

No that doesn't matter because that doesn't have anything to do with violence, unlike Middle Easterners being terrorists, they blow things up.

HEY!!!Im middle eastern! i dont blow things up! i just tamper with my pencils and pens. besides, im probably gonna have to bold this out for u PanzerTank


U get the message now???
26,677 posts

A person may be smart, but all people are idiots.
--Unknown source (if anybody knows who said this, I would like to know)

It seems America show a fervent support of racism (against Arabians, Saudis, and the like), yet pride themselves on the lack of American Racism.....

493 posts

It seems America show a fervent support of racism (against Arabians, Saudis, and the like), yet pride themselves on the lack of American Racism

well said DragonBlaze052. i agree.
2,420 posts

Why does Panzertank comment on Hypermnestra so much and not me? Where is my rebuttal ):

493 posts

Why does Panzertank comment on Hypermnestra so much and not me? Where is my rebuttal ):

probably because hypermnestra has a better argument unlike me or you
2,420 posts

probably because hypermnestra has a better argument unlike me or you

Nobody ever comments on arguments that are better than yours. You comment on ones that are weaker than yours because you know you can win.
1,707 posts

Nobody ever comments on arguments that are better than yours. You comment on ones that are weaker than yours because you know you can win

I just don't comment on people who talk down to me and insult me like you. Or people that comment on one paragraph out of 10 like pratchu
2,420 posts

I just don't comment on people who talk down to me and insult me like you.

Good excuse.
493 posts

Or people that comment on one paragraph out of 10 like pratchu

at least i take the important part of the paragraph instead of overwhelming someone with sheer size to say that all middle easterns are terrorists. i just wonder what you think when i say Saudi Arabian considering you said that all saudi's should be watched when 99% of them have nothing to do with terrorism.
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