While Julian Assange is currently facing extradition to Sweden over alleged **** charges, debate is still raging about whether this is politically motivated, or whether this is a serious charge against the Wikileaks founder? What are your opinions? Not only about the current case, but about Wikileaks in general? Do you think that Wikileaks is, as they say, keeping governments open? Or is Wikileaks a criminal organization? Maybe your opinion lies somewhere inbetween?
while the truth is important, some of them are too disgusting for us to cope with. Of course what wikileaks is doing is nobel nevertheless it causes conflict and unrest between world govr. in my opinion wikileaks isn't a criminal org. it's simply a handful of men which can't take no more lies.
my opinion is that wiki leaks are the good guys ( personal exp) as in egypt both wiki leaks and anonomous teamed up against our currupt governoment to help us (the people) over throw the president
Well, I believe Wikileaks could be beneficial if used right; that being said, I believe it was used far too maliciously, as far as I'm concerned. Many great countries developed from political revolutions: America, Ireland, and now Egypt. However, I do not believe that one should expose their nation's secret documents to the world, as Assange has.
Also, I believe he was charged with 'Suprise Sex', not rayp.
mo9, nice to here some political views from someone in Egypt. I'm guessing you support the... would you consider it a revolution?
Seriously..... that is why he's arrested..... he revealed classified government documents to the world (including our enemies) and he's going to jail for not wearing a condom..... WTF!?!?!?
Yes, but MAD assumes the cause and retaliation would be roughly equivalent. He is threatening to release what would seem to be extremely sensitive information for taking down a website.
Well, if that is true, they aren't as bad as they have been made out to be. I still believe he shouldn't be leaking any confidential documents. That used to be more than worthy of high treason.
Freedom of speech guarantees that he can do it, so the government can do anything about it. If they do, then Julian Assange can take it up to the Supreme Court until the government finally loses.
A lot of it is stupid. It is like, "Hillary Clinton was told that the Italian Prime Minister is a womanizer so act neutral and not too friendly" or some stupid **** like that.
The government controls the court system, good luck trying to win in a lawsuit. And he is leaking "confidential videos and documents" so that is illegal. However, his cause his noble and hopefully he'll keep doing what he is doing.
actually, it's not. The law is clear, it's illegal if Wikileaks stole the documents. However, if he simply printed what was given to him by another, he is simply acting as the third party.
I also suggest you folks check your history books. The Pentagon papers Different Era, same issue.
He can't be charged for publishing them, but receiving stolen property is felonious.
He can't be charged for publishing them, but receiving stolen property is felonious.
If what is published is something that should not have been kept hidden, I don't think it's as felonious as that. It's surely not to be taken light-hearted, but it all depends on what is being published, and when.