ForumsWEPRBible Verse of the Half-Week

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This is meant to be a thread to have a view into the Christian mind and the Christian life. Basically, every Sunday and Wednesday, I'd like to simply share a Bible verse and talk a little about it.

There are a couple of reasons why I'm starting this. First, the atmosphere of WEPR has degenerated since I first joined AG in 2008. Second, I feel that those of us who are in the body of Christ, the church, should have a quiet place to increase our devotion and strengthen each other in the faith. Third, I've simply been moved by the heart of prayer to make this thread. Although I know none of you personally, I do pray for some of the people I have met here, whether they may like it or not. So let's encourage that.

Bible verses are in NIV, unless otherwise specified.

March 13-16: Romans 3:23

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

When a non-Christian asks me to summarize Christianity in a short way, this is the first verse I turn to. All the problems in the world--the suffering, the pain, the hardship--stem from the first four words: "for all have sinned." And I know for me (and for many of us) this is the hardest thing, to acknowledge that we sin.

We sin, and we justify this to ourselves all the time: "This isn't quite so bad," "Not as bad as him," "Well, in this case." We become trained to think that morality is gray, that it is merely a social convention or a form of respect that we follow. And it's for this reason that the second point is fulfilled: that all "fall short of the glory of God."

There is nothing glorious about goodness if it must be justified here and justified there. And so, the reason why morality is seen as burdensome is not because it's something we should follow, it's because we constantly justify it to ourselves. And that is busywork.

Comments, questions, blessings, prayers all welcome!
  • 55 Replies
8,257 posts

Sorry if my opinion offends you in any way, but I think this is not the place to do this. I don't mean the wrong forum; I mean the whole website. Sure we discuss about a lot of things that have nothing to do with gaming, but this does not seem the place to me to found prayer groups or such; if someone needs a quiet place away from harsh forum discussion, there are plenty of other oportunities than here, plenty of places that make more sense than a gaming website. You do with that what you want of course and I won't disturb you further than this.

4,206 posts

Big problem. As this site isn't private and is open minded there will be criticism more then idk...devotion? Or whatever your aiming to achieve here. I guess blessings and make people happy.

First, the atmosphere of WEPR has degenerated

It did? Obviously it won't be the nicest section ever. But that's just because it's about WERP.

So let's encourage that.

Encourage...prayer? I encourage actions.

to acknowledge that we sin.

I know a lot of sins, but could you give me a list of a few of sins?

"This isn't quite so bad,"

That's when people use something called reason.

that it is merely a social convention or a form of respect that we follow.

That's because it is. It changes every-time society changes.
3,086 posts

Sin is the religious version of illogical parenting.

9,821 posts

As long as you keep discussion going, this would be awesome. This'll probably turn into a debate thread as much as anything, but AG has been short (AKA: completely devoid of) good Christian debaters since you and BigP stopped frequenting the place and Samy went agnostic atheist. There hasn't been really any discussion of the Bible itself in a very long time, if ever, so if you keep this updated it'll be a great mode of discussion.

1,448 posts

As a Christian, what do you believe creates morality?

God? The Bible? How do these "create" morality?

Would God be able to accept virtues which were not in themselves virtuous? I think not! So God can't create morality at all! Religion is neither a necessity for morality nor a potential creator of morality.

3,817 posts

This is meant to be a thread to have a view into the Christian mind and the Christian life. Basically, every Sunday and Wednesday, I'd like to simply share a Bible verse and talk a little about it.

Fine, but you do realize you will then get an atheist opinion, a Bible quote that goes against your quote, and massive criticism, correct?

First, the atmosphere of WEPR has degenerated since I first joined AG in 2008.

The "Good ol' days"? Really? The days are rarely better "Back in the day". Even though on every game sight, everywhere, there seems to be someone saying "This was better back in the day", it is rarely the case. So, I am forced not to believe you.

, I feel that those of us who are in the body of Christ

Am I the only one who sees a rather creepy image here? And isn't the "Body of Christ" bread, so you are "In bread"?

the church, should have a quiet place to increase our devotion and strengthen each other in the faith.

You will do the opposite, a loud place that will weaken your fool's "Faith", I will be sure to comment on most posts myself.

Third, I've simply been moved by the heart of prayer to make this thread.

...The what? Whatever that is, why not put it to something useful instead?

Although I know none of you personally, I do pray for some of the people I have met here, whether they may like it or not.

