
20 3861
3,025 posts

Quick few things:
1. This is a whine thread, you've been warned and if you don't like it, don't read.
2. This is biased, but considering who this is directed at you can't really complain unless you're a hypocrite.
3. Yeah, this is to vent my steam, if you'd like to hear my rant, it's your choice.

So after being consistently slapped in the face by life for being a rational guy, I figured I'd just turn the table a bit. Because in the end it's pretty simple - if you're a d!ck, you get further in life.
Even in Science this can back it up, the more "badboy" archtypes of @ssholes are actually more attractive to ladies than other men would be. Yay...
This goes throughout anything, retarded media influence (which, being @ssholes, can't get off their own arrogance and actually find out that they're not that cool.), movies, you name it. And, what people don't seem to have gotten through their heads is that being that flawed, but nevertheless right, weakling retard doesn't work out so well. I'm on that side of the fence, and I tell myself to stfu if I got something to say because the only arguments I fight are ones that are shown to other people (aka in these forums) or ones where I believe something positive will come out of it.
Boiled down, it's the irrational, unaware and ultimately selfish behaviour of people that makes them unable to properly debate or simply understand other peoples views. I see how religion can be of benefit - I certainly was not that nice about it when on this section of threads, and whilst I do apologize - I've said my d@mn reason 100 times over and people still don't get the message. It's the fact that people whole-heartedly believe in this where it could be something as simple as their brain telling them to believe it, why?
Well, the benefits of religion are pretty big:
1. You're being watched, and protected
2. It can basically be "good luck"
3. Everything has a reason
4. Happy happy happy everywhere

They're pretty big, but they're all in your head. I would be ashamed of being alive if I knew as a FACT God is real and the rules he put forth are the ones we know from him today. Why? LOOK AT THEM, they're unreasonable.
My God is science, it's logical, it can explain things (albeit not everything (yet), but it has already done more than religion), it can help your understanding, it can be exciting. With religion, all your crap is handed to you, kthxbye.
Not to mention that God must've been smoking something bad in his basement clouds or just had a brainfart because he screwed humanity up so bad. Not only do they bare amazingly coincidental resemblence to monkeys, but even small things like the color red or the picture of an eye influence our behaviour.

But, more of the starting topic. Well, more of a completely new one. People in general.
I'll start with women, no offense but I find they're easiest to ***** about.
First, they expect equal rights - d@mn straight, they should. But, often they would do amazingly stupid things like:
1. Ask a MAN to do HIS job and carry HER bags for HER.
There's some bull on Facebook "if a woman has a hand free, hold it", instead put the situation into reverse - give her your bags and expect her to carry it.
2. Target the wrong people with reason 1.
If it's a little discussion about lord knows what I find women complain god awfully about us men being arrogant, selfish, retarded, close-minded dumb@sses.
They wouldn't be too wrong about that, but they're certainly hypocritical.
How many times have you decided not to do a kindhearted thing and gotten your head bitten off as a result? Constantly I hear "You think you're a man well prove it" and I just have to give ????????????????????????????
Well, 1. I'm not even like that, so f*** u for putting words in my mouth (that is from now on, going to be my legitimate answer).
2. You expect equal rights and yet you don't bother teaching through example. It's pretty simple that it'll sink in eventually so if you were that smart, you would do that.

Also, rarely are women as intelligent as men in terms of scientific or mathematical studies (which, in my opinion, are the most important (gee, this crime-book is nice)), because it opens up the understanding of us as humans, philisophical studies and understanding of the universe. How many famous, FEMALE scientists or mathmeticians do you know?
Okay, now men:
Leonardo Da Vinci
Off the top of my head, one of them boosted our technological evolution roughly 200 years. One of them discovered what keeps our feet in the ground and for retards, their heads in the sand. Do I need to go on?

This, is essentially a middle finger to everyone who does not have the capabilty of, as previously mentioned, sticking their head out of the sand, taking a breather, looking at perspectives, acting MORALLY, and being capable of trying things out that are not rediculous, law breaking shenanigans when given (or taking) the oppurtunity.

