well I cant wait for it to come out for the xbox because my computer isn't really that good....and I wasn't planing on getting a new computer just for minecraft but I think I'll get it for xbox instead!
I thought that it has already been released on Xbox Live Arcade. I'm not completely sure but I remember seeing some gameplay on the Xbox and it seems very fun but I did notice there being a list for items you can craft in the game now.
Well, if you do decide to get it then good gaming to you.
They are a copy of wolves, except Creepers are scared of them.
Well, you could say that many of the animals share simliar behavious in that sense but I guess the Ocelots can be a nice pet to have if Creepers will try to avoid them.
So i was playing minecraft...and I put 414 iron ingots on a crafting table...and then I had a sudden urge to close the game and watch some youtube...so I pushed alt-f4 to close the game...and later when I re-opened the game...ALL 414 IRON INGOTS WERE COMPLETELY GONE!! I LOOKED EVERYWHERE. I LOOKED IN MY STORAGE CHESTS, IN MY INVENTORY, ON THE TABLE AND THEY WERE ALL GONE!!!!!! i hate my life.
So i was playing minecraft...and I put 414 iron ingots on a crafting table...and then I had a sudden urge to close the game and watch some youtube...so I pushed alt-f4 to close the game...and later when I re-opened the game...ALL 414 IRON INGOTS WERE COMPLETELY GONE!! I LOOKED EVERYWHERE. I LOOKED IN MY STORAGE CHESTS, IN MY INVENTORY, ON THE TABLE AND THEY WERE ALL GONE!!!!!! i hate my life.
I have had that happen before with server's getting rollback and I lost my stuff because it was in my invitory. Also alt-f4 is never a good way to close a world because the world needs to save chunks
Well, after rage deleting my first 3 worlds i made after death by lava, i now have a prospering world with underground farms and storage, an underwater panic cave with my mines, and my beautiful house all connected by tunnels, 27 gold, 200 or so iron, around 150 lapis lazuli and redstone, and 7 diamond. Plus everything is connected by tunnel, so i never have to go outside.
Well, after rage deleting my first 3 worlds i made after death by lava, i now have a prospering world with underground farms and storage, an underwater panic cave with my mines, and my beautiful house all connected by tunnels, 27 gold, 200 or so iron, around 150 lapis lazuli and redstone, and 7 diamond. Plus everything is connected by tunnel, so i never have to go outside
I like how you build it so you get no dangers from the outside world, but the lava is still a big threat, also I once got pissed off so much from creepers ambushing me while i was getting wood that i build a giant glass box covered with tourches to protect me and the trees.
Does anyone know a good mod that increases the height of the world?
At the moment I am using dynamic height mod but I don't think it is compatible with other mods because mods that edit the world like world edit or MC edit don't work, so what I am looking for is a height increasing mod that is compatible with world editing mods/software
The game is really good but the game play is too repetitive they like need to add more minerals and mobs to the surface and put minerals in the nether. :P
But if they make it too complicated then you it wuld be too hard to achieve greatness when you have a great mine, portal to nether, monster proof home, and working farm so you wouldn't be able to start the second part of your journey in minecraft, building great structures with all the excess resources you have.
Heh, heh... Hey, guys, guess what? I just finished a MONSTER session of Minecraft. Built a nice cottage out of wood and cobble. It's 1:06 now. I'm not tired, though. Isn't that crazy?
Heh, heh... Hey, guys, guess what? I just finished a MONSTER session of Minecraft. Built a nice cottage out of wood and cobble. It's 1:06 now. I'm not tired, though. Isn't that crazy?
Anwho, I just finished up my house and made it a bit prettier. Got a huge wall of forges, (I had like a full stack of cobble when I was done, so I made them.) a couple workbenches, and a bed. I also put in a large chest in the roof, and a small chest down in my bedroom/basement/forge wall. It's pretty sick. Just got to finish the overhang and I'll be pretty much set. Then I can mine for diamonds.