Where does anyone see how to get merits? If you don't know how to get them then you can't try to get them. How many Armor Points do you get for them anyway.
but still, alot of the comments I see are really good and they don't have merits, so it seems pretty hard to get. How often are they given out?
Not as often as we'd like. It's too bad some of those 'good comments' have terrible grammar that makes them hard to read or just outright contradict themselves. We don't really come across 'really good' comments any more.
Yeah, I really good comment, like 10 sentences on this game called "One Step Back." It had the right grammar and everything. For the next week I had been looking at my profile constantly trying to check in a difference in the number of merits I have. It is still a big, fat 0.
WOW, essays! I do that for school- I ain't gonna do that here! Ah well. I could live without getting a merit, although it will always be stuck in the back of my head.
here is one of the most recent merits on arms of revenge, by shjack180 if you are looking for a good example...
I love the game, but I can hardly play the way I'm supposed to because it makes my system run extremely slowly. Even when I had the opportunity to play it on a better system, I found a few annoying things about the controls. For example, whenever I try to jump out of a fight or onto a platform, I cannot because there is a baddie in front of it. That makes no sense. And I hate when I am beating one up or getting hit, I cannot turn around right away. I have to constantly bang the key until the character finally turns around. This game would be much better if it weren't for those annoying ticks. I still like it though. Makes me want to play Mighty Final Fight on my old GameboyAdvanceSP.
alot of spam is produced which bumps down the good threads, and the mods aren't going to traul through every single comment on a game to find a merit-able comment, so basically if everybody stoopped spamming and trolling the merit sytem would be much more lucrative one than it is at the present time.
also you can get further help and information by going to this link
http://armorgames.com/page/help#merits alot of the issues concerning how to acquire them are in this forum post. thanks for reading and i help this helps you
I think merits are just too hard to get... I've spent about ten minutes on some comments and I have no merits. Either that or you should get more than 25 AP.
I think that instead of getting merits, you should just try to get 25 points. If essays aren't taken, it would take as long to write a merit as it is to get 25 points.