There's plenty more I can go on about, like how the whiny, stupid, arrogant, utterly picky (and hypocritical) brother of mine is just a basic cog in a f***ed up machine. Yeah, he's intelligent in topics like Science etc - quite alot of my family is BUT... Why be such a **** about it?
Because he can, he *****es long enuf, people back him up, and I'm backed into a corner. It's this constant bullsh!t that I need to put up with, along with all the sh!t I have to take from other people incapable of seeing their stupidity (or otherwise simple close-mindedness) that have to funnel it onto me. No, I'm not a hopeless case, this is just a vent of steam (which to be honest I don't have to post to vent it all off, by now I've already typed more than enough), I don't need it, I'm just punishing those retards (as well as hopefully giving an eye-opener to those willing to listen, and backing up those who feel the same as me) for their resolvable mistakes.

People will probably curse me out and claim I'm a sexist, stupid and probably mental person. Mostly because they could feel they're the guy I'm not ripping off and that I'm judging the collective.

Well, if you agree with what I said, and you believe you're smart, wouldn't you consider that I foresaw this and would make a disclaimer to those who this is not pointed at?
Congrats, if you didn't, then you deserved this punishment by most chances.
Unless you're open-minded. Because after all my experience I meet incompetant ******bags but often the more numb-skull people I find, I somehow get along with them better (mostly because they are more open-minded, since (and this is speculation) they have no means of claiming their awesomeness since, as previously mentioned, they're incapable of either backing it up or explaining it in the first place) because they learn easier.

One more thing.
If you're being open-minded since I first said it in this thread, you know, to prove a point. You mean nothing to me. I'm talking about people who actually take into consideration what their actions will do, if it's right and ultimately whether any needs to be taken anyway (because often things sort themselves out, despite that huge rant I made).

This is especially a tip-of-the-hat to those arrogant, lazy, close-minded, biased, stubborn, unskilled, undisciplined and idiotic gamers who behave as such, because they can.
Anyway, time for the disclaimer.
Sorry to any women, who do not do as I have mentioned, I am sorry, but I hope you see my point. I apologize to the many gamers (some of which I have met) who bare no resemblence to those I have mentioned - I only wish I was more positive (but I'm not going to since negativity always pulls in more attention - especially this title), thanks guys.
Sorry to those who had to bare my pathetic tear-drying rant, I've already explained why, and you also decided to read after I pointed such out. Maybe you wanted something much more... blunt... Sorry guys (because in the end I love it when a retard cries, moans, complains, w/e, I can see how people see me as a hypocrite, but I always give others the benefit of the doubt).
And finally sorry to those who have been voicing this for quite some time - so have I, and it's a difficult (or otherwise sh!t) life.

Ban me, temporarily, permemantly, leave me go, lock this, give me a warning, w/e. But the funniest thing of that is that whilst this bares logic and reason, you guys don't do this to any consistent inflating Call of Duty Thread on the Video Games section and rarely make an appearance anyway. That's terrible, and I have to say I'm fairly appalled, sorry.

Take a look at MMO.champion, or something familiar to that because I would surely love to see the limitations (and enforcing) of the rules there.

Peace out guys. <3 you al-- very few of you.

- H

  • 20 Replies
1,322 posts

this might be better placed somewhere else...

3,025 posts

this might be better placed somewhere else...

Meh, I feel this can be placed anywhere tbh. The only place that is possibly better than this is the Tavern, imo.

- H
5,043 posts

Ban me, temporarily, permemantly, leave me go, lock this, give me a warning, w/e. But the funniest thing of that is that whilst this bares logic and reason, you guys don't do this to any consistent inflating Call of Duty Thread on the Video Games section and rarely make an appearance anyway. That's terrible, and I have to say I'm fairly appalled, sorry.

I'll admit that there are quite a few CoD threads that should have been locked, but I think the section is doing fairly well considering the amount of mod inactivity in that section.


This should be in the Tavern, but I feel we can make more progress here. This thread is very vague, so let us (you and everyone else here) work out one issue at a time. Tell us where you would like to begin.

