Personally I think that it's about time that the inhuman regimes are being brought down. For too long leaders have been free to suppress their subjects. Personally I feel that it is the duty of all free people to ensure that others have the basic freedoms from oppression and abuse. I'm glad that the UN has stepped up in support of these citizens who have the courage to rebel against such a horrible man.
As for the look-a-like, he reminds me more of a hybrid of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, but that's just me xD
but think about it this way, EnterOrion. if the us get involved, it is possible that they could take power over libya. no arab wants that at all because most know the us will drain the arabian peninsual of all its oil if the us ever gets its hands on it.
however, most people don't want a corrupt ruler who kills innocents. also, the us isn't the only worry. there is a group of muslims called the Shiites(pronounced Shi-aas) who completely twisted islam into their own religion. this means that the shiites might team with the us and take down all of the other muslim sects.
so in all cases, gaddafi shold be either driven tocomplete insanity(if he isn't already insane) or assasination by a trained hitman.
Gaddafi is a dumb leader.. he thinks that by having women as his security guards the rebels wont kill them because there girls. and also he hires women that are virgin. he is a really corrupt leader and he should just kill himself.
I'm very confident Gaddafi won't step down, seeing as he's quite delusional. I am glad to see another brutal regime being toppled. Everyone in this world deserves a right to choose their leaders.
but think about it this way, EnterOrion. if the us get involved, it is possible that they could take power over libya. no arab wants that at all because most know the us will drain the arabian peninsual of all its oil if the us ever gets its hands on it.
however, most people don't want a corrupt ruler who kills innocents. also, the us isn't the only worry. there is a group of muslims called the Shiites(pronounced Shi-aas) who completely twisted islam into their own religion. this means that the shiites might team with the us and take down all of the other muslim sects.
so in all cases, gaddafi shold be either driven tocomplete insanity(if he isn't already insane) or assasination by a trained hitman.
I don't think the US wants to take power over Libya. No one is keen on another lengthy occupation. Shia Islam isn't a single faction with the powers of a sovereign state, but a major school of thought of Islam. Although differences between Sunnis and Shiites are causes of violence, your suggestion that the Shiites would ally with the US to fight off Sunni Islam is ridiculous. Note that nearly half of the world's Shiites live in Iran. You do know about Iran and the US right? I'm quite sure the corporates will drain the Middle East of its oil anyway, due to the profitability in black gold.
That no-fly zone offensive is already well on its way, entering the second day . I believe US and British ships fired 110 cruise missiles at 20 targets in Libya, while French jets dropped bombs. Gaddafi claimed that that nearly fifty people were killed by the offensive. I'm very eager as to what will happen next.
Gaddafi has threatened -again- to attack military and civilian targets in the Mediterranean in retaliation for Western air and sea strikes on his country.
Gaddafi is mad as a hatter, he really thinks that his army will win the war.
Ok, Just clearing things up. I agree with you guys on all fronts, all but the one about his female guards. His female guards all come from a family who have proved, on many occasions, to protect Rulers from around the middle east, even if it means sacrificing their own lives. Don't believe everything on wikileaks.
if you ask me Gadhafi just needs to either step down, or stop what he's doing and come a census with the people of libya to either rule it or gain somthing forhimself. If he keeps this up i bet the U.S will eventually be dragged into no matter what and i think we all know the U.S has it's millitary forces spread across the globe as is and is not fit for a war right now, atleast till we deal with the remaning of the iraqi and iran.
that Gaddafi needs to do is to try and stop killing is people, get the rpg homing on them deflected and then step down. if none of that happens, Gaddafi is destroying his country.
your suggestion that the Shiites would ally with the US to fight off Sunni Islam is ridiculous
actually, they're ready to team up with israelites and jews.
actually, they're ready to team up with israelites and jews.
You scared me there, since I thought I had misread your previous statement but..
Shiites(pronounced Shi-aas) who completely twisted islam into their own religion. this means that the [b]shiites might team with the us and take down all of the other muslim sects.[/b]
Who is ready to team up with Israel? Shiites or the Americans? If you're meaning to say America, you're generalizing the US too much. Are you intoxicated on conspiracy theories?
that Gaddafi needs to do is to try and stop killing is people, get the rpg homing on them deflected and then step down. if none of that happens, Gaddafi is destroying his country.
He's already destroying his country, and obvious isn't to be trusted. I thought refraining from firing rocket propelled grenades is much easier than attempt in to deflect them.