Invisible Children is a non-profit organization that was formed to help stop the 25 year long war in Northern Uganda. Here is a link about the organization.
Also, here is a place where you can make a donation to the organization.
How else are you supposed to judge the objective reality?
There's no other way, I'm just saying that it's difficult to pronounce any opinion true or false because our opinions are largely shaped by our histories.
We have to judge objective reality based upon our own subjective reality, we are fallible creatures.
tually donate instead of criticize the organization?[/quote] I did not criticize - I asked for justification, and I thought it would provide an interesting discussion.
This came to my school. I also had to make a fricken poster about awareness.
This may sound horrible, but who are we to go into another country, and try to stop this? For all we know, they may like being child soldiers. Just sayin, a child with a gun, is a child with a future, lolz
Well, its what we as Americans see right, no child should have to go through the trauma of killing people. The kids get mutilated, you think they like that? Unless you like pain... and the teen girls have to be married to these 30 year old men, and what happens is so bad I couldn't say on here without getting a warning. I'm sorry you had to make a poster, but it IS for a good cause.
Personally, if I had to make a poster for awareness, I'd groan about it, not because of the people and raising awareness, but just because I'm a crappy artist .__.
...Why are you posting this on a game sight? Seems kind of pointless. What is your affiliation with this organization? How did you come across this organization?
I was introduced to this organization through church. And if it was pointless, why is this forum even on Armor Games, "World events, Politics, RELIGION, etc." if its a gaming website, not a religion website, then why is this forum even here.
I was introduced to this organization through church. And if it was pointless, why is this forum even on Armor Games, "World events, Politics, RELIGION, etc." if its a gaming website, not a religion website, then why is this forum even here.
Oh, a religious organization *spits on the floor*. Now tell me, why would a sight named "ArmorGames" be religious? This is a debate forum, most forums come with one, including game sights.