Also, next time, let the censor catch your slipped profanities rather than swapping a few characters here and there. Consider this your warning.
3,025 posts

This should be in the Tavern, but I feel we can make more progress here. This thread is very vague, so let us (you and everyone else here) work out one issue at a time. Tell us where you would like to begin.

That's difficult to go about, simply put since everything goes together in one form or another, subtlely or bluntly. Of course grandolequence doesn't go far for those this is directed at but...
Yeah, my first issue (which was what tempered me, and I reacted by making this thread) is simply gamers. It's dumb, at first glance. But consider the morality and thought behind it:
"What can these *censored* do? YO BOI! You can't even afford a *censoredcensoredcensored* flight over here, I'll knock you flat out!"
Simply put - anomysity in the internet, the perona that persues, and the morality behind it is non-existent (as well as the thought).
I mean, I was talking to my brother-in-law, who, even in his own words, is a lazy and abusive kid. But even he sees the stupidity in many things, I was just asking him the rhetorical question (that I wanted him to agree on, which he did) of why can't people simply be light-headed and laugh? I would love to see a group of 6 strangers I didn't know, and feel comfortable enough to walk to them, slip out some banter and be accepted straight there and then. Why not?

The benefit is astronomical, people will not know the meaning of hate (this is clearly an exaggeration, if you didn't realise ) and hell, how relaxed would everyone be?

I just don't see the point in having this kind of "sportsmanship", in exclusively games (even though it is extremely rare). It seems you need to &quotrove yourself" before you can do anything whereas that makes the entire situation worse. Things like what people like most in terms of music, games and etc should simply be answered by the person asking the question - "Variety Matters".

I mean... I can see why people would want to push it - I do so myself (in this imperfect world of course), I believe RTS games are possibly the best, for a variety of reasons. However First Person Shooters has pro's and con's RTS's haven't got, same with RPG's etc. I'd like to simply put this down:

1. RPG - Customizability, variety, replayability, freedom.
2. FPS - Adrenline-rush, halirious things going on (especially with friends), control, focus, the feeling of it being personal (AKA emotional interaction).
3. RTS - Realism (not in any current known RTS I don't think), skill, fairness, tactics, strategy (duh), gobsmacking visuals (even on a game like Age of Empires II when you observe the monstrosity that is a battle), well-explained story, complexity in general.

Cons can include simple things like imbalance, lack of patches, glitches, these "cheese" things you can do - such as people complaining about No Man Army Noobtubing on MW2 or using the 6Pool on Starcraft II. I find this on FPS's mostly - I'm not complaining.

If it were on a game, especially a Call of Duty one, then I would love to be noobtubed and tell my mates who saw me got killed (who may have been annoyed) "Don't worry guys, just use our advantages", basically. We'd return the favor.

I find those kinds of people on Call of Duty are either deliberately dishonorable or potentially smart (I tried my best to avoid yet another grandolequent statement), because they would be using their advantages and let's be honest - who wouldn't?

Anyway. That's just my problem, and that's the way I see it. Given what I said - can you NOT agree with that? Obviously it will never be just "flowers and daisies" but aiming towards something like that is better than nothing, imo.

- H
1,448 posts

My God is science, it's logical, it can explain things (albeit not everything (yet), but it has already done more than religion), it can help your understanding, it can be exciting.

Science doesn't prove anything. It is solely based off of inductive data, which is backwards. It's like saying for "if p, then q", if you get enough q, you prove p. This makes it prone to errors of correlation and causation.
3,025 posts

This makes it prone to errors of correlation and causation.

And? Yeah, it's not the best, but it proves (as far as we know) many things and it fits amazingly. Compare this to the only other options, which are spaghetti monsters or religion, and what sounds more logical? It is not flat-out fact but it's without a doubt more reliable then the words of a man who is rumored to cast magic tricks.

- H
303 posts

Too long didn't read for the most part. However, I did find one egregious error that you made.

In the section where you list a some famous male scientists and mathematicians, you neglect to realize a few things. First of all, women in Newton's time didn't have the opportunities he did. Beyond that there are notable woman scientists. Marie Curie is an obvious one. I don't want to take a stance on feminism. I just thought I'd put this out there.

