ForumsWEPRJohn 3:16

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159 posts

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. I will try to explain this verse to the best of my ability. For God so loved the world even though man sinned and sin entered the world God still loved the world and everyone in it. That He gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON He gave His ONlY SON to die for us. Imagine your a parent and you just found out that your son had to die for a bunch criminals how would you feel.
That whoever believes in Him who expects Him into his/her heart will NOT perish (or in other turns go to hell) but have everlasting life. That means you won't suffer you will in hell if you believe in Him you will be with Him for an eternity. God loves us and wants us to be with Him the rapture is coming soon so become a Christian and DON'T get left behind( my next topic will be on the rapture and I will explain it as well).

  • 44 Replies
3,817 posts

Wait, are we not special any more? I thought we were "All god's children"? And why is it so important that it is his only son? Is he incapable of reproducing any more? And do you have the ability to read, considering there is a nearly identical thread already out there?

159 posts

We are special to God and we are His children. The trinity The Father and The Holy spirit are all 3 but in 1 being. God kinda sent himself down to earth. God is one and one only he can reproduce himself but would it be fun serving like ten billion different others just like Him. I just wanted to explain what the verse really meant. I hope I answered all your questions and have a wonderful day .

3,817 posts

No, you just answered with a paradox that doesn't make any since, claimed your god can reproduce asexually (I may have misinterpreted you here, but you do realize that this is common among many single celled organisms?)

So tell me, why did he have to kill himself? Or one third of himself or a separate being or whoever it was? Why was death necessary?

9,462 posts

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. For God so loved the world even though man sinned and sin entered the world God still loved the world and everyone in it. That He gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON He gave His ONlY SON to die for us.

If he wants me to believe then all he has to do is show himself, doesn't seem like all that hard of a request to make on an omnipotent being. Also what's with this gave his only son bit? What was the point of this? God couldn't say "your forgiven" without having something get killed first? Sorry but that doesn't sound all that loving to me, sound rather sick in fact.
On to the point of us bringing sin into the equation. If we are talking about Adam and Eve here then it was God who set everything up for it to happen, and being omniscient knew it would happen. Of course there are many things stated in the Genesis story that would strongly indicate that it's made up, such as the Earth being created before the Sun or humanity starting with just two people. Some get around this by claiming that it's just a metaphor, but this only creates the problem for the line above as now God is having someone sacrificed for an event that never actually happened.
Another problem here is if you really look at many of the things regarded as a sin, it's really just human nature. I see no reason why I should be forgiven for being who and what I am. Let alone forgiven in such a sick barbaric fashion.
Finally if this human sacrifice really does pay off for my sin then why is it required that I keep saying sorry for the things I am suppose to have already been forgiven for?

the rapture is coming soon

So has been said for about 2,000 years.

Quest for Spoof: The End
9 posts

Mage is awesome!!

4,206 posts

you again! Why are we debating certain passages of the bible? It's like saying if dragons where red or blue. It doesn't matter, THEY DON' EXIST.

That whoever believes in Him who expects Him into his/her heart will NOT perish (or in other turns go to hell) but have everlasting life.

Wth is everlasting life and perishing. So believers don't really die? And wrong-believers or none-believers die? What if I don't want to live forever?

That He gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON He gave His ONlY SON to die for us.

Big deal. His son is himself. So he doesn't really die...And he goes to heaven anyways.
9,462 posts

Pslam 139:9
Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

Given those death tolls of God mentioned in another thread and if we are all Gods children, I guess that would make God orgasmic.
3,386 posts

. God loves us and wants us to be with Him the rapture is coming soon so become a Christian and DON'T get left behind

Alright, I'm sorry. I lost it here.
All the crap I have seen about "OoooOOOoooH the world is ending look at Japan and Libya and New Zealand and Haiti! Let's all become Christian's so we don't have to worry about afterlife!"

You are a walking, talking, breathing, typing Christian pamphlet. Christianity, yeah you tell people about the word of God, and you HOPE they listen. You don't scare them into it.
Oh, wait. That is what your GOD did. THAT'S RIGHT. I REMEMBER NOW. According to you, he already knows what's gonna happen! So he KNOWS about all of this. He gave his only son for you!
Well you know what. It is a plan. He knew it was gonna happen, right? SO he KNEW that using that ONE line would be the most unimaginable love so it HAS to be real!

If I knew I was going to get credit for doing something good, I would too.
8,257 posts

That He gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON He gave His ONlY SON to die for us. Imagine your a parent and you just found out that your son had to die for a bunch criminals how would you feel.

Yeah, well. He did it at purpose. Also god IS his own son in some way, so there's no room left for your analogy (analogy which is saying btw that all humans are criminals. Is that really your message?).
9,462 posts

Considering how the verse is getting ripped to shreds I find it somehow ironic that this verse is regarded as "the Gospel in a nutshell".

227 posts

magegraywolf NO one knows when God is coming to earth!
John 3 "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." God could come anytime any day! all we know is that He Will come to earth. Everyone will be judged on that day.

3,817 posts

magegraywolf NO one knows when God is coming to earth

What about Jebuz, Yahweh, and dah hole-y ghost? I thought they/he/it/whatever was Omnipotent. And we all know what will happen with this judging...

Yeah. That is the kind of guy you want to party with for all eternity, between the brown nosing...

And what about the people on Mars or in space? The ignorant goat herders never dreamed about this, so I doubt there is any explanation what will happen to them?
227 posts

you keep posting that stupid pict. That has nothing to do of what we are talking about. Only God knows when he's coming back to earth. Even the Angels and the Arch angels don't know. I already told you 314d1, God doesn't torture you, or condemn you to hell. It is yourselves. because you didn't believe in him. You can still change, but you rather go to hell than heaven,hmm strange that is. When people die and aren't christians, they go to hell but if they are they go to heaven with Jesus. And its Jesus Christ, not whatever you spelled it!

8,257 posts

I already told you 314d1, God doesn't torture you, or condemn you to hell. It is yourselves.

If an omnipotent god has not the power to lead us all in heaven, then it's because he does not want it, so he's at least partially the reason why. Also, didn't he make us this way? Its his fault if we are how we are.

because you didn't believe in him. You can still change, but you rather go to hell than heaven,hmm strange that is. When people die and aren't christians, they go to hell but if they are they go to heaven with Jesus.

So a villager of a tribe in the wild somewhere, that has never heard anything of your god, and was never given the occasion to hear of him, goes to hell, even though he can be the nicest person there is on earth? How stupid..
4,871 posts

Numbers I totally showed you that site

Anyway, John 3:16 should read something along the lines of this

"For God so loved the attention of the beings he created, and screwed over by creating in them a curious and sinful nature, that he sent his son (for he himself did not want to die) to atone for the sins committed by the beings he created which were due to how he created them. And whoever does not hate homosexuals and vote Republican shall piss off the almighty God enough to send God into a tantrum and send them to hell with Satan, whom he also created"

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