Why is America so arrogant? We who live in America think that all our ideas are the best, our way of living is great for everyone and that anyone who doesn't do it our way, should. Then we decide to go over to the Eastern world that is dominated by a primarily Muslim culture, and decide to take a government that isn't run by a religion and force it onto those that are. America recreated Israel. Then we decide that going over to Iraq and taking out their leader and trying to impose our way of life on them was a good idea. We live in a perminant state of hate and misunderstanding between our counterparts in the Eastern world, and we don't care. Americans think that since we have the best way of life, that everyone should follow our example if they want to prosper. Oh, wait, we are running on China's money, our banks are to stupid to understand money, and we decide to bail out giant motor vehicle companies, because we can. It seems to me that we don't really have any clue as to what makes a country prosper. We keep barely getting by on the seat of our pants, and then we have the gaul to try to force our ideas, morals and culture on a completly different civilization.
Why do we do that? What conceviable reason is there for the US to try to force it's failing way of life on another part of the globe.
Oh, this discussion was started in my English class today...
Okay, so us trying to impose our ideas on a world that can't accept them under its own law, is directly tied to oil.
Don't get me wrong, that is definetly a huge part of it, but there has to be something more to it than that. Otherwise we wouldn't have gone over there and recreated a country that no one over there wanted. That really makes them want to give us oil cheaper, doesn't it? /sarcasm
What conceviable reason is there for the US to try to force it's failing way of life on another part of the globe.
Hmm...let my try to tackle this.
First, your challenge is stated in such a way that would already suggest that we are imposing a failed way on another part of the globe.
In what way is it failed? In answering this question, put the underlying reasons of the failure - NOT examples. Deductive, not inductive reasoning, is the only way to answer this question. The underlying ideological reason for the collapse is what I'm looking for.
Every superpower ever existing has had some stake in Asia, not just the US.
Okay, true. So far, however, no one has been so arrogant, in modern years, as to go over there and overthrow their very way of life. Rome, maybe, but that wasn't recently and look at what happened to them.
Rome, maybe, but that wasn't recently and look at what happened to them.
Ruled for thousands of years? I seem to recall the Spheres of Influence European nations made in china and africa at this time during the age of imperialism.
They don't. Have you ever been to the Middle East? Thats right, no. The USA is on PeaceKeeping missions and oil pumping in the Middle East, but not culture mission trips or anything like that. Though I do agree the American way of doing things may be failing.
Okay, true. So far, however, no one has been so arrogant, in modern years, as to go over there and overthrow their very way of life. Rome, maybe, but that wasn't recently and look at what happened to them.
Britain started at least six confrontations with Asia and in Cambodia, they have French mines. We have only been in Asia three times. Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf and Iraqi War.
No, America should not, and is not, were "ayed police" in a way. Look at Berma and Sudan, no one is helping them eh?
This may be because those places are in extreme unrest. In the case of Sudan, civil war has been raging for years, and recently the southern part of Sudan seceded and became a country.