as you may or may not know depending on were you come from David Cameron the English Prime Minster is running our country into the ground and deep down under. He has risen the VAT up from 17.5% to 22% putting the cost of living up by 4%. Even thought he admited in his running campagian that the VAT was too much alreday. He is sqeezing the country for everything it has and making the poor even more poor and the rich not so rich anymore. He wants to pay of Englands 4 Billions Pound debt all at once when the Labour party had a plan of how to pay it off without killing of the country. Recently he has also scapred the commison for young people to go to Collage/University funding casusing roits all around the country even some stundents braking in 10 Downing Street. He has also put the benifets lower for familys, OAPS, non-workers and people with Disabillites. Put your comments of what you think of this act Mr. Cameron is preforming and if you think it is the right movement to get the country out off debt or not.
I'm not very familiar with what's going on in England and the politics over there. So let's see if I can learn a thing or two.
From what you said, David Cameron is trying to pay off some of England's debt. He's also trying to cut government spending it seems.
He is sqeezing the country for everything it has and making the poor even more poor and the rich not so rich anymore.
Let me start here. Government programs cost money. The government gets the money for these programs from the people. The people may have so much money today, but eventually someone will have to work some of that money off. The longer the debt is ignored and the more it is built up, the more skewed the market becomes.
So is it fair to criticize Cameron for trying to pay off the country's debts? Possibly, possibly not. Let's continue.
Recently he has also scapred the commison for young people to go to Collage/University funding casusing roits all around the country
The government can't afford to pay for these students to go to college. If the government continued to pay as much money for the students as they were, eventually the money being spent would have to be made up, which would result in much higher taxes in the future. It sounds as if Cameron understands this, and as a way to prevent rising taxes in the future, he decided to cut the government spending. I actually believe the government should stop spending money on the students all together, but that's a moral issue that I don't care to get into right now.
So why did Cameron raise taxes anyway? He cut government spending, so why raise the taxes? As said in the OP, he seems to be paying off as much of the debt as possible as fast as possible. Of course it is possible that he's raising taxes because the government is still spending too much.
when the Labour party had a plan of how to pay it off without killing of the country.
I'm curious as to what their plan is/was. Everyone has a plan to pay off future debt. Even Obama has a plan to cut America's debt, and his solution is to spend more money! Silly Obama.
I know nothing about Cameron. I am merely expressing my opinion to what was written within the OP.
David Cameron was the only person to even have a full plan to cut the deficit and it had to involve cuts. Labour planned to ignore it and hope it went away. For once this country seems to be going in the right direction again.
When you complain about the problems that England is having money wise, it would be a good idea to look across the ocean at America and realize that your Pound is somewhere in the ballpark of Two Dollars stronger than the US dollar.
I'm a fan of the Labour Party in England, and since David Cameron is from the Conservative party, I can't really say I prefer him. I just hope that Parliament can reorganize again and try to let the Labour Party hold a majority.
When you complain about the problems that England is having money wise, it would be a good idea to look across the ocean at America and realize that your Pound is somewhere in the ballpark of Two Dollars stronger than the US dollar.
Just sayin...
I believe 1 pound is worth about 1.60 dollars, more or less. Anyway, you can't compare two countries purely by the value of their dollar. One way to decrease the value of your currency is to print more of it.
Just sayin...
David Cameron was the only person to even have a full plan to cut the deficit and it had to involve cuts. Labour planned to ignore it and hope it went away. For once this country seems to be going in the right direction again.
Labour party is left wing economically with some right wing policies on terrorism and other issues. Conservatives are right wing econmically but have left wing policies on some issues. Lib dems are completly left wing and pro Europe. (right wing in UK is around the same as left wing in USA)
From what you said, David Cameron is trying to pay off some of England's debt. He's also trying to cut government spending it seems.
Cameron has not actully stopped the Goverment spending me personlly have noticed he is spending money himself he is just basicing his actions around him he was going to charge people for having 4 or more children until his wife fell pregnent and had his own fourth child. Politics have been owning around 4 houses but how can they afford this because they are cutting into what our tax payers are giving the Goverment.
So why did Cameron raise taxes anyway? He cut government spending, so why raise the taxes? As said in the OP, he seems to be paying off as much of the debt as possible as fast as possible. Of course it is possible that he's raising taxes because the government is still spending too much.
But the way he is doing it is wrong sure you think paying it as soon as possible is good but by putting the VAT up 4.5% (making the cost of living go up 4%) and England made it offical the VAT cannont be lowerd, but you think he is trying to pay it all off at once, he has said that the soilders in the armed forces are to be paid even more when they are alreday paid £16,500 a week for fighting in Afkanistan forcing the Goverment to dip into the money or O.A.P's and for people with Disabillitys. He is telling people to go out and get jobs but how can they if they can't get the correct qualifications to get a job? He is now making people do community service who have left school and have no job and what are they earning? Nothing at all not even the natinol minimum wage of 4.50. The way he is doing it is just wrong. He was also going to lower the money non-workers get to pay the rent on there houses. Fortunley these plans have been scraped as many people would have to take to the streets. He has put everything up the VAT, the cost of Living, Petrol, Food, even you needs which are supposed to be uneffcted by tax! He made all promises when he was running to be elected for the Prime Minster and he has done the oppisite of every one of them, if you lived in England you would see what the problem was. It may sound good but he is making people live on nothing