you guys should check out the seed jesus. on my first 30 minutes of playtime there i discovered a HUGE cavern which i dont really wish to explore until i have some nice strong armor. guess i should kill cows...
Does anyone crap there pants when a creeper explodes unexpectidly behind you?
Minecraft is a good game. Single player is fun when you have a good idea for a building and enough resources. Multiplayer is fun as long as there aren't any griefers or stupid people, but I guess that's in everything.
Anyone seen the adventure update that is supposed to be out in 1.8? I can't wait for this!
Yes - I totally agree with you. It looks amazing. I mean, I've seen a lot of complaints about how Pistons work in 1.7 so I guess the expectations for what 1.8 should deliver are going to be a lot higher, I really hope it does live up to what it's being hyped up as though.
The server I play on is, best server i've found The website for it is
Anyone seen the adventure update that is supposed to be out in 1.8? I can't wait for this! Yes - I totally agree with you. It looks amazing. I mean, I've seen a lot of complaints about how Pistons work in 1.7 so I guess the expectations for what 1.8 should deliver are going to be a lot higher, I really hope it does live up to what it's being hyped up as though.
I haven't heard anything about it yet, link me up? As for the pistons, I was disapointed in how they worked, namely, that stuff falls off of them (Torches, redstone, buttons, levers, etc) and that an extended piston cannot move.
As for Pistons, it's almost kinda creepy in how creative some people get with this game. I mean someone made a friggin 3D printer with pistons. o-0
Yeah I saw that. Have you seen the Vending machine? Awesome as
All I am attemping is secret doors and stuff. I made a reed farm in which you push a button, pistons pop out at second row which cuts the 2nd and 3rd high block off. (This is in a server, which is currently down. D I also made alot more stuff such as drawbridges.
you know i have found the perfect server for guys like me. about the only mods are a portal to heaven and a money and rank system. oh and (creeper explosion) (land regenrates) mod.
Anybody else been on servers with the LevelCraft plugin? It's absurd but neat. If you're on a new world, it works out just fine, but if you put it in mid-way, people end up going from iron tools back down to wood. Anyhow, on the subject of obsidian tools, there are at least 5 mods for them, all of them being slightly different. personally i perfer "teired obsidian tools". i would add a link, but i currently can't find the page.