I really highly recomend just downgrading to play that awsome tale of kingdoms mod.
Open the mod, but DO NOT extract it
I have extracted it to put it on a computer that didn't have win rar instaled... only to find I needed winrar to open the minecraft.jar, but that's off topic... So you can extract the files from the file, it just means that you won't have to constantly close that 30 free trial over message everytime you screw up and kill your minecraft.jar.
REMOVE META-INF. Otherwise your whole minecraft will crash
It dosen't really crash, it just dosen't finish loading because meta-inf somehow dosen't like mods and dosen't allow minecraft to load while it has mods in it.
Download and install Modloader, also a mod, before you do anything else
That is not always a must, and I have found mods that actualy will crash if it detects mod loader.
when you see a bunch of .class files, pull those into the open minecraft.jar file
I would like to add that any folders that are also in the file that dont say "source code", "readme" or "resources" are quite likely needed inside the minecraft.jar folder as well.
Open minecraft, and enjoy!
I would like to rephrase that into "open minecraft, pray for it to work (atheist or not), cautiously make a new world (don't wanna corrupt old ones do we?), run mod on there, if it works then enjoy, and if not, look mod up on youtube for a long video that hopefuly will end up with the person getting the mod to work so you could follow along.
Oh whoops, I'm still stuck in my 1.0 bubble and forgetting that the final release is infact, not the final release.
It was so much simpler when you decide that the only new "updates" that are going to be happening to your minecraft is the mods you add to the game and nothing else.
*stephenking sobs uncontrollably* ... ... I-I-I-I screwed the Nether portal, OK? *bawls* I can't believe this! I was on Skyblock, and finally got the Obsidian for the Nether portal, and guess what? I made the bottom too long! I don't have any diamonds, so I can't mine it back, so I deleted Skyblock, and now I have to do it all over again! **** it so much!
this might sound funny but i have never played minecraft but i am a fan i want to play it but i am not alowed to download stuff on my lap top so any suggestions.
i am not alowed to download stuff on my laptop so any suggestions.
Simple, buy it and download it on your desktop computer! haha. - Hey everybody, I want to build something cool. I'm tired of building houses and castles. So...anyone got any creative ideas on what I should make? If I get a cool suggestion, and if I decide to build it, and if it turns out to be cool-looking, I just might post a picture of it. XD
i am not alowed to download stuff on my lap top so any suggestions.
If it's your laptop then why are you not allowed to download stuff to it? I suggest you show your parents how legit the game is so you could download and play it.
this might sound funny but i have never played minecraft but i am a fan i want to play it but i am not alowed to download stuff on my lap top so any suggestions.
I think minecraft was a browser game before being what he's now.
If you find anything wrong with my english, please tell me. I'm just a student.
Hey, everyone, minecraft version 1.2 is out so go update now and try it if you haven't already - it's really awesome from what I've played so far.
Minecraft 1.2 + New jungle biome + Added ocelots + Added cats + Added iron golems + New AI for mobs + Tame wolves can have puppies + Villagers will have children if there is room in their village + Added rare drops for mobs + New items and blocks * New map height limit (256 instead of 128) * Doors have been updated so that double-doors work better with redstone * Many other minor tweaks and fixes - Removed HerobrineÂ
Hey everybody, I want to build something cool. I'm tired of building houses and castles. So...anyone got any creative ideas on what I should make? If I get a cool suggestion, and if I decide to build it, and if it turns out to be cool-looking, I just might post a picture of it. XD
For myself, in every world i have I always build a block of butter (but sometimes its not fully gold) It's a fun challenge because it requires a coniderable amount or resources and it's quite original. Last world I added a plate/knife/ and wrapper.