ForumsNews and FeedbackClan Suggestions

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30 posts

So I know that this may be over used but maybe we could have a clan system in the AGv3 system? Basically this idea is that you could make you own clan and have your own name in which you could have separate events withing the clan.
Even newer ranks for people in a clan such as:

Clan Leader
Clan Advisor
Clan Member
Clan Organizer
Clan Associate
So on and so forth.

Clan Leader:
Basically runs the clan and can "kick" people out of a clan or "ban" them from a clan. So no they're not Mods or Admins but they just keep the clan under control.

Clan Advisor:
Basically helps with enforcing the rules of the clan and the site to newbies. Also can Advise a member of the clan to go to someone else if needed.

Clan Member:
Just a normal member nothing really special about them. They can be "kicked" or "banned" from a clan. Will really make up the majority of the clan.

Clan Organizer:
This is where some of the fun would come in. They could suggest fun ideas for the clan to do. Such as playing a muliplayer game with just your clan members. They would normally set up the event and do alot of the organizing for the game. Such as a tournament for the clan.

Clan Associate:
Just about anyone who is Associated with the clan but not really in the clan. Even if they're in another clan. When your an Associate I would just suggest that you put which clans they're associated with on their profile.

Now I was think that close to the persons name when they're on the forums you could put which clan they're in. Also somewhere on their profile.

Now I was think that for a clan they could have a bit of their own forum. Not as intricate as our just on community and maybe a few different categories but not as many as the main one. So that they can make their own activites without cluttering up the forums.

Also I was think maybe clan compettions at random times, but this would not be necessary.

  • 322 Replies
991 posts

What do you mean clan competitions? Competitions in what? Like getting a high score in a video game or something?

I don't really see the point. =p

9,504 posts

Sounds like groups/clans/guilds/highly-organized-conglomerates-consisting-of-many-members-under-one-banner will be a post-launch feature on AG3:

Most-recent update on this, with another topic:

I'm looking forward to this, personally. I'm not sure if I'd want to join one or create one myself, but...If I'd TOTALLY be a Dwarf/Troll/Gnome/Goblin/Giant/Cyclops clan.

2,891 posts

We'll definitely make a note about having a clan/group leader, one or more sub-leaders, and possibly ranks within the group. Ideally, we'd also allow posting rights based on rank, or whatever. We could make groups invite-only or "anyone can join" etc.

As far as competitions, we *might* be able to do that in an automated / programmatic way based on games and who is in your group. (ie, get everyone's high scores in Exit Path for your 'group', and compare that total versus other groups/clans.

Any other ideas? I'll make this sticky and we can add ideas and discussions here.

2,891 posts

Looking back over AngelRaziel96's rank list, I'm not sure how many levels of "rank" we'll allow for a group/clan, or what each of those will be able to do, as that creates a very complex system of what to allow on the underlying web site in terms of posting status messages, or inviting users, etc.

At a minimum, have a leader and co-leader, who can both administer the group (add/remove people), and possibly add other ranks as we get ideas for what to allow those ranks to do.

We might have to hard-code it like:

Leader / Co-Leader:
- invite users
- kick users
- post status updates
- post status update comments
- delete status updates
- delete status update comments from group members
- schedule events
- etc

Advanced Member:
- invite users
- kick users
- post status updates
- post status update comments
- etc

- post status update comments

These are just ideas, and I'm happy to hear comments.

3,550 posts

Advanced Member:
- invite users
- kick users
- post status updates
- post status update comments
- etc

Would Advanced mean Moderators of the group. Like Moderators in a forum? If so then kick users can stay. If it just means a higher rank than kick users shouldn't be there.

And about Post status updates, would this mean the clan/group you're in would have it's own section thing in the Activity Stream. Like Friends/Followers/Kingdom?(Don't remeber exactly)/Clans?
2,891 posts

Yeah, and privacy settings would probably play a part too, like whether you want group activities showing up in your personal stream or not.

9,504 posts

Very interesting on the &quotowers" of various members. My eyebrow is twitching from the "advanced member"'s powers. The powers of inviting users and especially kicking users from the group would be too great. I mean, what is an advanced user in relation to a group? These are regular members invited by a leader, then progress somehow. I think that giving kicking powers to a member would be too much, seeing as how the group could potentially grow very large. Would advanced members have to be hand-selected by the leaders, saying "I trust this guy enough to make the right decisions" thereby placing full responsibility on them? Would the leader get in trouble if the member gets too lulzy with his foot?

