ForumsWEPRStalin's Gulags

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In the Gulags, people were forced to work, given very little food, and were taken in, sometimes just upon suspicion that you were a threat to Communism. They were random, indiscriminate, and killed far more people than Hitler's camps.

Why is it that Stalin killed about three times more people than Hitler, yet not very many people know about it? I have heard some say that it is the way they were killed, but at the same time, both were similar. Many people died just from diseases and starvation. Gas chambers, you could say, are the only thing that you can claim make Hitler's camps worse.

Both were horrific, but one gets much more attention. I mean, quality over quantity, but the quality has very minute differences.

The only thing I can think of, that makes the Holocaust more famous (not worse), than Stalin's holocaust, and that is the Iron Curtain.

Hell, we only found out about Hitler's Camps after 1945, when the war was over. The Iron Curtain separated all of the USSR from the world. Why does the Iron Curtain have such a big impact, since we found out about both after they had caused so much destruction, and after the countries were "defeated."

  • 29 Replies
626 posts

Why is it that Stalin killed about three times more people than Hitler, yet not very many people know about it?

Thats a very good question.. maybe its because hitler mainly targeted one particular group of people to kill, and stalin just kinda threw criminals and political opponents into work camps... the goal wasnt to kill them, it just happened
2,420 posts

Thats a very good question.. maybe its because hitler mainly targeted one particular group of people to kill, and stalin just kinda threw criminals and political opponents into work camps... the goal wasnt to kill them, it just happened

Well yes, but the Jews have been around for millennia and have been oppressed for millennia. They have been persecuted before. Why is it that all of a sudden, when people start killing Jews again, people go mad? Plus, it wasn't just Jews. It was gay, old, mentally disabled, gypsy, black, Asian, and Hispanic men.
2,420 posts

Pardon me. I meant to include that Stalin, in total, killed three times as many people. The Gulags only killed about three million, but Stalin killed many more.

1,255 posts

I meant to include that Stalin, in total, killed three times as many people. The Gulags only killed about three million, but Stalin killed many more.

So this man personally went around and shot people through the forhead? I think not. The man himself did not kill that many people. His actions did. Which begs the question. How can one man, in his actions, kill more than three million people? I think it is because everyone, on the planet, is looking out for number one. We can't band together and stand up for anything, because we figure it may kill us next. Why have that mentality? Fight, and if you die, die knowing your cause won, just because it had no chance of failing.

Anyway, sorry for the off topic.

Hitler was publicized more, simply because we were in a war with the guy, and had to come up with some really good propaganda for people to want to fight. We did this by raising awareness of how he was mistreating people and destroying lives.

Another aspect of it may be because at the time of Stalin, we were either fighting with him, or in the cold war. Stalin go away with it all, because we didn't want to go to the USSR to find out what was going on, because, like mentioned earlier, humans are to afraid of death. If we did anything to piss off the USSR, we were going into a major war with them, that may end up destroying the world. The same holds true today. We have a peace with Russia, but if we screw it up, we will have some major fallout on out hands. Literally.
1,448 posts

So this man personally went around and shot people through the forhead? I think not.

No! Even in this case, he didn't kill people directly. The bullet did.

Name a situation in which people can actually kill someone and NOT their actions killing them.
1,707 posts

Hitler was publicized more, simply because we were in a war with the guy

Rediculous at the beggining of the second world war Stalin allied himself with Hitler. So really they should've been publicized the same. So I doubt it was just because we were at war with the guy that he got the attention. And as you said the Jews were prosecuted for a millenia, so Hitler starting to prosecute them shouldn't of gotten that much attention... So that can't be why more people know of Hitler more than Stalin. It also can't be because of Russias bombs, because in the beggining of the war Russia didn't have the power to destroy everyone. Couldn't be because of that, that people know mroe about Hitler and not Stalin.