3,025 posts

I take your reason, and I agree. However, there are male scientists I know whom, even in the face of death denied God or other ideals because they believed otherwise.
They died, of course.

Since I've not put too much research into this I can take this part of the rant away, partially - currently I do not know any females who was awarded the chance and furthermore - took it.

- H

9,462 posts

the more "badboy" archtypes of @ssholes are actually more attractive to ladies than other men would be.

That's because being an @$$hole is often mistaken for confidence.

I've said my d@mn reason 100 times over and people still don't get the message.

Often in debates like here it's usually the third party spectator who walks away with the message.

My God is science, it's logical, it can explain things (albeit not everything (yet), but it has already done more than religion), it can help your understanding, it can be exciting. With religion, all your crap is handed to you, kthxbye.

I for one would no more put science on the pedestal of God as i would my screwdriver. (Though my screwdriver did answer more prayers then God.)

Not to mention that God must've been smoking something bad in his basement clouds or just had a brainfart because he screwed humanity up so bad. Not only do they bare amazingly coincidental resemblence to monkeys, but even small things like the color red or the picture of an eye influence our behaviour.

Didn't you hear, he want on a drunken binge one day.

First, they expect equal rights - d@mn straight, they should. But, often they would do amazingly stupid things like:

I will open and hold a door for my girlfriend, the next door she will open and hold for me. I think (at least between us) we got the equal rights thing worked out pretty well.
3,025 posts

usually the third party spectator who walks away with the message

True however, anyone aware that defending your argument can unlock primitive parts of the brain and stops you thinking rationally... They should be able to learn something nonetheless.

(Though my screwdriver did answer more prayers then God.)

By the way, I found out I'm God. Y'see, it was when I was praying, I suddenly noticed I was talking to myself...

for one would no more put science on the pedestal of God as i would my screwdriver.

It's a good comparison for any religious person out there. That's all my reason D:

Didn't you hear, he want on a drunken binge one day.

"God! Didn't you know the age for drinking 8,000,000,000 years old wine is 8,000,000,018?! You've only been an imagination for 2000 years for Christ'"
"-- What you say about my son?"
"Urmm... Nothing..."
"Good, now get lost and let me finish my beer."

I will open and hold a door for my girlfriend, the next door she will open and hold for me. I think (at least between us) we got the equal rights thing worked out pretty well.

I put in a disclaimer, you have no reason to defend yourself mate. Someone like you I wouldn't expect such equal behaviour but I didn't expect anything bad

I'm always for manners anyway. I think I've been watching too much Totalbiscuit lol

- H
9,821 posts

Also, rarely are women as intelligent as men in terms of scientific or mathematical studies (which, in my opinion, are the most important (gee, this crime-book is nice)), because it opens up the understanding of us as humans, philisophical studies and understanding of the universe. How many famous, FEMALE scientists or mathmeticians do you know?

Right, because women totally have always had equal opportunities as men in everything and they fame totally equals aptitude. /sarcasm

This part of the rant is just blind misogyny/generalization. It's BS. You supported yourself with curse words and by listing old famous male scientists from an age where women doing anything except cooking and bearing children was unthinkable. All of your objections on this front are due to your own personal experiences through an apparently very angry lens projected onto an entire group of people. Tsk tsk tsk.

Anyway, the rest of this is common rant material. People are stupid, the system sucks, angst angst platitude angst, the world is full of stupidity, etc. Although the idea that being a **** gets you further in life is a misconception - being charismatic, ruthless, determined, or motivated and/or intelligent are what get you far. It's just that dickishness is often thrown in the mix.
3,025 posts

This part of the rant is just blind misogyny/generalization.

There are exceptions, asking for one would've helped my argument. That's what a debate really is - no one tries proving a point they just try and boil it down, with an open mind.
As such, what do you say to this?

It's BS.

There are other ways of putting it and often only when presented with an example situation can I properly underline it. I agree it's not done the best way possible, but this wasn't a full effort.

