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In AG3 I think there should be changes to the fourms (If they include them) There should'nt be a timer to wait to post again on the fourms and there should also be a edit button. I also think you should be able to 'ban' people from your topic, this would help if ArmorGames staff do remove the 30 Second wait on the fourms. Also you should be aloud to select a 'rivacy' setting ETC:
Open Thread, Locked Thread, Selected users only, Freinds only.
And I know that someone is going to come and downgrade why these ideas will be no use but I just thought I would shed my opionen as along time ArmorGames user who is always in the Fourms (Fourm Games Section I'll send you a postcard with directions)

  • 30 Replies
13,657 posts

Considering what will be implemented in the forums and how the forums were thought, I do believe it would be a rather bad idea to go about and make threads exclusive to certain people, or exclude a few selected users.
The first due to this being a public forum (only limited to being a member), and it would most likely ruin any possibility of proper discussion. There is a reason why threads going "only for ..." are locked. Either you have an open discussion, or you go elsewhere.
The second because that very easily can be used to harass other users. Excluding a few selected is basically how bullies do their "job".

As far as I remember, there are certain privacy settings to the account and the live stream, but implementing such things to the forums would in my mind be a very bad idea that could easily make the forums turn into chaos.

825 posts

Maybe just put, no wait on forum game posting.
And then the OP's could change the bggining post when they like

1,943 posts

I was just going to originally put them but I come up with the other mad and crazy ideas

1,890 posts

There should'nt be a timer to wait to post again on the fourms

Then the amount of spam would double. Answer this, why do you need to post so much in such a short amount of time? Couldn't you wait just 30 seconds? After all, what reason would you have unless you were a very impatient person?
1,943 posts

Say they don't provide a edit button then you can quickly change it and plus it is annoying when you have signed up for RPG's and you have made some and you don't get enough time to do them all because you have to wait 30 seconds to post again.

Then the amount of spam would double

My Answer is in my OP the OP's can ban selected members from there topic it would just go underneath there Aramter and Pictuire and it would say ban from this topic. When you ban them there posts would stay there and you can 'unbann' them
46 posts

Well, the 30 second rule is there for a reason.

And, by the time you go out of your current topic, and try to post in a new one, the 30 seconds should almost be over.

Otherwise, it could lead to excessive spam.

1,890 posts

My Answer is in my OP the OP's can ban selected members from there topic it would just go underneath there Aramter and Pictuire and it would say ban from this topic.

Didn't you just read what Cenere said?? He said it is not fair to only ban certain people. And also, banning people is a mod's job. That is like granting everybody mod powers in the forums. I say no.
1,344 posts

OP's can ban selected members

This sounds like a good idea, but oftentimes the OP abandons the topic. Maybe this could just be something a mod could do?

Oops. Guess Ghgt said the same thing.

The thirty second thing is only annoying in forum games.
But it really does cut back on spam, I'm sure.
46 posts

My Answer is in my OP the OP's can ban selected members from there topic.

Well, that would be unfair, if the opening poster hated a person for any reason, he might just ban him from the topic.

Moderators and Admins should be the only people who can people from the game, or forums, giving that member to a user who isn't trustworthy, could end in total chaos.
15,595 posts

giving that member to a user who isn't trustworthy

What if the Moderators had some sort of rating people for such a thing then the OP would have that thread power. . or if you get your reputation up by so much.
46 posts

What if the Moderators had some sort of rating people for such a thing then the OP would have that thread power. . or if you get your reputation up by so much.

That might work, but if you were going to give someone so much power, wouldn't you just make them a moderator in the first place?

I just don't think it would work, to be honest.

Just my opinion though..
1,943 posts

What if the Moderators had some sort of rating people for such a thing then the OP would have that thread power. . or if you get your reputation up by so much.
So say someone starts to spam a thread all the time people down-grade his rating for that thread and if it goes below 5/10 the OP can bann him? That what you mean Ghost? If so it's a good idea. And every player has a sepreate rating for every thread
15,595 posts

That might work, but if you were going to give someone so much power, wouldn't you just make them a moderator in the first place?


But, I'm talking about being the master of your own thread type of thing. .
For example: In my Exit Path Guide - I would like to be able to delete the spam/edit the title at will/edit the OP, sort of like Kongregate with the editing parts, if I have anything to add to it I wouldn't have to posts in it so much.

I suppose if someone had ban power from AG, I'm talking about just banning people from the thread though so they can't ruin it anymore and you must put a reason in it.

So say someone starts to spam a thread all the time people down-grade his rating for that thread and if it goes below 5/10 the OP can bann him? That what you mean Ghost?

Sort of. But only banning him/her from posting in the thread, not all of AG.
46 posts

You could also just ask a moderator to get rid of some of the spam in your thread, giving this power to a user, I just don't think would work out very well.

1,943 posts

But only banning him/her from posting in the thread, not all of AG.

Thats what I mean't

I just don't think would work out very well.

How soit would only be a OP and if the OP abuses this possition they could get banned by the mod and the thread locked. Also Matrix's idea people would not be able to abuse this as people would have to rate them.

You could also just ask a moderator to get rid of some of the spam in your thread

But do moderators really have time to go round deleting spam/post's in people thread imagine how long that would take as everyone would be wanting them to delte things
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