I'm sitting here joining in on a Blogtv charity. And we just made a god.
This God is a Rainbow colored Brazilian shemale, that wields a Dildo that shoots lighting. This God is not racist or vengeful, and there is no afterlife.
The commandments of this god is as follows 1. Think for yourself 2. sort your own **** out 3. no killing 4. no stealing
This god doesn't care if you honor your parents or not, doesn't care if you lie, doesn't care if you covet your neighbors *** and doesn't care if you commit adultery.
So in under an hour that's what a bunch of atheists in a charity can come up with by commity.
Oh, and thanks to artistic rendering this god has no pants.
The sandwich would have plenty of meat, to symbolize strength. And vegetables to symbolize fertility (or maybe that's already symbolized by the dildo). There would be some sort of sauce too, because no God likes dry sandwiches. And the bread would mean...eh...harvest?