ForumsWEPRDo Video Games really cause people to go kill everyone.

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789 posts

Many instances of school shootings, bombings, or killing is often pointed at video games as the cause, but is it really their fault? Just because a game allows you to kill civilians does not mean that someone will want to do it, I have recently had a discussion with a friend who saw on the news that the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, was to blame for the recent Russian bombing because the game has a level where you are able to kill civilians in a Russian airport. [url=]

The video games that allowing innocent killing does not mean they support it. How a person is raised and treated growing up is why they would even consider this, which most kids have enough commen sense to know, you cannot "restart" or "respond" in life. I strongly disagree to the idea that video games are the cause of most killings today.

  • 218 Replies
159 posts

I agree with you 100 percent but what I'm saying is that video games can, but rarely, drive a person's emotions to kill. That is, if they are that severely handicapped.

3,371 posts

Yes, yes they can. They could definitly get someone fired up right before he goes on to thinking about the real thing.

159 posts

Yeah, right before the real thing, or build up inside him/her for years laying dormant inside until it blows.

1,434 posts

And this topic rises again. And I must bring the power of Mjonlir's truth to battle.

Yes, yes they can. They could definitly get someone fired up right before he goes on to thinking about the real thing.

So can a lot of things. Jumping jacks, exercise in general actually, even eating a bunch of food really fast or slamming your head against a wall or listening to some intense music could get someone fired-up. I get fired up from slamming my head against the wall >8^D

But in all seriousness, Games are there for enjoyment. I've often stated this, but the reason games are so much fun is because they stretch reality to its farthest limits. I mean, when in real life will, when you're hurtling back down to earth, you can zip TOWARDS THE GROUND USING A WRIST-MOUNTED GRAPPLING HOOK and take NO DAMAGE. (Just Cause 2) Games are fun because I can shoot that guy, its something I normally couldn't do without severe consequences, its an escape. If you're stupid enough to think that a game is telling you to go kill people, then you're setting the evolutionary progress pack a few clicks, and must be eliminated.

789 posts

But in all seriousness, Games are there for enjoyment. I've often stated this, but the reason games are so much fun is because they stretch reality to its farthest limits. I mean, when in real life will, when you're hurtling back down to earth, you can zip TOWARDS THE GROUND USING A WRIST-MOUNTED GRAPPLING HOOK and take NO DAMAGE. (Just Cause 2) Games are fun because I can shoot that guy, its something I normally couldn't do without severe consequences, its an escape. If you're stupid enough to think that a game is telling you to go kill people, then you're setting the evolutionary progress pack a few clicks, and must be eliminated.


The thing with this though, I don't know if it's because I've played video games a lot, or it's the reason I play video games, but I find reality boring, no this isn't going to make me want to do exactly what is in a video game like killing people, but I do enjoy thrill and crazy flips and stuff (like parkor) which is easily obtained and exaggerated for thrill in a video game.
1,482 posts

Look -- I'm a big fan of stuff like Zombies in BlackOps. I've also held a gun. No where in that period did I have a desire to continuously shoot bullets at a target inhumanely [As I do to Zombies] even after literally trashing it.

Also, most games don't involve. 'Look. There's a human. Shoot'.
They follow a story line, give good plots, and give the character a reason as to what is going and and why they are doing what they have done. If they are maniacs that like to kill people, it is likely that there is a good guy around that's nice, or that it is plainfully obvious the person is not in their right mind. I don't think any of this is intentionally done to teach kids not to turn into raging killers, but it just happens because it really is the only way to make a game. To enhance the thrill, you have to exaggerate real life. You can't make a game where you see a normal civilian and shoot him, because after about 5 minutes your going to wonder why on earth you are doing this, that doesn't make sense.

1,824 posts

I own a gun, but have felt absolutely no desire to use it on anyone, even those I hate most. I also play a fair bit video games. I like Infamous, because you can go around randomly and kill people. But it has no ties to my life.

1,824 posts

Now now, Kitty. I don't have an armory... yet :-)

1,824 posts

Mmmm. I concur. Also, that silly clone wars series really likes guns. And it's made for 6-10 year olds!

879 posts

But the real problem is the fact that people actually HAVE access to guns.

I have an assault rifle under my bed but I don't go on a killing spree.
3,139 posts

Fifteen pages of posts so i'll just give my opinion rather than join in on the argument.

