Well I know most of us are children right now, playing on this website, but as we get older the gas prices tend to increase. I don't even want to think about how much gas is gonna be when I turn 20!
Some old magazines and a rather untrusted source on the internet. Since we can't really trust anything anyone says nowadays. I just liked the writer's ideas and thoughts.
It's the corporate conglomerate. Republicows!!! hahaha. I'm strongly against party politics, though I'm a right-wing near-militant extremist.
It's not any one party's fault. Rather, it's the fault of our nation's business policies and OPEC's greediness and us not drilling Alaska 10 years ago when we had the chance and the government not wanting to interfere with big oil companies... it's a lot of things. I hate having to pay $3.59 (and that's CHEAP) for a gallon of gas. Hell, someone invent a beer guzzling car... Beer is cheaper per gallon than gas at this point.
And why is diesel costing us more than unleaded? Diesel is basically unrefined crap. In fact, next to kerosene it's the second easiest fuel to make. So why does it cost 50 cents more?
I would take a guess and suppose it has something to do with the overland shipping industry. Large vehicles seem to require it. Just a laywomans guess, though..
The vast majority of vehicles on the road are smaller vehicles that run on unleaded, though, so more unleaded is actually consumed. Plus, I don't remember diesel being more expensive than unleaded until the past three or four years.
I suppose it is really irrelevant as to which is more, but that all of them are more. Its not quite bad yet, but I'm not going to guess it will get cheaper any time soon. (thank goodness I have a corolla
Yeah. I drive a 1991 Ford F-150 that gets 10 MPG. On a good day. That $15 I put in today will last me a week - which doesn't sound bad, until you realize that's just driving to school about a mile away.
Absolutely. Its sad when I go to fill my tank and I notice the person before me has paid over $60. I have to fill up every week, as well. It pinches the pockets something awful!
Fill up? Heh, between my two tanks I've got 40 gallons to fill. That'd cost more money than I make if I did that every week. Okay, maybe not, but it'd cost way too much. Considering I commuted (before hours were slashed and bosses became evil), gas was a major concern.
I cannot imagine what your tank costs to fill...(alright, I can imagine, I'd just rather not!)
I watched a show on History Channel the other night. It involved what would happen if someone were to sabotage the major oil shipping port in Saudi Arabia. Petrol at $8 a gallon, collapsing businesses, shipping freezes and fights for remaining oil reserves. Bloody mess, all of it.
Hmmm, not only in your country but also here in the Philippines! Gas prices is still increasing every year... Well, I'm not sure if this could help decrease or lower the prices but...
Well, as you may know, most-likely only branches that are popular have a high cost of gas. But, what if we go to branches who sells cheap and less? At least we'll be able to save more; hmmm? Well, if this continues, the leading branches have no choice but to lower their price! What do you think?
I may be 13 and bad in explaining, but you get the point. I have to agree with Beast_all_games, I'm also part of that future, everyone is.
The younger generation will have to pay. THEY SHOULD STOP FIDDLING WITH OIL RIGS AND STUFFS. those bad guys trying to make the world fall apart. btw my mum told me abt it. Hopefully, they find something to replace Oil.