You supported yourself with curse words

May I just say that people often find that as very reasonable. That itself backs up other arguments.

and by listing old famous male scientists from an age where women doing anything except cooking and bearing children was unthinkable.

Yet another screwup in Society? Yeah, they weren't as advanced and we are all derived from primitive societies but logic still was there back then. It's just a shame people didn't look outside the box and worse, the rare few paid for doing that exact thing.

and by listing old famous male scientists from an age where women doing anything except cooking and bearing children was unthinkable.

And yet, my morality is in a better state than anyone else's I know. Why? Clear and open perspective I thought in.
Plus, I developed this through the age of 6 and upwards. I'm not special, and no one is that stupid (even if they believe they are), all I'm saying is that it's rediculous how few people came to the same conclusion.

through an apparently very angry lens projected onto an entire group of people. Tsk tsk tsk.

There are other groups I could complain about, though many of my statements I made right now are already considered offensive enough. And yes, why not angry? It's not as if I'm a genius and yet I seem to know (in my opinion) what right and wrong is, whereas others twice the age of me barely developed something as simple as that.

Plus, I was already vented of steam halfway through said rant. I could've maintained a clear perspective however a heated discussion with oneself is much more immersive to others.

Anyway, the rest of this is common rant material.

Not really, most people complain about the same thing just through different situations that brought them to it made them do so.

People are stupid

Not in any real sense, except socially. Ha! Listen to that. No, but seriously, people years ago had to put up with eachother's pet peeves - and that wasn't even a bad thing back then. They had more real life friends, had more tolerance and were active much more often.
There's also a article for this. Basically, we can filter out the nuisances in our games today, why put up with them?

the system sucks

Many of them suck, some of them are too soft - including punishments in the UK. If you kill someone you get years in prison, if it were self-defense you still get the same punishment. If you kill someone cold-hearted (or otherwise unreasonably) it should be death sentence (dishing out the same thing, essentially) immediately. If it were self-defense then simply put "This guy is trying to steal stuff he doesn't earn, hurting me in the process... Who is worth more?".

In the end, I don't give a rat about "Equality" when a guy is on my doorstep with a hammer seeking £50 in my drawer, that guy is a ****** and I have every right to kill him if I had to.

the world is full of stupidity


Although the idea that being a **** gets you further in life is a misconception

I should've been more clear on this. When it comes to slacking, being social, and having fun, hell yes, it gets you further. I love the idea of learning more but what's the point when all it does is make the booze these guys buy 5% cheaper?

It may not be related to them, but as they're doing w/e on the streets, graffiti, vandalism, or just abusing people on the Xbox I shouldn't pay my taxes for their DOLE, give them a second of my time (unless they're the rare open-minded ones) and ultimately further society as they lose it.

Common material, yes. More reasonable? Yes.
Bias? Definitely.

What's your point? It's not as if I'm wrong here because there is as I've said before exceptions but in the end it's just bull how people can get away with / do / think of / allow / bother with a bunch of crap. The worst thing is people with the right idealogy (not saying mine is) never seem to be shined in the light.

Next issue. Media influence.

- H
189 posts

it's good that your ranting, i don't care if your sextist or not, thats the other genders fault. but if you just become more confident, you'll have a perfect life. no religion intended.

3,025 posts

but if you just become more confident,

You know what's funny?

I'm always regarded as arrogant

I don't mind arrogant people, as long as they back it up - hell, I love it when teachers are like that too. I also like it how teachers whom are more laid back and generally putting in less effort (it seems) gets more out of those who try shutting students out.

Anyway, confidence I am not short of, and, lol, I know it doesn't seem like that in my rant however as before mentioned (for the last time I need to stop using those expressions!) this is just me burning off some steam (not that I had to :P ) and putting out some open perspective.

One thing I must <3 though is that NoName didn't lock up this thread, tied it up with 3 rounds of titanium and bolted it from the inside. I came here posting this expecting a ban of some sort but quite a few people actually took on my argument and that itself goes against my (biased) argument.

So even though I resist your reasons (with reasons ofc) it's not as if either of us are entirely wrong.