I think video games can be a factor, but not the sole reason.
A lot of people have the tendacies, however it's violent video games and movies that might introduce them to the methods needed.
It tends to be an argument fueled towards young people although authorities have made connections between video games and murders in adults. (For example the McCoy and the game Getaway)
There has also been arguments that video games introduce the pleasure of killing to young people. Well, the pleasure of crime in general. Apparently games in which you have to thug-kill (Not for your country, army games but the likes of grand theft auto) and gain rewards for doing so can delusion people into thinking they will be rewarded in real life. It's true that this argument is taken way too far, Jack Thompson who researches in this field even suggests that the vibrations on a console controller can add to the pleasure factor of killing someone in a video game.

So do video games really cause people to go kill everyone? No, but they can affect someones mind when they are having thoughts about murder. Then again, so can movies, tv shows, other people. Everything can influence someone if they don't have control over themselves.

102 posts

I disagree. Access to weapons is not what causes people to go on a murderous rampage, video games are not the cause either.
If we banned the civilian population from owning guns, that would be a very bad and debilitating thing. Why? Think about it. Owning a gun would be breaking the law. And who would not care if they broke the law? Criminals, the people who we actually don't want to own guns. And who would care if they broke the law? Law-abiding citizens, the people who we do want to own guns. Basically, if we make it against the law to own guns, we are taking guns away from the civilian population so that they cannot defend themselves, and making it so that only law enforcement(who are sometimes corrupt), military(who can also be corrupt), and criminals have access to weapons. I do not think that is fair, nor do I think that is a good idea. And if we banned guns from popular society, in movies, etc. then they would just use other, equally violent, things. It doesn't matter if they're beating someone to death with a piece of rebar or shooting them in the head with a Colt .45, violent movies are always going to exist, and they're always going to be violent. If you take away the rebar, they'll just bite people in the neck, or break their nose, or something. My point is, you cannot remove violence from society. It would be a massive waste of time and money even to try. There are plenty of people who go and watch violent movies, play violent video games, and don't turn into school-shooting serial killers. Those school-shooting serial killers are the exception to the rule, and the reason you think correlation = causation is because they're the only ones you hear about. You guys really need to stop watching so many Michael Moore documentaries.
And now this brings me to what I believe really is the cause of most school shootings: not any movie, video game, book, or any other fictitious universe. I present to you the theory that there are many things that can cause someone to snap and go berserk, killing innocent people. Here are the three reasons that I find to be the most plausible or commonplace.
1) Mental imbalance. They had some sort of chemical imbalance in the brain, a mental disorder, etc.
2) Bullied. They were tormented by a group of people at school or even at work, and decided to take their revenge.
3) Unhappy home/childhoood. They had parents who neglected or abused them, they were poor, etc.
There are other possibilities like these, but I think you get the point.
In my opinion, what we need to do as a society is, when the children go missing in the dead of night, stop blaming the scary-looking bogeyman, and start looking for the escaped convict who has put on a facade. That means stop taking the easy road out, and stop blaming the scapegoat. Sometimes the media instigates a moral panic, and sometimes the politicians are really just that stupid. In the in the 1970s it was heavy metal, in the 1980s it was Dungeons and Dragons, in the 1990s it was satanic cults, and now, it's violent video games(and Arabs, on occasion). All of these things are completely ridiculous, and none of them address the real problem. Murderers existed long before any of these things were even thought of, and they have and will continue to exist long after these things go out of style. Because murderers are caused by mental imbalances, anger(caused by torment dealt to them by other people), and depression. These three things will never go out of style. We need to stop blaming cultural scapegoats for our problems and trying to limit them, and instead try and create a more nurturing environment where human beings can be treated as such by other human beings. A violent, unhappy environment in real life is what creates murderers, not a violent, unhappy environment on TV or in a video game.

789 posts

3) Unhappy home/childhoood. They had parents who neglected or abused them, they were poor, etc.
There are other possibilities like these, but I think you get the point.

I agree with this, parents who neglect, or in short don't even raise them with morals a person will be able to do many things horrifying to some, that are nothing but simple actions to him/her
248 posts

What did people blame massacres on before video games were invented?

3,139 posts

Video games were created in what? Like 1952 or something.
So before that they could use war as an excuse, religion, anti-semistism, tribe fueds, history with their parents, mental illness, making the world a better place.
Things that people continue to use as an excuse.

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