ForumsWEPRDo Video Games really cause people to go kill everyone.

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Many instances of school shootings, bombings, or killing is often pointed at video games as the cause, but is it really their fault? Just because a game allows you to kill civilians does not mean that someone will want to do it, I have recently had a discussion with a friend who saw on the news that the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, was to blame for the recent Russian bombing because the game has a level where you are able to kill civilians in a Russian airport. [url=]

The video games that allowing innocent killing does not mean they support it. How a person is raised and treated growing up is why they would even consider this, which most kids have enough commen sense to know, you cannot "restart" or "respond" in life. I strongly disagree to the idea that video games are the cause of most killings today.

  • 218 Replies
2,911 posts

I think they are more shoot em ups than historical information givers

They are more shoot 'em ups, but those games that I listed are set in times and places where events took place. CoD isn't exactly the most realistic game out there, but I meant more of the general idea of the newest one and the first three.

CoD: black Ops is set in the Cold War. If you've been living under a rock your entire life and that's the first game you play, then you know that the Cold War happened, same thing for the first three and the fifth one, only those are about WWII.

I don't think showing it to someone - even at those ages (I'm 14) is a requirement.

I don't think so, either. But if they are exposed to those things, then they won't think this is something that's never happened before.

I think the games that WOULD do what you said those games do is age of empires and rise of nations because they make you use historical armies and weapons. And in some cases historical leaders

I'm talking about more current times, like more this century and the 20th century.

It's certainly the case - I don't see why people think that younger people can't distinguish... O.o

Agreed. I've been told by my neighbors that eventually I'm going to start sacrificing goats in my backyard along with small children because I listen to Death Metal :/
3,817 posts

Sadly I have no data because I've just have been observing this and it was a logical solution because one of those kids lived on my block and he had nice parents and everything, the only changing factor that I could see was the fact that he played GOW and Halo.
And for the game Backyard Wrestling and WWE I've seen kids mimic what they do in the game and on T.V.

I assume at one point he also drank water, correct? Then why not assume the water made him horrible?

Have you noticed something about Halo? Oh yeah. Everyone and their grandma plays it. Every. One. Same with other violent games, it is becoming difficult to find someone who has never played COD or Halo or any of the other big name games. Since everyone is playing it, there are bound to be a few jerks playing it.

Backyard wrestling is just kids having fun. I played soldier with my little brother as a kid, swinging imaginary swords at imaginary enemies while jumping on the trampoline as I explained the story. Is this because we watch some violent programming that makes us want to be like them? Well... Kind of. But it is just fun. Its what kids play. At no point in time did I ever consider it a viable option to start swinging a real sword at real people.

By the way, what did you do as a kid? You don't seem to have played video games, or really have played with any friends (Or on the other direction had really, really boring friends who managed to play games without any violence). So...What exactly did you do for fun?
5 posts

YAY!! for COD Black Ops it is really fun. But i don't see how someone could be retarded enough to think that doing what they do in Black Ops would be a reasonable solution to any problem.

56 posts

There is no direct correlation between video gaming and killing. I play tons of video games and how many people have I killed? 0!

1,606 posts

I assume at one point he also drank water, correct? Then why not assume the water made him horrible?

We lived on the same street.
Have you noticed something about Halo? Oh yeah. Everyone and their grandma plays it. Every. One. Same with other violent games, it is becoming difficult to find someone who has never played COD or Halo or any of the other big name games. Since everyone is playing it, there are bound to be a few jerks playing it.

I am still not allowed to play any rated Mature games except for Assassin's Creed so that's defenatley a overstatment.
Backyard wrestling is just kids having fun. I played soldier with my little brother as a kid, swinging imaginary swords at imaginary enemies while jumping on the trampoline as I explained the story. Is this because we watch some violent programming that makes us want to be like them? Well... Kind of. But it is just fun. Its what kids play. At no point in time did I ever consider it a viable option to start swinging a real sword at real people.

It's an actualy videa game I have played before called Backyard Wrestling which is not the best game to play when you are little since 1. It's EXTREAMLY violent (lifing people up into the path of fan blades, dragging people on rough surfaces and having blood trail behind, getting "bloody knuckles" which means doing more damadge because of blood lust, ect.)
2. Everything they do in the game is possible to do outside of the game.
By the way, what did you do as a kid? You don't seem to have played video games, or really have played with any friends (Or on the other direction had really, really boring friends who managed to play games without any violence). So...What exactly did you do for fun?

I have been playing video games since I was about 9 when my dad got a gameboy to test it out. Ever since then I have been playing games but never grown a liking to cod and played Halo and stuff at my friends house. At home I don't play anything that violent and never really asked my parents about letting me play M games because my dad made a point about all the theme's they have and how they make you look at death casualy and some very brutal things as nothing.
1,606 posts

So I have seen why rated Mature material is rated mature for a very good reason. Although the problem I have is games being rated A is VERY hard to achieve in this world. I have read and understood how each rating gets what it gets and it used to be that having sex in the game and having the NPC's pleading for their life would get you a A rating, but it seems that now the've abandoned the second part and games that were originaly A go to M and I think that those games should be at a higher level. I don't want the games to go straight back to A rating, but in some cases retailers simply refuse to sell a game and there's tons of controversy just because they were not put at a higher rating (example Postal series).

3,817 posts

We lived on the same street.

And billions of other people play video games, as in "drinking from the same well", without any of them going insane. It would be far more likely to be your water than the video games.

I am still not allowed to play any rated Mature games except for Assassin's Creed so that's defenatley a overstatment.

Your not even a teenager yet, and seem to not like any good video games. Its your own fault.

