Wow this is insane at the Memphis Homeschool Convention( i went to it, it was fun) Peter Enns had a lecture about what the Bible is really about and he talked about how Adam and Noah were not to be taken literaly. Ken Ham owns the Answers In Genesis company and his whole premis is that Adam and Noah HAD to be true. In one of Ken Ham's lectures he mentioned that someone( no names )was selling non-biblical resourses. In the Greenville lecture Ken Ham mention Peter Enns name and show video clips of his lectures. KEN HAM WAS THROWN OUT OF THE CONFERENCE AND ALL OTHERS TO COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS INSANE!!!!!!!!
if you people don't believe that God created the world, what do you believe. Evolution....Big flaw with that....Lucy is the missing link right? Wrong, the hip joint needed to proved that lucy was half man half ape was dug up over 100 miles away.......also u've seen pictures of cavemen right? Have you ever noticed that the faces are very apelike and the hands are very humanlike? How do they know this? Most skeletons are not complete with not many hand bones and the skulls aren't very informative?
Big flaw with that....Lucy is the missing link right?
Missing link is an archaic term, and Lucy is just one example among many transitional forms discovered. Even with Lucy we have found other australopithecus africanus fossils.
Wrong, the hip joint needed to proved that lucy was half man half ape was dug up over 100 miles away
I don't know what creationist site your getting your information from but they were not found 100 miles apart. Even if it was it doesn't matter as we have plenty of other transitional forms linking humans with the rest of the primates.
BTW half man half ape is a very generic and inaccurate term.
also u've seen pictures of cavemen right? Have you ever noticed that the faces are very apelike and the hands are very humanlike? How do they know this?
Reconstructions like this are often based on multiple finds of the same species.
Most skeletons are not complete with not many hand bones and the skulls aren't very informative?
Actually skulls can be very informative.
to MageGrayWolf God told Noah exactly how to build the ark. God protected Noah and his Family on the ark.
So your come back with this is magic huh? Okay... >_>
I highly doubt that y'all are going to change your viewpoints by what i say....Likewise I will not change mine.......
Sigh. Then why did you even come to this place? I myself am more than open to change, if there's actually something there. Let's take a look at all the stuff you've posted so far.
I do believe that the Bible is true, though.
Why? Because your parents told you to be christian?
Wouldn't life just be miserable if there was no Heaven?
Life would be the exact same as it is now.
The Grand Canyon for instance.
Yes, a very awe inspiring sight due to the sheer scale of it.
It isn't just a large ravine. It has other gourges running downhill into could simple rain water make this.
Yes, it is just a Ravine, just like a Tomato is just a Tomato, and not an apple. Erosion, take a science class can even do it at home, get some sand, a hose, and a downhill area, spread the sand out, place the hose at the top of the hill, and watch how the water slowly makes paths in the sand as it goes downhill. The longer it goes, the wider the path. With stone it takes millions of years, but with sand it's pretty obvious.
If a worldwide flood was true, it is possible.
Hurray for circular logic! If this is true then it's true, because it's true then it must be true! Of course! I never thought of that! But wait...where's the part that shows it's true...
God will reward his children in heaven.
That's nice, but how do you know? You're not there. You never were there. You have no way to talk to someone who is there about if it's there. All you have to go on is a 2000 year old collection of stories written by 2nd-3rd hand accounts, that conflict with each other and so were selectively chosen, and if that same stuff was repeated today, everyone, you included, would call him crazy.
I didn't say I wouldn't keep watching this post....God is not magic he is all-powerful.....The whole reason for this post was to show how insane Peter Enns is he says he's a yall evolutionist already don't like him....He is one of the makers of the bible program for homeschoolers called this book he tells us that The whole Genesis book is wrong.....This man is insane for doing this...even if you don't believe the bible is true you have to see how messed up this man is........this whole post is about Ken Ham(YAY!) and Peter Enns(boo!!!) this isn't a religious arguement
All-powerful = Doing things that no one else can do.
Those are pretty similar...
so yall evolutionist already don't like him....
Evolutionist is a misleading term to Christians it every reaction, it seems that Evolutionism is believed by Christians to be some sort of heathenistic religious cult. It's simply saying that, no, in no way whatsoever, could god have made everything as he did in Genesis. It also disproves many things if taken litterally, like Noah's arc.
The whole Genesis book is wrong.....This man is insane for doing this
How so? I honestly think you have to not devote ANY thought at all to Genesis to actually take what it says at face value. You're insane if you believe what Genesis says is how everything came to be, in that order, in that way.
even if you don't believe the bible is true you have to see how messed up this man is........
I say kudos to him to actually showing some thought instead of blind acceptance.
........this whole post is about Ken Ham(YAY!) and Peter Enns(boo!!!) this isn't a religious arguement
And their whole argument is religious, which makes our argument about them religious.
Not magic but all-powerful, eh? Sounds like you're splitting hairs here.
in this book he tells us that The whole Genesis book is wrong.....This man is insane for doing this...