I'm actually laughing at my own stupidity :>

That's another thing, people misbehave and laugh at generally bad things whereas if I flick a piece of paper in my hand, laugh, hand it to my brother-in-law and he does the same, and we just continue for no reason whatsoever, we're regarded as mentally ill. Really? I said this before and I have to say it again - why can't we just be those kind of guys? Expectations of people are too high in some ways and too low in others :<

- H
9,821 posts

There are exceptions, asking for one would've helped my argument. That's what a debate really is - no one tries proving a point they just try and boil it down, with an open mind.
As such, what do you say to this?

I know what a debate is. Don't be condescending. Second of all, I know that some women are really like that, but you used an absolute - you referred to the entire group. That is a generalization, and that is what I was attacking.

May I just say that people often find that as very reasonable. That itself backs up other arguments.

Argumentum ad populum. Fallacy.

Yet another screwup in Society? Yeah, they weren't as advanced and we are all derived from primitive societies but logic still was there back then. It's just a shame people didn't look outside the box and worse, the rare few paid for doing that exact thing.

That wasn't my point. My point was that the paucity of female scientists was and is due to women being 2nd-class citizens until very recently. Please respond to what I'm actually saying.

There are other groups I could complain about, though many of my statements I made right now are already considered offensive enough. And yes, why not angry? It's not as if I'm a genius and yet I seem to know (in my opinion) what right and wrong is, whereas others twice the age of me barely developed something as simple as that.

Plus, I was already vented of steam halfway through said rant. I could've maintained a clear perspective however a heated discussion with oneself is much more immersive to others.

Please respond to what I'm actually saying. Also, you don't know what other people's morals are, and yet you're claiming superiority because you think you know right and wrong better than them. And don't give me crappy excuses about why your rant isn't well-composed. Those don't matter.

Not really, most people complain about the same thing just through different situations that brought them to it made them do so.

That makes it common rant material. The situation is not the material, the content is. I was talking about (herp derp) the content.


What I said makes perfect sense.

Not in any real sense, except socially. Ha! Listen to that. No, but seriously, people years ago had to put up with eachother's pet peeves - and that wasn't even a bad thing back then. They had more real life friends, had more tolerance and were active much more often.
There's also a article for this. Basically, we can filter out the nuisances in our games today, why put up with them?

You misunderstood what I said. Also, I know what you're talking about, and once again it doesn't pertain to what I'm saying. There's been no change in that regard - is a humor website that loves to ***** about how people behave on the internet.

Many of them suck, some of them are too soft - including punishments in the UK. If you kill someone you get years in prison, if it were self-defense you still get the same punishment. If you kill someone cold-hearted (or otherwise unreasonably) it should be death sentence (dishing out the same thing, essentially) immediately. If it were self-defense then simply put "This guy is trying to steal stuff he doesn't earn, hurting me in the process... Who is worth more?".

Hint: I was summarizing your rant.

I should've been more clear on this. When it comes to slacking, being social, and having fun, hell yes, it gets you further. I love the idea of learning more but what's the point when all it does is make the booze these guys buy 5% cheaper?

You didn't say anything remotely close to that. At all. And you're making utterly no sense - learning doesn't make the booze bought by ***** any cheaper.

More reasonable? Yes.

No. Your rant was very very run-of-the-mill - you're "analyzing" the world from your own angsty perspective while espousing your superiority over the common man and going on about how people are stupid, being a **** gets you further than being smart, and about how women are all stupid.

What's your point? It's not as if I'm wrong here because there is as I've said before exceptions but in the end it's just bull how people can get away with / do / think of / allow / bother with a bunch of crap. The worst thing is people with the right idealogy (not saying mine is) never seem to be shined in the light.

I'm not saying you're wrong. I was attacking the misogynistic part because it was a fallacious generalization and then I went on to say that the rest of the rant was a run-of-the-mill, angst-soaked tirade about how the man is evil, people are stupid, and that you're superior to almost everyone you know morally and intellectually and how appalling that is. AS I said, angst angst platitudes angst.
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