It's because Hitler invented the Panzer tank that people know more about him.
2,420 posts

So this man personally went around and shot people through the forhead? I think not. The man himself did not kill that many people. His actions did. Which begs the question. How can one man, in his actions, kill more than three million people? I think it is because everyone, on the planet, is looking out for number one. We can't band together and stand up for anything, because we figure it may kill us next. Why have that mentality? Fight, and if you die, die knowing your cause won, just because it had no chance of failing.

His actions did, if you want to get technical and be a smartass.

Hitler was publicized more, simply because we were in a war with the guy, and had to come up with some really good propaganda for people to want to fight. We did this by raising awareness of how he was mistreating people and destroying lives.

I don't necessarily agree with you, but the USSR was our ally. Maybe we just didn't want to face the truth, but at the same time, we had no way of knowing Stalin was murdering millions of people. There was no truth to face, at the time.

Another aspect of it may be because at the time of Stalin, we were either fighting with him, or in the cold war. Stalin go away with it all, because we didn't want to go to the USSR to find out what was going on, because, like mentioned earlier, humans are to afraid of death. If we did anything to piss off the USSR, we were going into a major war with them, that may end up destroying the world. The same holds true today. We have a peace with Russia, but if we screw it up, we will have some major fallout on out hands. Literally.

Stalin was before the Cold War. Patton wanted to go to war with the USSR while we were still in Europe.

It's because Hitler invented the Panzer tank that people know more about him.

The British invented the tank. The Germans perfected the tank. Hitler used the perfected tank. Perfected tank gets owned by British tank. Problem?
1,707 posts

The British invented the tank. The Germans perfected the tank. Hitler used the perfected tank. Perfected tank gets owned by British tank. Problem?

Ok then people know more of Hitler because his people made the perfect Panzer tank. It was a joke jeez, I don't need to know who made the tank, I just know that it's a badazz tank that rocks.

Now is that a picture of me? I think it is, I see my reflection in it's being
2,420 posts

Ok then people know more of Hitler because his people made the perfect Panzer tank. It was a joke jeez, I don't need to know who made the tank, I just know that it's a badazz tank that rocks.

He made a perfected tank.

Now is that a picture of me? I think it is, I see my reflection in it's being

Trollface. It is the ultimate meme.
116 posts

stalin wasn't in an alliance with hitler they had a none agression pact.
stalin didn't only arrest criminal or political opp. he made the militia arrest anyone who was retorted as traitor. there were numberous nationalities in the northen caucasus that were deported into kazhakstan desert, simply because they were suspected.
-off topic comment: stalin was a paranoid crazy old man. before he joined the communist party he was a criminal himself.

the reason why stalin and his atrositices weren't criticised is simply. ussr was a valuable asset during the war, and after the war was a great military force. (no northen wanted to have a problem with them) but in my personal opinion europe and the usa were to weaked and had to rebuild themselfs so they didn't care much about things that happened elsewhere, plus the times were different then, other govr. were minding their own business.

2,420 posts

the reason why stalin and his atrositices weren't criticised is simply. ussr was a valuable asset during the war, and after the war was a great military force. (no northen wanted to have a problem with them) but in my personal opinion europe and the usa were to weaked and had to rebuild themselfs so they didn't care much about things that happened elsewhere, plus the times were different then, other govr. were minding their own business.

They didn't know about the Gulags until much after. My question is, why is it that Stalin didn't get as much attention. Is it because that happened forty years before they found out?
178 posts

Well, Hitler started a war, Hitler hated races, Stalin hated enemys of communism, which could be anyone. And Hitler had a funny moustache.

2,420 posts

Well, Hitler started a war, Hitler hated races, Stalin hated enemys of communism, which could be anyone. And Hitler had a funny moustache.

Both of their mustaches were common for their era and culture.
178 posts

Kevin, I know, im just saying to to add comical relief.

2,420 posts

Kevin, I know, im just saying to to add comical relief.

Not necessary.
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