I meant are they going to make an official 1.9 beta or is it going to just be full release so they will go from 1.81 to Minecraft full release because I don't really want to get a buggy pre-release version.
[quote]everyone says minecraft has bad graphics..... Minecraft does have bad graphics but why would you judge a game by the graphics. If the graphics are cool then they are cool and vice versa. Judge the game based on your own gameplay
I like how people hate it because of "bad graphics" did you know if the grpahics were better you would have to use a top of line cpu JUST to be able to walk in da game? I've used a 256x256 texture pack which really isn't much, but I could barely move because of the constant loading of blocks, so minecraft is saving us from having to get new cpu's.
Ahhhh minecraft, the very game that I have been glued to. And my Very 2nd favorite of all games I own. Thankyou Markus Persson for creating such a lovely and constructive game. And I hope scrolls will be just as good. Best of luck to notch. And a great liking to minecraft! -MM
Minecraft is fantastic and I also can't wait for it to be a full release.
I don't think that those who say that the "graphics are terrible" do the game justice. It was designed that way and is what makes Minecraft, well, Minecraft
I don't think that it will be where it is today if it wasn't for the way that it was made which includes its sandbox nature and simple looking aesthetics.
Thank you Markus Persson (Notch) for making such a wonderful game for all to enjoy =]
Worst thing that has happened to me in Minecraft I was a new player and was running around in the cave for resorces with my friend. I seen some Ruby and ran towards it just as I was about to mine it I got swept away by a Lava Current and fell into a Lava Pit and died ;(