ForumsWEPRWestern Medicine?

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2,420 posts

I read a few things about how Tylenol works and apparently, it only treats the symptoms of high fevers.

It lowers your body temperature, but that is bad actually since your body's response to the bacteria, so it can kill it.

I also read that almost all sources of headaches are because you brain is dehydrated. It contracts, causing the headache. If you just drink a glass of water, you stop the headache.

Tylenol only stops the message that your brain is dehydrated, but it actually does more harm, unless you take Tylenol with a glass of water.

  • 29 Replies
2,420 posts

What I am trying to say is, is it possible that Western Medicine really doesn't work? I mean, a hundred years ago, we used leeches to suck the virus out of your blood. Is it possible that Tylenol is our leech?

9,504 posts

And now for one of my favorite Bash quotes that goes in hand with this thread sorta:

2000 BC : "eat this root"
1200 AD : "That root is heathen, say this prayer."
1500 AD : "That prayer is superstition, drink this elixir."
1800 AD : "That elixir is snake oil, Take this pill."
1900 AD : "That pill is ineffective, Take this antibiotic."
2000 AD : "That antibiotic is artificial, Here why don't you eat this root?"

Tylenol is an early OTC medication anyway. There are other "medicines" such as Dimetap that are being challenged for being ineffective and otherwise detrimental. You gotta take OTC medicines with a pinch of salt and not rely on them or believe that they will actually work. Most of it only soothes or temporarily treats your symptoms.

*waits for Strop for a definitive answer*

9,821 posts

That's why acetominophen is a pain reliever and a fever reducer. You're misunderstanding the purpose of the medication - it's not supposed to actually remedy the problem, only cover it up. We don't use tylenol to actually *cure* these conditions because that's not what they're for. Western medicine works exactly as intended, and even if it didn't, the presence of a single imperfect drug wouldn't invalidate the entire school of medicine.

1,448 posts

Of the several objections I could give, I will start off with this one - you've only given one example, and a non-conclusive one. Your argument is akin to saying that "we used to believe the Earth was the center of the solar system, why should we believe the Sun is?"

Furthermore, for the vast majority of human history, the life expectancy has hovered around 30-40. Now, it's 70, because of antibiotics, vaccination, and other things which have almost wiped out many previously dangerous infections, such as smallpox. We have new treatments for the previously untreatable. Western medicine is supported by a clear impact on the life expectancy, which demonstrates it is incredibly effective: much more so than other medications throughout human history.

1,322 posts

It lowers your body temperature, but that is bad actually since your body's response to the bacteria, so it can kill it.

the white blood cells and other related cells do well enough on their own. Your temp can get high enough to, for lack of a better term, cook yourself. You can damage your body moreso w/ a high temp then what the actual problem would do w/o the temp. The lowering of the temperature and masking of the other side effects just makes you feel like your not sick during the period that you're actually sick so your body fixes itself and you don't have to feel bad... did that make sense?

there are other treatments that do more in the way of correcting the source as opposed to just the side effects.
1,448 posts

Your temp can get high enough to, for lack of a better term, cook yourself.

Yes, if your body gets above 105 degrees Fahrenheit, the proteins can denature, and you can seize.
1,322 posts

Yes, if your body gets above 105 degrees Fahrenheit, the proteins can denature, and you can seize.

so we're in agreement that as an antipyretic Tylenol can save lives and not just be there to make you feel better while ur body corrects the problem?

i think i remember things like brain damage and heart valves becoming more rigid can happen from fever too...
2,420 posts

That's why acetominophen is a pain reliever and a fever reducer. You're misunderstanding the purpose of the medication - it's not supposed to actually remedy the problem, only cover it up. We don't use tylenol to actually *cure* these conditions because that's not what they're for. Western medicine works exactly as intended, and even if it didn't, the presence of a single imperfect drug wouldn't invalidate the entire school of medicine.

I said it covers up the symptoms, such as high fever and headaches, but it really doesn't help.

Also, I am just calling out two things, not all of Western Medicine. There are thousands of medical advances made, but this is just one that takes a leap back.

Tylenol is aspirin, something I have made in my chem class.
First you need salicylic acid, then you render it down and crystallize it, then dry it out.

salicylic acid is found in the bark of willow trees. Hence willow bark tea was a common treatment amongst the native americans to reduce high fever and lessen mild aches and pains.
Even Hippocrates in ancient Greece noted the bitter powder helped to reduce fever and arthritis.

Tylenol is used for treatment in arthritis, various derivatesof the acid is used to ease joint and muscle aches.

If you have a mild fever, it can be used to help reduce it. The most common use is headaches due to it's effect on the vascular system.

True, but this doesn't really apply.

Of the several objections I could give, I will start off with this one - you've only given one example, and a non-conclusive one. Your argument is akin to saying that "we used to believe the Earth was the center of the solar system, why should we believe the Sun is?"

