Hello, i am just reserving here a post, i am osan and i love making reviews and walkthroughs, and my first here in AG will be a full walkthrough and review, this is just reserved (i will edit this post when game is out)
i am thinking of puting images and strategies, plus suggestions and other thins, but if you want any (please not a video) specific thing just tell me and i will work on that
Would anyone know how to get the "Kill a swarm monster having at least an initial armor of 40"? I've tried doing swarms on unlimited with the increase armor level checked but it ends up being too difficult and I die before reaching a swarm monster with 40 armor. I usually die when the armor is only at 33.
I can't find any good discussion about the effectiveness of amplifying gems. The question is, how many gems must be connected to the amplifier to make it advantageous.
The best would be to connect all 8 surrounding spaces to an amplifier, because then we get 8 times the effect of let's say our yellow amplifier. However, if only 3 gems are connected, the yellow gem only is three times as effective. So the yellow gem might be more useful shooting enemies, than amplifying just 3 gems.
The question is, when does the amplifying (passive) effect of the yellow gem exceed its shooting (active) effect.
Did you notice "amplification ratio"? More towers around amplifier=less effect of amplification. Practically, summary amplification will be 8*30%, which more than 1*100%. But amplifier transfer 18% of gem stats. So, when you build 8 towers around amplifier, your overall bonus < 3 amplifiers around tower. And you need A LOT more mana on gems. Overall this work only with low-level swarm waves. In all other cases better to have 1 tower + 8 amplifiers to do 1 hit-kills.
Gem get from amplifier only part of specials, damage and speed. If you can do only same grade gems, do 2 towers.(amplifier cost way more). Then build "castle" TAT ATA TAT T-tower, A-amplifier. On highest levels 1 tower with amplifiers will be enough. Most part of the game you will win with grade 6 in tower /grade 4 in amplifiers.
Without premium you can't get amulets "reach 100 wave". Other challenges is matter of level. Easiest - deal XXX damage(i got them all during simple opening fields), then - "raw max damage"(you need high "resonance", now at M2 i activate this amulet with wild gem), then "reach max mana"(you need to learn how to set manafarm) Killing 7000 monsters doable but hard(you need perfect mana farm, double amount+ "swarm only" and a lot of angering).