I decided I'd try and post some of my poems on here, since I liked the first line poem thread so much. I would really like some advice on how to improve. Thanks!
That was quick. :P Thanks jeol and bunneh. And...thanks...nurvana...? XD Yeah, I should work on my shading and proportions. I'm too used to doodling weirdly shaped cartoons.
And now a poem to distract you from the bad drawing.
I saw the horizon catch on fire Blazing through the clouded spires. The view up high was rent in two It teared holes in the shrouded blue Gazing down like the devil's eye O how the sun does light the sky Then the flames went out in a flash, Nothing was left but cold gray ash. Darkness covered the dusty air And I imagined dark smoke rising there
WOO! I like it. As for proportions meh. At least I look tall It's great, much better than anything I could do. I also like that I have half a face, makes me mysterious!
WOO! I like it. As for proportions meh. At least I look tall It's great, much better than anything I could do. I also like that I have half a face, makes me mysterious!
I'm enjoying the enthusiasm, Wolf. Thanks!
A POEM! RARARARARARARA (in my own way)
Wow. Flows well. Interesting thought. It gives you a vivid picture of what is happening. You rhyme much better than I can Great poem, Tacky.
Thanks, jeol! At least you can rhyme AND photograph flowers.
So I'm drawing something for the Paarfam competition (I don't remember the actual name), and it is supposed to be scary. I can't draw scary, because I get scared of everything, and thus I am not a good gauge for myself. The few scribbles I made freaked me out so much that I had to turn them over on my desk so I wouldn't think about them when I was sleeping. :P
To the point (and I'm just telling my empty audience this because it will remind me when I glance here later): I'll be uploading the drawing soon-ish, and I'd like feedback on how to make it scarier.
Also, 10,000 views!!! Thanks to all of you that read my poems and things!
Quite an achievement in the AMW, especially in two months.
I like your drawing, somewhat. The only thing is that his wolf feet are odd, seeing as he has no other lupine characteristics. Also, his legs are too long. Shorten them, and you should be fine.
On the second picture, lay off the cross-hatching a bit. It distracts from everything else, and inhibits identification of what the objects are. In water, a bleeding body wouldn't spurt out blood, it would sort of clould around him. Your mermaid is actually quite nice, I thought.
8D Maverick and Wolf commented on my thread. I feel accomplished. Now I just need Fallen, Ernie and some others and my life will be complete.
Thanks for the compliments and critiques, Maverick! I'll fix the cross-hatching. I don't know why, but I thought it would make it creepier...somehow.... :P
So I'm going to attempt to write a short story again. I'm 70% certain I'll be able to actually finish this one, though I am 100% certain that it won't be as good as the previous one. :b
I guess I'm not interesting anymore, eh? :b Or is my poetry just starting to deteriorate?
*gets idea* Maybe I should try to write a Shakespearean play!
Iambic pentameter attempt 1:
Gold like the midnight sun, green like the leaves The warmth, the hearth resonates in my mind Those memories I keep that light up my night Thoughts of the sun when the winters do blight Like kindling through winter's iciest storms Locked in my safe hidden deep beneath Earth That I do save for when I cannot stand When my legs shake beneath and I freeze 'lone I'll take my memories and hold them close And then the cold will stay in here no more The frigid will melt away from my door And I shall sit near the gold and the green Stowing memories for 'nother cold eve.