I see the connection you drew, but it isn't exactly true. I am saying that Tylenol could be compared to early antibiotics. People were prescribing them to prevent diseases, but it actually did nothing. They only evolved.

Furthermore, for the vast majority of human history, the life expectancy has hovered around 30-40. Now, it's 70, because of antibiotics, vaccination, and other things which have almost wiped out many previously dangerous infections, such as smallpox. We have new treatments for the previously untreatable. Western medicine is supported by a clear impact on the life expectancy, which demonstrates it is incredibly effective: much more so than other medications throughout human history.

I am not calling out Western Medicine, but Tylenol. I guess I should've made the thread about Tylenol more than anything.
1,448 posts

I am not calling out Western Medicine, but Tylenol.

Ah, I see - but Tylenol should not be considered an antibiotic - it only treats symptoms - it does not kill bacteria. It can be very useful in certain situations, but you seem to be attacking it for something that it does not claim to do.
1,322 posts

tylenol does what it claims to do. I'm not sure what it is that you're getting at. its purpose isn't to fix... but to make you feel as if its fixed.

3,817 posts

Your argument is flawed. Using your logic, Morphine and other pain killers are useless, do the the fact they do not actually heal the wound, only making it so the wound is less painful. Once more, it is not a treatment, just a painkiller.

4,005 posts

What I am trying to say is, is it possible that Western Medicine really doesn't work? I mean, a hundred years ago, we used leeches to suck the virus out of your blood. Is it possible that Tylenol is our leech?

In short, no. The positive effects of ASA are widely known and have been for some time now. Certainly there are other drugs which are more effective in certain instances, but ASA does exactly what it's supposed to do. It reduces inflammation, acts as a local pain killer, reduces high fever (which can often be damaging or even fatal) and greatly decreases the risk of myocardial infarction.

Let's look at your two primary complaints:

It lowers your body temperature, but that is bad actually since your body's response to the bacteria, so it can kill it.

While it is true that the body uses fever to combat infection, high and/or prolonged fever can actually damage the brain and heart. Medications like ASA are used to reduce fever and prevent such damage.

I also read that almost all sources of headaches are because you brain is dehydrated. It contracts, causing the headache. If you just drink a glass of water, you stop the headache.

Tylenol only stops the message that your brain is dehydrated, but it actually does more harm, unless you take Tylenol with a glass of water.

Certainly many cases of headache are due to dehydration. However replacing that lost fluid can often take hours to cause a noticeable reduction in pain, where as a medication like ASA takes effect in as little as 20-30 minutes. I don't know about you, but when I have a headache I don't want to wait 3-4 hours for it to go away.

As for doing more harm, I don't quite understand that claim. If we are asserting that headaches are due to dehydration then the only way for ASA to actually "do more harm" would be if it were a diuretic, which (to my knowledge) it is not.
9,821 posts

I said it covers up the symptoms, such as high fever and headaches, but it really doesn't help.

Well, it's not designed to help. It is not tylenol's job to help. Tylenol is meant to cover things up. That is the purpose of the medication. There are other medications that are meant to help.
66 posts

2000 BC : "eat this root"
1200 AD : "That root is heathen, say this prayer."
1500 AD : "That prayer is superstition, drink this elixir."
1800 AD : "That elixir is snake oil, Take this pill."
1900 AD : "That pill is ineffective, Take this antibiotic."
2000 AD : "That antibiotic is artificial, Here why don't you eat this root?"

they use this quote every year for mandatory multicultural diversity training, i hate you for reminding me of it

2,420 posts

Ah, I see - but Tylenol should not be considered an antibiotic - it only treats symptoms - it does not kill bacteria. It can be very useful in certain situations, but you seem to be attacking it for something that it does not claim to do.


[quote]tylenol does what it claims to do. I'm not sure what it is that you're getting at. its purpose isn't to fix... but to make you feel as if its fixed.

My point is, why do people use it, when it really harms you?

Your argument is flawed. Using your logic, Morphine and other pain killers are useless, do the the fact they do not actually heal the wound, only making it so the wound is less painful. Once more, it is not a treatment, just a painkiller.

Tylenol is a painkiller that actually does more harm to you. Not so sure about morphine.

Well, it's not designed to help. It is not tylenol's job to help. Tylenol is meant to cover things up. That is the purpose of the medication. There are other medications that are meant to help.

I know it is not designed to help, it is designed to kill the pain, but if it does you more harm, then it really does you more harm.

The only reason I made this thread is because I have been recently ill, and I haven't been taking any medicine, but I only ate soups and drank lots of water. I was fine and dandy, as if I was never sick, in two days. Usually, when taking medicine, it takes me almost a week.

Now, this could be because antibiotics don't have the same effect on me as other people, or I am just a rare case (both of which, I doubt), but I honestly do not think that antibiotics are not good for me, nor are they good for anyone else.
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