Great. Now I got a country song stuck in my head... "I pray for you" do to the wording of that sentences...
I pray your brakes go out running down a hill
I pray a flowerpot falls from a window sill and knocks you in the
head like I'd like to
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls
I pray you're flying high when your engine stalls
I pray all your dreams never come true
Just know wherever you are honey, I pray for you
. Thanks a lot...

Bible verses are in NIV, unless otherwise specified.

I prefer the KJV. It has more dragons and unicorns.

March 13-16: Romans 3:23

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Didn't your god sin? I seem to remember him admitting to be Jealous, which is a big no no, lying, and of course murdering a few million people...

When a non-Christian asks me to summarize Christianity in a short way, this is the first verse I turn to. All the problems in the world--the suffering, the pain, the hardship--stem from the first four words: "for all have sinned." And I know for me (and for many of us) this is the hardest thing, to acknowledge that we sin.

Wait, are you claiming all the "Suffering, the pain, the hardship" stem from us "sinning"? Could you clarify how insane you are here? You could be completely insane, stating that because of "sinners" that poor people starve, natural disasters occur, and all that bad stuff. Or you could be just doing mental gymnastics here, blaming humanity instead of your god, who would be at fault, but if all that was his fault, then he wouldn't be the Yahweh you have convinced yourself exists.

We sin, and we justify this to ourselves all the time

Great. Care to clarify what this "sin" is? Of your idea of "sins" I only have two, one being human nature of lust that your god even has, and two being an atheist do to the fact that there is no god. How could any logical being consider either of these grounds for punishment?

This isn't quite so bad," "Not as bad as him," "Well, in this case."

Actually, two of those are completely valid excuses. Such as lusting "This isn't bad" would be a small edit from one of yours, as it is basic human nature, while if your a poor man stealing a loaf of bread so you and your family could live another day, the proper excuse would be "Well, in this case"

We become trained to think that morality is gray, that it is merely a social convention or a form of respect that we follow

...Because it is...

And it's for this reason that the second point is fulfilled: that all "fall short of the glory of God."

...Because we know that morality is not absolute, we somehow fall short of the omnipotent psychopath?

There is nothing glorious about goodness if it must be justified here and justified there.

Then why does your god have to justify his every "good action"? I mean, he can't just cure cancer? He must have the justification of medical science acting upon that cancer in order for him to help? Or a &quotrayer", if somehow you are correct...

When was the last time your god did something good without having it "justified"?

And so, the reason why morality is seen as burdensome is not because it's something we should follow, it's because we constantly justify it to ourselves.

Who sees morality as burdensome? Criminals, psychopaths, and people with a strict code that ban human nature. You seem to fall into the last one. Your god falls into the first two.
9,821 posts

The "Good ol' days"? Really? The days are rarely better "Back in the day". Even though on every game sight, everywhere, there seems to be someone saying "This was better back in the day", it is rarely the case. So, I am forced not to believe you.

I'd actually have to vouch for him on this one. Back in the good 'ol days, 08-09, debate was a lot more polite and a lot more even in terms of views, so there were more perspectives on various issues.

Am I the only one who sees a rather creepy image here? And isn't the "Body of Christ" bread, so you are "In bread"?

He just means in the church >_> it isn't that difficult to figure out. I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean communion bread.

Didn't your god sin? I seem to remember him admitting to be Jealous, which is a big no no, lying, and of course murdering a few million people...

While at least somewhat true, this is always a bad point to bring up because they have the "God is above sin" and "we can't understand his motivations or actions fully so we can't judge their morality" cards.
3,386 posts

"I pray for you"

I love that song!

And 314, you seem really bitter in your whole post. Parsat is a very respectable person, and the 'vibes' from your post just scream that you think he is dirt because he is a Christian.

I want to see what this will turn in to, but no extremes need to be taken. Instead of pounding your beliefs into someone, why not take a step back and see how rude you are being? A person has a right to believe whatever religion they choose.

Am I the only one who sees a rather creepy image here? And isn't the "Body of Christ" bread, so you are "In bread"?

Really? You are going to twist this by manipulating the meaning? Bread is the representation. Trying to make it seem stupid isn't helping you there, because most idiots know the difference.

I want to say something against there being a difference between sin and law, but I can't find a good example. I'll get back to you on that one.
8,257 posts

While at least somewhat true, this is always a bad point to bring up because they have the "God is above sin" and "we can't understand his motivations or actions fully so we can't judge their morality" cards.

