Hello, i am just reserving here a post, i am osan and i love making reviews and walkthroughs, and my first here in AG will be a full walkthrough and review, this is just reserved (i will edit this post when game is out)
i am thinking of puting images and strategies, plus suggestions and other thins, but if you want any (please not a video) specific thing just tell me and i will work on that
Tower with 5x damage: 29 amped by 27s with fewer than say up to 3 entrances, higher resonance can be lower. Trap maybe a little less. With 1.8x damage I needed to go up to 32 amped by 28s on a 4 entrance map.
On further thought, much lower to "make it through." I generally think in terms of set up for ~70 waves (more like 150 for the time I did it with 2k skill points), then click send all and come back in 20 minutes.
I was able to figure out all of the previous fields i was having trouble with and went back and farmed for some xp and am now level 48. however I am unable to get past L1, I2, J4, and M5 and i have played each of those fields 10 times to no avail. I have 10 resonance, 40 focus, 30/30 forge, 2 replenish, 16/20 armor tearing mastery, 4/20 wild gem mastery, 20/20 construction, 20/20 bloodbound mastery, and 10/10 duel gem mastery. if any of you can help me with L1, I2, J4, and M5 that would be much appreciated!
use lime/red over pure red (amps pure tho), and ditch purple mastery. First action is sell wild gem, second open red if not open, or open lime, or create a big red/lime at once, then summon monsters. And, do summon a lot on previous fields to cheese exp from there. Especially pylons, when you're about to charge the pylon fully, summon while "monsters summoned" are less than "monsters killed total", you will get a huge summon multiplier, and a lot of experience. Also, armored only mode rocks.
I am level 94 and completely stuck on level H2. I cannot seem to mount a defense and still have enough mana left over for the last few waves. Anyone have tips/tricks?
Use as many make things harder options as you can get away with (not endurance). The one in B column that starts with tower + 8 amps is good to experiment on.
Giants only, anger carefully, pick the banish options for example. Couple maps of that should get you to level 100ish where you can do whatever you want. (Cheesing out the pylons for full 15k multiplier should get you at least another 500 levels.)