To sexy1234-the idea is dirvied from the mayan clanader.
To beleive in this is saying that you beleve the mayans can tell the future or were so advanced that from some crazy way were able to predict when the world will end. It is just foolish.
WE do however know that the world will end when the sun expandes to a red giant and then implodes. So the world will end but that shouldn't happen for another million or so years.
Flag To clarify what is so special about 2012 and the Mayan people. December 21st 2012 is, really nothing special. On that date something called a gallactic allignment will occur. Sounds fancy, but really it's just the sun lining up with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Now the Mayans and their calendar. The Mayans were fascinated by the stars. They were the the greatest astrologers of the ancient world. They managed to predict a 26,000 year cycle in which the sun would allign with the center of the galaxy and then start over again. The Mayans divided the cycle into 4 parts. The last quarter began roughly 3125 B.C according to Mayan extrapolation and would end between December 21 - 23 2012. After that date the calendar is supposed to be reset for another 26000 years. There's no doomsday prophecy.
Now the Mayans and their calendar. The Mayans were fascinated by the stars. They were the the greatest astrologers of the ancient world. They managed to predict a 26,000 year cycle in which the sun would allign with the center of the galaxy and then start over again. The Mayans divided the cycle into 4 parts. The last quarter began roughly 3125 B.C according to Mayan extrapolation and would end between December 21 - 23 2012. After that date the calendar is supposed to be reset for another 26000 years. There's no doomsday prophecy.
But the reset is also supposed to cause humanity problems. It is supposedly going to reset society.
But the reset is also supposed to cause humanity problems. It is supposedly going to reset society.
No, that's a modern ideology. Look at it this way: we reset our calendar every year. We start again every January the first. This calendar is simply longer
This calender only restarts on this date, because after this date every single day after it is similar to that of when it started. So it was redundant to keep going on after that. What i mean by similar to that is like for instance Feb 5th will happen on the exact same day that it originally would have been on. So like a tuesday during a certain week of the year. Thats pretty much what i learned about it. Its not the fact that something huge is going to happen. Just that the calender resets itself.. Its like a happy new years mayan style
No, that's a modern ideology. Look at it this way: we reset our calendar every year. We start again every January the first. This calendar is simply longer
I studied the mayan calendar and their beliefs about a year ago. Part of the ending of the calendar was what amounts to a reseting of human society.
Wether the world ends on this particualr date or not, is not an issue if you ask me...
Since the threat of nuclear bombing is created somewhere in the last century, it's always been a question of 'when it will occur' not 'if'...
A certain date mentioned by the Mayan culture (how fascinating and mysterious this culture ACtually is to me) does not change anything in my beliefs on the fact that it all comes down to this simple (and very often used) sentence:
"It's in human's nature to destroy himself..."
Don't know where this quote comes from and who said it first... but in my opinion it's true!
All we can do is pretend to be ignorant and continue with our lives untill the dreaded day of reckoning comes, probably by a human's simple push of a button...
Untill then, I'll be ignorant for lack of a better understanding of the meaning of life...
I think it's in our nature to imagine our end. Ever since civilization began we've predicted our end. I say we will never know our end, but it will come.
But yeah. If there's any predictions that the world is going to end, it'd be from the sun sucking it up, so to speak. No rhetorics today, Mayans. Pranking us advanced species, 'smatter with you...*rambles*