This week's addition of WEPR topics have been a bit too crusty and repetitive. Now, let's shift our attention to everyone's favorite congregation, the Westboro Baptist Church.
~~~ There *may* be some words inside the links that would normally be censored in ArmorGames code; I found about 2. Also, be careful around the links within the links, especially the ones officially given by Anon, as I wasn't as thorough with those. Warning issued! ~~~
In a sense, this is a form of religious news. A rather-biased group of individuals has had the notoriety to be attacked by Anon itself, who has also had the dirtywork of giving ultimatum to other well-known organizations, one also being the Church of Scientology (I believe there was a semi-old thread on that here).
So guys. Whatcha think? I wanted to create a thread that had "religious" background as well as humor. Those that have been lurking around would know that this has been around for about a week or so. It's a very interesting read, if I do say so myself.
This is the kind of thread I liked about these forums.
It would be awesome if Anon acts on this, but its hard to tell if they will. I think the WBC definitely deserves this, but I supposed it technically falls under the free speech Anon protects. Either way this should turn out to be very interesting.
I came across this article too, and here's a quote from it:
Sunday's press release issued by Anonymous calls the Tuesday press release a publicity seeking hoax by the church, and advises all Anonymous members to abort "Operation Westboro."
Anonymous has very recently delivered an Ultimatum to the WBC, promising an attack on their organization, in a cyber aspect.
Shortly thereafter, the WBC responded to Anon, welcoming the attack:
Afterwards, the ultimatum was delivered:
Your last link is the same as the first.
I came across this article too, and here's a quote from it:
This is the same link that was doubled in the OP.
I absolutely disagree with WBCs message. But I can't condone silencing them. They have full right to speak their mind no matter how small that mind may be.
@Mage: I agree in part that Anon shouldn't be harassing the WBC for their heavily-biased manners and agendas. In part about fully speaking their mind, should they also be given full, equal rights if they are infringing on the rights of others, as well as damaging their emotional health? That's where it differs. There are many different parties that line up in various parades, representing other spectra of political perspectives, one noting it being the KKK. They had full rights speaking their mind, as they provided no harm while exercising them. What the WBC has done in the past....nnnnnot so much.
No, his links was about Anonymous DELIVERING the ultimatum, my link was about Anonymous DENYING the ultimatum, saying it was just the WBC trying to get attention.
It's a shame that this never played out, and it was just a publicity stunt. Hopefully, the WBC will start withholding information or something so this can happen for real . . . because considering how Scientology reacted to Project Chanology, the WBC would be a hilarious target.
Anonymous knows how to work the internet. Put simply, we run this ****.
No you don't. Anonymous knows how the Internet works. The government can do whatever they want. Even on the Internet.
I'm not overly familiar with /b/ anonymous or 4chan. What I have seen, however, is wildly inconsistent at best. At worst, it is a cesspit of misogyny and sadism. Anonymous is much like that gentleman with the thief sign a few threads over: taking disproportionate revenge for insignificant slights. If this is your idea of peaceful protest, I don't want to play.