This makes me angry - if only because they could of used the fur and meat for other things afterwards. If life has to be taken then at least don't let it go entirely to waste.
Some people think these murderers should be killed, others life in prison.
However intelligent they may be, dogs are not people. Is it bad to kill a dog, yes. Animal issues are difficult, though, because we don't know how intelligent they actually are - are they self-aware? Or are they automatons?
This makes me angry - if only because they could of used the fur and meat for other things afterwards. If life has to be taken then at least don't let it go entirely to waste.
From a Calvin and Hobbes strip: Specifically, I'd like to debate whether cannibalism ought to be grounds for leniency in murders since it is less wasteful. XD However, since I'm against death penalty for humans too, it's quite obvious that I consider crazy killing a man that killed dogs.
cannibalism is also another cause of death. not trying to offend anyone but basicly einfach is saying its a solution to kill ourselves. it could work with people that have bad deppresion
cannibalism is also another cause of death. not trying to offend anyone but basicly einfach is saying its a solution to kill ourselves. it could work with people that have bad dep
I was being sarcastic. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that people would misinterpret this, or I would have put <sarcasm> tags around it.
because we don't know how intelligent they actually are - are they self-aware?
Anyone who's ever had a dog can tell you that they are. Dogs can have personalities, they can get scared, they can get sad when they're left alone and overjoyed when their master then returns home. Dogs are definitely aware, and though it differs from dog to dog, they are also pretty intelligent.
Now, to go a bit more on-topic.
And do you think people care more about dogs being killed then people??
My theory is that it's easier for people to sympathize with dogs partially because they're cute, and partially because they seem so innocent. Also, I think that people sort of get used to reading or hearing about murders or natural disasters which claim the lives of other people.
Depends on what you mean with "worth more", really. Would our lives be more important to another human being, no doubt. But can we judge a creature's right to live based on how highly humans think of them?
The perpetrators are likely to spend decades in prison, though not for the killings themselves.
They effectively destroyed a significant amount of incredibly valuable and irreplaceable property, and the source of the livelihoods of some of the competitors.
Then add the animal cruelty violations . . . oh yeah, they'll have some fun in federal prison.
Depends on what you mean with "worth more", really. Would our lives be more important to another human being, no doubt. But can we judge a creature's right to live based on how highly humans think of them?
Humans are meant to be the dominant race. Dogs and other animals are here to let the world work. Dogs though, are not animals that were created to be eaten. Dogs are animals that help us with tasks, and care for us. I don't believe these people should be sentenced to death, but should spend many years in prison.
Of course we would value ourselves above them. Pretty much everybody does. I don't think would buy their cat a mansion. At least, I hope not. Scary.
You completely missed the point of my message. My point wasn't that people valued human lives over animal lives. My point was that by saying human lives are "worth more", that only means they're worth more to other humans, and it might not be our right to decide whose life is worth more than another's.
Humans are meant to be the dominant race. Dogs and other animals are here to let the world work.
I don't believe there is such a thing as "Meant to be". Humans, like all other animals, are in my opinion here through a coincidence, and neither was destined to rule over or serve another.
Now, of course I don't think the man should be punished by death. After all, it is other humans who will decide his punishment, and in our eyes, he'd be worth more than the dogs. What I'm trying to say with all this crap above is just that just because humans are the most intelligent animal on the planet doesn't mean we have any more right to be here than the other animals.
No - more like; we have become the dominant race because of our ingenuity.
As a Christain I disagree, and believe that humans were created to be dominant. So I can't argue this point.
Your post centers around the idea that revenge is what should decide punishment and that a thing's original use is its only use.
I don't understand how my post was centered around revenge. I was just trying to make a point that you should not be punished as much for killing a dog as killing a person.