Insane? I'd say he finally came out of his shell!
.even if you don't believe the bible is true you have to see how messed up this man is.......
I believe the Bible is true. There's one sitting on one of my family's couches. I just believe in 0% of what the contents describe.
this whole post is about Ken Ham(YAY!) and Peter Enns(boo!!!) this isn't a religious arguement
You're half right. From what you posted, he was thrown out for his misconduct. However, it all stems from religious belief.
In one of Ken Ham's lectures he mentioned that someone( no names )was selling non-biblical resourses. In the Greenville lecture Ken Ham mention Peter Enns name and show video clips of his lectures.
I didn't say I wouldn't keep watching this post....
But you did say you wouldn't post on it any more, which is just another of your lies it seems.
.God is not magic he is all-powerful
....I think he would be described as magic. Or he controls magic, can grant magic, or something like that. The Bible is a messed up story with sorcerers in Egypt, Necromancers, and Which who are apparently running around rampant...
The whole reason for this post was to show how insane Peter Enns is he says he's a Christian
And he is a Christian. What are you getting at? Actually, I think most insane people are religious...
so yall evolutionist already don't like him
Well ain't that just a hootinany? What is an "evolutionist" again? Making up words is fun!
He is one of the makers of the bible program for homeschoolers called biologis
I always thought they called it BS (Bible Studies)...
in this book he tells us that The whole Genesis book is wrong
Oh wow! It is almost like is a religious moderate or something!!1!!!
Tell me, do you believe the Bible, every part of the Bible, is literally true?
This man is insane for doing this.
Actually he seems to be one of the more sane people, especially when you are comparing him to the piglet rapist.
.even if you don't believe the bible is true you have to see how messed up this man is.
How is he messed up? You don't believe everything the bible says as literally true. I am sure you don't, you have not yet been crested for stoning anyone. So why do you pick on people who believe the same thing as you, but slightly different?
For your information an evolutionist is a REAL WORD LOOK IT UP!!! It is someone who believes that the world was created by chance....Tell me how many times have you won the lottery? Huh? Well the odds for a whole beautiful world to come forth by chance is even less than winning the lottery! If it is possible for life to come from non living things then why can't any genius scientist dude figure out how to make life in a test tube? Btw Like ur change of avatar 314d1 sure its the devil but it looks better than what u used to have
btw nice one on the qoute about my country talk haha i can't stand it but sometimes i can't help it because everyone i know talks like that even when some of them hate country music (like myself)
Another example of some homeschooled fundie kid with no idea what he's talking about -sigh- I had hoped they'd been rounded up and exterminated in the time I'd been away. Anyway, bon, while 'evolutionist' is a real world (at least according to it means nothing like what you say it does.
From wiki. "Magic is the claimed art of altering things either by supernatural means or through knowledge of occult natural laws unknown to science. It is in contrast to science, in that science does not accept anything not subject to either direct or indirect observation, and subject to logical analysis, whereas practitioners of magic claim it is an inexplicable force beyond logic."
Sounds like magic to me.
The whole reason for this post was to show how insane Peter Enns is he says he's a Christian.
I think Ken Ham is frickin insane as well. Usually those who don't take the Bible completely literally tend to be less so.
so yall evolutionist already don't like him....He is one of the makers of the bible program for homeschoolers called biologis.
And Ken Ham is responsible for that idiotic creationist museum.
in this book he tells us that The whole Genesis book is wrong.
Maybe because it is....
even if you don't believe the bible is true you have to see how messed up this man is.
why thanks for the info on homeschoolers that is completely false did u know that some of my homeschooled friends that took the ACT when they were in 7th grade made A 29!!!! How bout that for homeschooler smarts
For your information an evolutionist is a REAL WORD LOOK IT UP!!!
If we are using most dictionaries, so is "yall" and "ain't", but if you say them in most places you will get made fun of.
It is someone who believes that the world was created by chance
As opposed to a magical sky faerie making everything.
Tell me how many times have you won the lottery?
None. How many times has anyone on earth won the lottery? Hundreds of times. Since there are millions of people in the lottery, a handful are bound to win one day. Since their are billions of planets, a few are bound to have life. We, on earth, are one of those lottery winners.
Well the odds for a whole beautiful world to come forth by chance is even less than winning the lottery!
Lets say the chances of this planet are a billion to one. And that is being extremely generous. Then you still have 200 planets that are able to support life, and that is just in our neck of the woods. There are probably billions of galaxies with billions of stars. Which, in the long run, means that potentially billions of planets will have life on them, even with impossible chances.
If it is possible for life to come from non living things then why can't any genius scientist dude figure out how to make life in a test tube?
I think that we have created the building blocks of life in a test tube, using similar conditions to what earth would have been a thousand years ago, but you do realize that this takes some time correct? I will have to find the article again...
And if your god created everything, why doesn't he create something else, now that we can observe it?
Btw Like ur change of avatar 314d1 sure its the devil but it looks better than what u used to have