ForumsNews and FeedbackClan Suggestions

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30 posts

So I know that this may be over used but maybe we could have a clan system in the AGv3 system? Basically this idea is that you could make you own clan and have your own name in which you could have separate events withing the clan.
Even newer ranks for people in a clan such as:

Clan Leader
Clan Advisor
Clan Member
Clan Organizer
Clan Associate
So on and so forth.

Clan Leader:
Basically runs the clan and can "kick" people out of a clan or "ban" them from a clan. So no they're not Mods or Admins but they just keep the clan under control.

Clan Advisor:
Basically helps with enforcing the rules of the clan and the site to newbies. Also can Advise a member of the clan to go to someone else if needed.

Clan Member:
Just a normal member nothing really special about them. They can be "kicked" or "banned" from a clan. Will really make up the majority of the clan.

Clan Organizer:
This is where some of the fun would come in. They could suggest fun ideas for the clan to do. Such as playing a muliplayer game with just your clan members. They would normally set up the event and do alot of the organizing for the game. Such as a tournament for the clan.

Clan Associate:
Just about anyone who is Associated with the clan but not really in the clan. Even if they're in another clan. When your an Associate I would just suggest that you put which clans they're associated with on their profile.

Now I was think that close to the persons name when they're on the forums you could put which clan they're in. Also somewhere on their profile.

Now I was think that for a clan they could have a bit of their own forum. Not as intricate as our just on community and maybe a few different categories but not as many as the main one. So that they can make their own activites without cluttering up the forums.

Also I was think maybe clan compettions at random times, but this would not be necessary.

  • 322 Replies
2 posts

Its a really good idea

15,595 posts

If this happens Armor Games becomes a game!

What do you mean? Groups/clans will let you interact with people who share similar interests. We already know it's going to be for games, but I assume it'll work for other things as well. Such as the forums, interests in sports, etc. This is a good idea for socializing.
408 posts

It is best that each idea be realized as soon as possible

15,595 posts

It is best that each idea be realized as soon as possible

I'm sure the admins check these threads occasionally, it's just they don't post in them. Checking isn't enough, we need to see them and read what they think about the ideas. We also haven't had an update in nearly a year.
1 posts

I think this will be a great addition. I hope that anyone can make a clan/group no matter how many armour points they have. I also really like the idea of the clan associates it will keep clans connected for lots of multiplayer fun.

12,319 posts

I hope that anyone can make a clan/group no matter how many armour points they have.

If there are no restrictions, there will most likely be too many clans, and bad stuff can happen if a new user creates a clan without knowing the rules. I therefore think there should be an AP and Reputation requirement to create a clan, but they shouldn't be so high that there will be very few clans. There could also be different categories of clans that would have different requirements. For example, here's my idea of a categorized clan creation requirement system:

Gaming Clan: This category is for clans that are for a certain multiplayer game. These clans should have high AP requirements and low Reputation requirements.

Interest Clan: This category is for clans that show a specific interest. These clans should have moderate requirements in AP and Reputation.

Forum Clan: This category is for clans that allow a certain group of forumers to either spread a meme or have an additional form of contact. These clans should have a low AP requirement and a high Reputation requirement.

If this or a similar system is implemented, the creator would have to select from the unlocked categories. If the mods/admins determine that a clan is in the wrong category, they could change the category. If the creator does not meet the requirements for the new category, a different leader will be selected, preferably though a clan election where the candidates are all members that meet the requirements to create a clan in that category.
145 posts

i have a very advanced rank list for clans or groups if anyyone wants to use it or modify it in any way it has 40 total ranks

1. guest
2. newbie
3. probie
4. member
5. advanced member
6. super member
7. epic member
8. ultra member
9. citizen
10. advanced citizen
11. super citizen
12. epic citizen
13. ultra citizen
14. liutennant
15. specialist
16. major
17. corporal
18. seargeant
19. general
20. moderator
21. advanced moderator
22. super moderator
23. epic moderator
24. ultra moderator
25. operator
26. advanced operator
27. super moderator
28. epic moderator
29. ultra moderator
30. admin
31. advanced admin
32. super admin
33. epic admin
34. ultra admin
35. associate
36. god
37. co-leader
38. leader
39. co-owner

12,319 posts

i have a very advanced rank list for clans or groups if anyyone wants to use it or modify it in any way it has 40 total ranks

1. guest
2. newbie
3. probie
4. member
5. advanced member
6. super member
7. epic member
8. ultra member
9. citizen
10. advanced citizen
11. super citizen
12. epic citizen
13. ultra citizen
14. liutennant
15. specialist
16. major
17. corporal
18. seargeant
19. general
20. moderator
21. advanced moderator
22. super moderator
23. epic moderator
24. ultra moderator
25. operator
26. advanced operator
27. super moderator
28. epic moderator
29. ultra moderator
30. admin
31. advanced admin
32. super admin
33. epic admin
34. ultra admin
35. associate
36. god
37. co-leader
38. leader
39. co-owner

That's way too advanced as a required system. Instead, I think these should be the required ranks:

Leader: The highest position in the clan. In a new clan, this position belongs to the creator, but the leader should be able to step down or be voted out.

Advanced Member: Somewhat like a mod. If the leader steps down, the new leader should be one of these or a higher rank (this isn't necessarily the 2nd highest rank). These members have more privileges than a normal member.

Member: Normal members get this position, which is the lowest position.

When a clan is created, the creator should be able to set a limit if any. The creator should also be able to set additional ranks beyond the required ranks as long as those extra ranks are higher than Member and lower than Leader.
1 posts

There are clans i never knew anything of this and if there really are then what games would they play??

708 posts

My clan ranking system is good already.
Link to my profile

Is there a way for AG3 to have a forum for clans?

I talked to Gantic and he said there is a place where clans can meet easier.

However, I want a place where we can meet here too.

3 posts

On the new website the groups and clans should have rank ups so you can feel appreciated and you can post group/clan things to get AG points and once you get to a high enough rank like an admin you can ban and delete posts on the groups page it would be epic!

708 posts

There should still be a Forum for clans.

5,875 posts

I talked to Gantic and he said there is a place where clans can meet easier.

There'll probably be some type of chat for clans I guess. I don't know about a separate forum.
3 posts

i don`t mind

13,344 posts

There should still be a Forum for clans.

Would those be exclusive forums, or could anyone just post in the clan forum without being part of a clan?

Either way, it seems like a waste of programming to me. I don't see why you can't just make your own offsite forum and use that. That to me makes more sense, because you can choose your own clan moderators and admins.
Showing 256-270 of 322