ForumsWEPRWhat's with the Gas Prices?!

172 30738
64 posts

Well I know most of us are children right now, playing on this website, but as we get older the gas prices tend to increase. I don't even want to think about how much gas is gonna be when I turn 20!

  • 172 Replies
136 posts

Csmith, did you not read my comment?

26 posts

Gas prices are dependent on a number of things- availiability at source, shipping and transport prices, tariffs, and internal market conditions to name a few. So it will vary from place to place.

It's best to note your own locality's fuel price trends and compare them to the price of other goods, as well as against the inflation rates of the economy of the country. For example, 10 years ago, I would expect to pay 0.60AUD for 1L of 92-octane petrol (or $2.52 for the gallon). Now, I have to fork out 1.50AUD for the same.

This is highly disproportionatem even accounting for internal inflation! Some claim that the prices have been artificially inflated even after accounting for OPEC guidelines, but I'm no economist so I can't tell this. Whatever it is, the international prices for oil (per barrel) have also risen sharply...consider here market flow due to the political and economic concerns of the oil companies themselves.

64 posts

I just don't like the way my future looks in this world right now...

1,226 posts

i cant remember the date, but one day in cali (back in the 1900s) nobody bought any gas for a whole day and the price went down 1$, so i think if all of america doesnt do taht it will go down alot.

51 posts

it is realy sat why dont they just take gas while their at war we would be rich of gas but no they have to go over and start a giant war they would just problay just lend it 2 us!!!!

1,482 posts

It is all simply supply and demand.

Have to say this, but, My butt.

Demand is rising, Supply is technically falling. To be honest, Oil Industry can supply us. Its not as their isn't ENOUGH for anyone who wants gas. The supply and demand thing is a false fake right now. It can be made to 100% Demand. At the moment, anyway. Other experts say we have over 100 Or more years of Oil left. The middle east is 1) Not the only source, and 2) not Completely searched. There are SO MANY locations where Oil could and may be.

The Gas Market is using this as an excuse rising prises, and they fear that because of these experts decisions it may be true. There getting their cash, they see our dependence. If they make gas 10 A gallon we won't go for it, the companys will lose it. But they are sucking what they can, the world is desperate for oil. Its like torture.

In the 1900s Gas WAS 1 dollar a gallon. Maybe less. I don't know where your info is coming from.

McBreaker, Nice post. Lemme adress it.

Places in Europe are hitting 10$ A gas, but thats fake, because thats because alot of countrys get taxes from Gas. So people have more cash on their hands without the gas. But they're gas is hitting even HIGHER.

Mainly, The dollar is falling and a fall DOES rise big in the Gas market. For the shipping and transport is becoming a pain. Theres alot of demand, the supply isn't enough were hitting at a piont where trasnport is getting to be a challenge. And its EXREMELY difficult for companies to do it by boat [they do] but those boats have to be super safe and super powerful. And oil spill of a boat containing oil as cargo would screw things up. Like.. bad.

inflatios three percent, no problem. Inflation in other area's may be a small part of the thing, but a rise to 4 Dollars is nothing. My dad expects a few years from now It'll be hitting 5-6.
Not to mention, its being a pain on Diesel drivers, lol. There making less Diesel for a gas that costs the least, or should according to value. But companys are goriwng and supply is rising, thats the only place where that argument goes.

In the end, its the companies wanting money and fearing to lose it. As Corporate America runs our polotics, they run their countries. Us invading Iraq HAS made it work. You know almost everytime theres some bomb explosion and its big enough to hit on CNN gas prices go up a bit?
If america was invaded, Coke-A-Cola and Microsoft would be doing stuff. You'd see it happen.

26 posts

they are high!

2,662 posts

u American guys moan at gas prices it costs us Brits at least 1£ per gallon an we use our cars just as much as u yanks except you all have massive cars. Got nothing against Americans but u should come to England if u think things are expensive where you live the pound is worth like twice a dollar

623 posts

Ya! The prices are much worse in Europe and other areas, but no one ever hears about it over here. I think this whole gas problem is so ridiculous. Lowering gas taxes over the summer? Are you joking? Yay I'm gonna save 15 cents a buck, we have to pay off our deficit no matter what, this doesn't make it better. And what kinda of solution is postponing the inevitable? Lets make things cheaper in the short run. I say instead of giving us money, they give that 15 cents a dollar to researchers and create incentives to change our dependence on oil, and most importantly our dependence on middle eastern oil. Hmmm, I thought Bush was for homeland security? When we depend on people who hate us for energy. That doesn't really make sense to me.

Thanks for listening to my rant hah

109 posts

well here in Britian the goverment has taxed feul massivly, i shouldent really be worried cos i'm only 13 yet if we start running out its gona keep going up... anyway heres what my parents used to pay for diesil (full tank)

1yr ago - 90p ($1.77) per litre - £54 ($106.50)
now - £1.20 ($2.36) per litre - £75 ($147.91)

thats a approximate raise of 40%, which is quite a bit...

26 posts

hi to all friendszz!

10,816 posts

Mcbreaker, you've been spamming for more than a day without stopping...PLEASE learn to use the forums properly or stop posting.

This is an important point actually. I also don't live in the US- and I can say that the US has comparatively cheap rates. I know that it's important that the prices are rising as a whole, but frankly if Aussie truckies could get diesel for US rates by dancing in tutus in an all-male production of Swan Lake, they'd do it.

1,058 posts

RE: Gas Tax

I'm glad people are seeing this as the pandering that it is. Seriously, I believe it shows a side of Clinton and McCain that I cared not to see. I understand that it is politics, but I believe that it is just a gimmick to get more voters. Clinton already has the majority of less educated democratic voters, I see this as trying to scrape up a few more. I just really hope that this does not negatively affect Obama, for resisting the gimmick. Maybe it will put him into a better light, who knows? I just know that I'd rather give my 18c (which ends up being 6 or so, when it comes to gas prices) to road work, or something the gov't needs, than have an extra ten bucks in my pocket this summer.

10,816 posts

Yeah, totally, you can spot a gimmick like this a mile off:

1) They appear about a year or less before the election.

2) They all promise to put money back into the voter's pocket.

Example: "baby bonus"...have a baby, get $3K! Result? Number of teen pregnancies spike. GENIUS.

Another example: "$32bn tax cuts for all thanks to lovely surplus!"...problem is that surplus came from cutting funding to HEALTH and EDUCATION and TRANSPORT and just about every bit of PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE there was to cut from, not to mention the capital gearing of the economy leaves it prone to OVERINFLATION and vulnerable to subsequent RECESSION especially in the light of the US SUB-PRIME CRISIS credit debacle...

Yeah, okay, I'm done now :P

129 posts

..but this is still problem of oil gathering corporations and prices will be higher and higher,but in my city, it is not too critical.

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