ForumsWEPRAbortion for Libertarians

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To state the point of this thread early on, this thread is about the policies of Libertarianism.

Now, Libertarians generally believe everybody should have the right to their own decisions in life. They should have the right to spend their money the way they want and the like.

Now, what are Libertarians views on abortion? Is it pro-abortion? Is it anti-abortion? If it is anti-abortion, then not each and every person has the right to live their lives the way they should.

This is NOT a thread to state your beliefs and opinions over abortion, but to rather answer the question if anti-abortion goes along with Libertarian beliefs.

  • 25 Replies
2,420 posts

I think the issue of confusion here regarding abortion and libertarians is that you are attempting to mix political principles with religious/moral ones.

I understand your point, but Libertarians believe in small government and many personal freedoms. Why isn't abortion part of those freedoms?

Politically there is no reason why abortion legislation does not fit in with a libertarian outlook. The only reason you think it does is because you are from America, where there is religious influence on politics unique to the rest of the Western world.

So religion plays a part of it, but true Libertarians believe that abortion should be a woman's choice?
1,448 posts

true Libertarians believe that abortion should be a woman's choice?

2,420 posts


So then Libertarianism only gets grouped into Republicanism when religion is involved. I get it now. Thanks.

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1,448 posts

So then Libertarianism only gets grouped into Republicanism when religion is involved. I get it now.

I'm pretty sure the majority of Libertarians are atheist, but w.e.
3,224 posts

I understand your point, but Libertarians believe in small government and many personal freedoms. Why isn't abortion part of those freedoms?

It is. Which is why a proper libertarian should be pro choice. The reason so many American 'libertarians' are pro life, is because economically libertarianism is right wing, and the right wing of US politics is not always, but is very often heavily influenced by religion, especially when it comes to social policy.
5,043 posts

Noname, but if Libertarians, like you said, believe in restricting abortion, than doesn't that mean they are not being granted the freedom to abort their unborn child?

I mean Socialists, like you said, believe in many personal restrictions yet most of them believe abortion is up to the woman. Doesn't that go against what you said?

I just LOVE the way you ignored my answer.

Libertarians do believe in freedom, but they also believe in the protection of property and life. Abortion is considered immoral because many people see abortion as taking an innocent human life.

Libertarians believe in choice, but they don't believe in murder. Many people, including atheists, are against abortion because they believe it is the unnecessary taking of an innocent life.

This is like saying "Women should have a right to kill their babies. It is her baby, therefore she should have the freedom to do what she wants with it. Libertarians don't support the murder of the child, therefore they don't really believe in freedom."

That's BS.
3,224 posts

"Women should have a right to kill their babies. It is her baby, therefore she should have the freedom to do what she wants with it. Libertarians don't support the murder of the child, therefore they don't really believe in freedom."

Generally only religious people are against abortion, because by any scientific definition the termination of a pregnancy within the legal time limit does not mean the murder of a human being. I have never met pro lifer who was non religious. And again the issue with abortion is whether or not the state has the right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. That's why proper libertarians should be pro choice.
5,043 posts

Generally only religious people are against abortion, because by any scientific definition the termination of a pregnancy within the legal time limit does not mean the murder of a human being.

I don't know much concerning abortion. When is the legal time frame and when does the heart first begin to beat?

I have never met pro lifer who was non religious.

I've met plenty of people who were not religious and were against abortion. I was told most abortions occur after consenting sex, not ****. Some of them believed **** victims should be allowed to abort babies. There are a lot of different opinions, such as how soon is too soon? Under which circumstances did the woman become pregnant?

Libertarians are against the murder of people. I don't see how it's contradicting for a libertarian to be against abortion if they honestly see it as murder.

Shall we also talk about euthanasia?

Chances are, most libertarians are pro-choice. However, I wouldn't consider pro-choice to be a default libertarian position.
1,448 posts

Your attack, Kevin, is like saying that all Communists are totalitarian Stalinists. That's only one facet of Communism.

2,420 posts

Your attack, Kevin, is like saying that all Communists are totalitarian Stalinists. That's only one facet of Communism.

What attack? This isn't even a debate. I am wondering what Libertarians general view on abortion is.
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