It's an actualy videa game I have played before called Backyard Wrestling which is not the best game to play when you are little since 1. It's EXTREAMLY violent (lifing people up into the path of fan blades, dragging people on rough surfaces and having blood trail behind, getting "bloody knuckles" which means doing more damadge because of blood lust, ect.)
2. Everything they do in the game is possible to do outside of the game.

By this logic, we should be seeing explosions around NYC from all the people playing GTA. Sure, the things could be considered possible, but your never going to accomplish them. Even if somehow you tried.

So I have seen why rated Mature material is rated mature for a very good reason. Although the problem I have is games being rated A is VERY hard to achieve in this world. I have read and understood how each rating gets what it gets and it used to be that having sex in the game and having the NPC's pleading for their life would get you a A rating, but it seems that now the've abandoned the second part and games that were originaly A go to M and I think that those games should be at a higher level. I don't want the games to go straight back to A rating, but in some cases retailers simply refuse to sell a game and there's tons of controversy just because they were not put at a higher rating (example Postal series).

Who cares? If your going into a violent game, why rate it more than "Mature"?
1,606 posts

Your not even a teenager yet, and seem to not like any good video games. Its your own fault.

I'm 14, so I think that qualifies for a teenager and I truly don't like cod because in my mind it went from good game to crap starting with MW. I really don't want to discuss which games I like since I think it would be a little off topic so I'll stop adressing this comment.
By this logic, we should be seeing explosions around NYC from all the people playing GTA. Sure, the things could be considered possible, but your never going to accomplish them. Even if somehow you tried.

I would rate this game worse than GTA because no one would realisticly be robbing trucks or be just shooting people on the streets, but this was all basicly more realistic wrestling.
Who cares? If your going into a violent game, why rate it more than "Mature"?

The reason why you sould rate it more than mature is
1. The game won't be appreciated unless given a higher rating because retailers will refuse to even stock the game.
2. They have such a level of intense violence or brutal theme's that it's in my mind as bad as playing games that involve sex. And subjecting someone to that violent of games could make them think of it as casual things, not to be horrified about, but something that happens like it's nothing.
4. For the who cares part, game companies care, bacause since they don't have stores stocking up on their game (i've actualy tried to locate a copy of postal and I could only find it in Poland, where they didn't give the game a rating), they will lose alot of money and they get very bad media coverage, For example, I looked at the ratings for the Postal series and they get 1's or 0 ratings just because it's too violent and therefore must be suppressed. Because of that happening it completly rules out the option for making a game that violent and in my mind supresses ideas for games that might otherwise be successful.
16,287 posts

2. They have such a level of intense violence or brutal theme's that it's in my mind as bad as playing games that involve sex. And subjecting someone to that violent of games could make them think of it as casual things, not to be horrified about, but something that happens like it's nothing.

i'm a huge gamer i think i need to voice my opinion

bro i've been playing doom when i was four and playing violent games still today, i still haven't had a thought of actually taking a gun/knife/weapon and using it, that crap is scary, it's better to release tension by blowing someones head off in a video-game in the most gruesome way imaginable than doing it at school
1,606 posts

bro i've been playing doom when i was four and playing violent games still today, i still haven't had a thought of actually taking a gun/knife/weapon and using it, that crap is scary, it's better to release tension by blowing someones head off in a video-game in the most gruesome way imaginable than doing it at school

I can see your point, but thats not the games I'm talking about, I'm talking about games like Postal and Heavy Rain or Manhunt and Thrill Kill. The reason why I add Thrill Kill is it's very suggestive themes, and also because of its high violence, as it was considered back then, not many people recognize it as the first 3D co op fighter game.
16,287 posts

I can see your point, but thats not the games I'm talking about, I'm talking about games like Postal and Heavy Rain or Manhunt and Thrill Kill. The reason why I add Thrill Kill is it's very suggestive themes, and also because of its high violence, as it was considered back then, not many people recognize it as the first 3D co op fighter game.

those are bad, but hell it's the parents fault if a child gets his hands on that.
1,606 posts

The reason why I add Thrill Kill is it's very suggestive themes, and also because of its high violence, as it was considered back then, not many people recognize it as the first 3D co op fighter game.

lemme rephrase that since it is elegable to even me XD.
The reason why I add Thrill Kill is it's very suggestive themes, and also because of its high violence (as it was considered back then) not many people recognize it as the first 3D co op fighter game. So that adds to my reasons why we should have a in btwn m and a rating
1,606 posts

those are bad, but hell it's the parents fault if a child gets his hands on that.

How would they know if it's bad? They assume they already allow their kids to play M games, s how much worse can this one be? They have their own problems to think about so another rating would help them decifer which games their children should play, or they would go like my parents, knowing that the M rating is so loosley based, they will bann all M games, and I find that quite unfair.
16,287 posts

How would they know if it's bad? They assume they already allow their kids to play M games, s how much worse can this one be? They have their own problems to think about so another rating would help them decifer which games their children should play, or they would go like my parents,

well that's why they go into more detail on the back of the game

knowing that the M rating is so loosley based, they will bann all M games, and I find that quite unfair.

i probably would go postal if that happened
34 posts

Well I read this story awhile back of a man who shot and killed his mother, because she made him stop playing WOW. At the same time, the same can be said about road rage. I read another story about a guy who was so mad that someone cut him off that at a red light he got out of his car and shot the person who cut him off.

However, I will say that your environment has a lot to do with your actions. Little Billy might not go shoot his school up just from losing to someone on Call of Duty, but he will most likely get aggravated which in turn may make him snap at his brother. Either way there is still some sort of violence or hatred there regardless of the degree.

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