Here, I have decided to make a central area for Armatar discussion. Just say anything you want about Armatars that isn't a)disregarding any usual rules b)spammy spam lol c)a spoiler about how you unlock certain Armatars d)anything else, that, under common sense, is inappropriate
So go ahead! 'Do you have a unique/rare Armatar' was locked as it had turned into a General Armatar Discussion! So now let's fill that purpose! ^-^
I always wanted to have this armatar (it's currently a blue troll-ish figure), since it went along with my whole backstory of being a failed monster created by a woman that had less-than adequate mental capacity. However, since I started off with a dwarven armatar then changed to this, there were those that petitioned me to keep the old one. And I still keep getting the same messages when I decide to change! D:
I am just messing up, just like you are doing. You are using the ogre one you said is terrible a few pages back.
I'm not messing up. I picked it because I thought it would be funny. I know what I said, but you're trying to make this excuse to avoid the question I presented.
Guys. Does it matter what armatar you are using or for whatever reason? You are both changing like your life depends on it, and both talking a lot about armatars without really doing that discussion the title talks about. Just a bunch of "Well, I like this too", "well, this is kinda cool" and then posting the images. Stop arguing about an image on a website, unless any of you have some hardcore principle to stick to, and the other is horribly offending that principle... And even then...
At Calvin: No. I just decided to draw it and post it in some sick little moment in the hopes of some praising. I am not an admin, so I cannot actually make any armatars active for ... anyone. If I could, there would have been another contest already. Sorry.
I hope an admin makes a new contest once AGv3 is out. But more currently, what is with the milk & cookies one? I've seen people with a mere hundred points with it, so I would have unlocked it if it was still up. I can only conclude that it is seasonal, but what holiday has milk & cookies. Wait, is it Christmas, because Santa eats milk & cookies?
I saw it earlier today on the Flight thread in the Flash Games Forum. I think it's from Christmas of '09 since the person that has it registered a month or two before that. It doesn't look like it'll fit with any other theme, so I say Christmas.
Nope, 2008 it seems. The user you found most likely got it through Thanksgiving the year after, as some of the armatars made it through for another round.