These cards won't be accepted since they are just ultimative escapers and not arguments; if you are supposed to have faith in a being you can't udnerstand and even goes against it's own laws, you won't convince many people.
3,817 posts

He just means in the church >_> it isn't that difficult to figure out. I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean communion bread.

Well they should probably just use one meaning for each saying, ah?

And 314, you seem really bitter in your whole post. Parsat is a very respectable person, and the 'vibes' from your post just scream that you think he is dirt because he is a Christian.

...Vibes? I thought I always talked like this.

I want to see what this will turn in to, but no extremes need to be taken. Instead of pounding your beliefs into someone, why not take a step back and see how rude you are being? A person has a right to believe whatever religion they choose.

How exactly am I "Pounding my beliefs" into him/her? I am always rude, just who I am. Are you claiming that I am prejudiced on the bases of religion?

Really? You are going to twist this by manipulating the meaning? Bread is the representation. Trying to make it seem stupid isn't helping you there, because most idiots know the difference.

I do that often. Really, do you ever read my posts?

I want to say something against there being a difference between sin and law, but I can't find a good example. I'll get back to you on that one.

Even if that was true, then what gives Yahweh right to impose a law on people who don't follow him? It would be like Japan making a law and expecting people in Libya to follow it, punishing the people in Libya if they break the law. These countries are chosen at random, so don't think I am sending any "bad vibes" to them or whatever.
4,206 posts

Back in the good 'ol days, 08-09, debate was a lot more polite and a lot more even in terms of views,

We can't do anything about that. I guess religious people don't like debating.
3,386 posts

I really don't know you.

Don't concentrate on the vibes part, just the fact you are treating him like dirt.

It wouldn't hurt to be polite in your posts, especially to someone who isn't attacking you.

Even if that was true, then what gives Yahweh right to impose a law on people who don't follow him? It would be like Japan making a law and expecting people in Libya to follow it, punishing the people in Libya if they break the law. These countries are chosen at random, so don't think I am sending any "bad vibes" to them or whatever.

Oh come on, you really think an omnipotent being is going to 'change' what sin is because man makes a law against it? That makes no sense.
9,821 posts

Well they should probably just use one meaning for each saying, ah?

There is no "they" here. It's not difficult to comprehend. The body of Christ as he uses it obviously means the church and not the bread for communion - he even uses an appositive to explain what he means. You're trying a scorched-earth tactic to argue against him and all it's doing is making you look like an idiot.

I do that often. Really, do you ever read my posts?

Doing something often doesn't make it permissible, and it doesn't make you immune to being called out by it.

How exactly am I "Pounding my beliefs" into him/her? I am always rude, just who I am. Are you claiming that I am prejudiced on the bases of religion?

Rudeness makes you look like an idiot or a ******* who doesn't deserve attention. The rules here emphasize politeness, and it's your loss if you argue rudely because it makes you look like an idiot.

Even if that was true, then what gives Yahweh right to impose a law on people who don't follow him? It would be like Japan making a law and expecting people in Libya to follow it, punishing the people in Libya if they break the law. These countries are chosen at random, so don't think I am sending any "bad vibes" to them or whatever.

All people supposedly fall under god's jurisdiction. It would be more like the USA making a law and expecting anarchist citizens to follow it. Just because they don't believe in the government doesn't mean they're not supposed to follow the law.
3,817 posts

I really don't know you.

Really? It is not like I am inconspicuous. I have near two thousand posts on this forum, a majority of them long...

Don't concentrate on the vibes part, just the fact you are treating him like dirt.

You do realize I treat everyone the same, correct? Go read some of my other posts and you will see this.

Oh come on, you really think an omnipotent being is going to 'change' what sin is because man makes a law against it? That makes no sense.

No, where you paying attention? I am saying that Yahweh has no right to impose laws on people who don't fallow him. He has no right to punish people who don't follow them.
9,821 posts

We can't do anything about that. I guess religious people don't like debating.

I'm not saying that it's our fault, just that it's true. This place used to be a lot more varied.

You do realize I treat everyone the same, correct? Go read some of my other posts and you will see this.

That still does not make it permissible. Treating everyone like dirt doesn't justify treating people like dirt, just like gassing all the Jews didn't justify gassing Jews. That makes no sense.
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