Something that would be great would be giving the members the option to "report unfair kick", bringing up a textbox of some sort and filling the box with reasons why they think they were unfairly removed.

As far as competitions, we *might* be able to do that in an automated / programmatic way based on games and who is in your group. (ie, get everyone's high scores in Exit Path for your 'group', and compare that total versus other groups/clans.

I'm thinking of a way how leaders of different factions can manually challenge each other to a gaming tournament. The challenger can select a game, select the conditions for the game (highscores, low time, kill/death ratio, etc.), and then present the challenge to the other leader, where he/she can accept/decline it. I can see this only working on AGi-based games..... anyway, the scores can then be posted (permanently?) on the clan's area.

Clan's area? I'm also thinking that there can be various stats posted somewhere, showing how many tournaments they won, how many clan wars they won, how many members are admitted, how many status updates were posted, all that good stuff. That would be great.
452 posts

Maybe also there could be a thing like a clan page. Maybe in this "clan wall" you could customize the wall and maybe put a chat box it or a comments bar in, kind of like you own website within a website. The only fear I have would be that to many users get clans and then it just becomes some weird full blown clan fight to see who could get the most users.

So when you make you clan though there is like something up by community and stuff that says clan and you go in there. There is tons of clans in there and on the top it says make a clan. There you select what the clan is for (exit path, doughnuts, 100 points plus clan or whatever). Then you clan appears in the clans (kind of like a post). You then can click on it, read whats in it, make a comment if it's an anyone welcome clan of send a "clan request".

Clan Request? This is like in facebook when you send a friend request. The request is instantly sent to the Leader or co-leader's home page and can either be accepted or ignored.

Upgrade system. You make a clan, bam you the leader. then you can put members, advanced members, co-leaders and members in. When you create you clan though you will have a bow of who get what power. So you could scroll down to members and check off comments. Scroll to co-leader and check off boot member, boost members ect. This allows full customizing for your clans ranks. You can also name them so instead of co-leader you could call the prince or queen or what ever you want.

[quote]Clan's area? I'm also thinking that there can be various stats posted somewhere, showing how many tournaments they won, how many clan wars they won, how many members are admitted, how many status updates were posted, all that good stuff. That would be great.[quote]

I really like this idea. I wouldn't have the tournaments part though because that would meant they would have to edit the game. I would rather have "clan points". You know how there is a top player box? Well you could just add a top clan box.

How would the points work? I was thinking maybe that you could get "clan achievements". So if you got x users you would get achievements or got x posts on you clan wall you got an achievement and so on. (feel free to get more achievement ideas and post them)

My last idea was that clan points could also be earned by in user points. SO if you get you clan points you get points. Of if you make a post on a clan you get points. (once again feel free to post more ways to get points)

452 posts

sorry the part after clan's arena wasn't supposed to be quotes. Oops

452 posts

Also you can make as many rank levels as you want

Ps. bow in upgrade system was supposed to be box*

64 posts

it really does make sense to do something like this because well: you could have more experienced group members that have the knowhow about came creation and actionscript teaching the less experienced eager to learn group members (like me=D) then the group could benefit from having more ap from submitting games and the site could benefit from well having more games =D

4,206 posts

I look forward to this I would totally join/create a group that reflects the way I think. I had experience with lots of different clan system and I think the part with the "report unfair kick" is a good thing, would keep does abusives users away. Also there should be a way to "ban" a member from a clan for a certain amount of time without actually kicking him. Sometimes members make a mistake that needs to be punished, but kicking sound too cruel And one last thing, maybe a ranking system? Maybe somehow clans could get points and grow in ranking. So people can see which clan is best.

Oh and if the clans could rename the "advance member" "leader" and "member" to something that suites more their clan. Of course the functions would stay the same

1,606 posts

I think it should be kind of like warcraft, but instead of anyone in a guild can invite ANYONE, it should be the guilds are arranged by what people like. For example, an art guild could do stuff related to art, and the guild members could submit their art.(As long as it is clean) A flash gaming guild could host different flash gaming online tournaments for the best players, seperate ones for medium players, and another one for begginers. Kind of like in the middle ages, where there were guilds, instead of unions... There should be guilds for coders, game artists, etc. There should also be some kind of multi guild compatition, to spice things up, maybe monthly contests, or something to that effect. Thats my two bits worth on the subject.

64 posts

or what you could do is have group positions like artist and coder so that the artist could draw pics for the coder who would use the art in a game =D

7 posts

I get were your going at, but really. Are these competitions imaginary? Im still confused.

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