President Obama raised many questions when he launched cruise missiles at Libya. Some reports say that Barack violated Federal laws by launching cruise missiles without congressional consultance. The missiles' purpose is to enforce the "No fly zone" that has been of much debate. Reports also claim that, with the "violation" commited, other agencies will take over control of the rising conflict. However, there are reports that this is false information. Many fear the widespread economic and political instibility coupled with the recent spike in natural disasters and the results of their damage.
Some of my scources include the "Centre Daily Times", "Global Security Newswire"(both of which can be easily accesed through Google News under Obama, missiles. While a more reliable scource(my local newspaper) says that he issued the launch on his first day visiting a South American country(whose name I forget) trying to increase trade. I think it was Brazil.
Actually we (the United States) are handing over the maintenance of the no fly zone to NATO forces in the next few days and no ground operations have been approved and there isn't a very good chance any will be approved. We interceded to prevent a humanitarian crisis and we're going to give the control to NATO and various European powers to finish supporting the rebells. It's not a war.
I honestly have no idea why Obama would even consider waisting recourses for Libya. I see why we can help a little with the no fly zone but thats really ALL we should be doing with several other UN nations.
Libya is not very important to the US so I don't see why all of this is necessary. I think AMerica needs to slow down, stop fighting and focus only on domestic issues for a while. Fix the economy, fix unemployment, ect. Isolationism once in a while won't hurt anyone right?
There are two reasons for US involvement in Libya.
First of all, the US really didn't want to get involved, or they were unsure of how to do so, but we got dragged into it becuase we are the supreme military power and the UN decided to have the no- fly zone over Libya so that the civilians didn't get slaughtered. Whoever controls the skies controls the battle. I'm pretty sure Ghadaffi (sp?) is crazy enough to frag his own people, so the UN did something about it.
Second of all, Libya has a frak load of oil, which is a huge power supply for the rest of the world. A lot of people think it's because of lobbyist greed but it's not. No oil means no transportation, no airplanes, no nothing. So, if Ghadaffi decides to blow up his oil rigs then gas is gonna be about 6- 10 USD at the station (I'm just throwing a number, I really don't know), and air traffic is going to be even more expensive, etc... I could talk more about the oil thing but I'm going to leave this for another topic.
In short, we're protecting the lives of civilians, as well as one of our most needed resources.
Libya supplies oil to the US, that is why gas prices have jumped.
I thought it was mainly Italy and France but I suppose some goes to the US. I still think we are stupid for not drilling domestic oil like the gulf, Rocky Mountains, Alaska, ect.
UN has the power to ensure bystanders aren't killed by an overzealous despot.
Yes agreed. But i don't think it will be in the United State's best intrest to send ground forces in, help from afar like enforcing the NFZ, sending Cruse Missiles to strategic military targets ect. not in the rioting streets.
Yes it does and that was one accident. Nature always finds a way to naturally cleanse itself and almost all of the leaked oil went back into the Earth. With the help of filtering and a better rig, another issue shouldn't occur.
Well, yes but even the parts that aren't as densely populated your saying shouldn't be drilled on? I didn't say we should drill right down through where the Penguins are, Im saying we should drill where there isn't much more than rocks and snow.
@Gaddafi and oil rigs: I stand corrected. What a moron he is.
Well, yes but even the parts that aren't as densely populated your saying shouldn't be drilled on? I didn't say we should drill right down through where the Penguins are, Im saying we should drill where there isn't much more than rocks and snow.
Where there are rocks and snow, there have to be roughnecks to work the oil rig, so climates have to be workable.
I don't get why everyone gets so hung up about oil. We import (in America) more oil and petroleum from Canada than from Iraq and Saudi Arabia combined. Libya isn't even on the list for the top 15 importers to the US. This involvement in the Middle East and Africa isn't about oil, it's about having a base of power in the region to provide stability and control.