ForumsArt, Music, and WritingTackeh's 10,000 Etchings

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1,936 posts

I decided I'd try and post some of my poems on here, since I liked the first line poem thread so much. I would really like some advice on how to improve. Thanks!

  • 718 Replies
3,437 posts

"You are such a good child. Unlike your father."

I find such irony in this. She berated your father for moving to America, but praises you, the American

However, there's no denying that this particular coastline, where my parents and their parents and their parents after that had stood and marveled evokes a certain kind of serenity that no other could. For Qingdao is my second home, after all. For all the years to come I will sit on my lofty perch and I will enjoy the few minutes I have alone breathing in Qingdao Ocean air.

Best part by far! Since part of my herritage lies in Newfoundland (the uneducated my look up a map of Canada) I've always loved the ocean. There's just something surreal about it, and no matter what we do it's impossible to truly tame.
6,800 posts

We concluded the morning by eating lunch at a barbeque

There is no such thing as barbecue outside of The South. Texas doesn't count; its beef brisquet, not a pork butt or Chicken Breast. I don't like Texas too much. Its like that strange cousin that no body likes, but everybody is friendly too because they want to get into their will because their super-rich. You can't beat a Baby-Back rib thats been smoked for 14 hours, and then covered with a Mustard-Base. Or Pulled pork with a vinegar base. Or a dry-rubbed pork chop.

So unless the Chinese are kidnapping American Chefs...

/mumbling rant

I like your journal(?) a lot. You describe it really well, really precise. A very matter-of-fact fashion. You're really descriptive when you describe your location, and you did a great job in the most recent entry with the sea and cliffs.

Question though: How did your granmother have two children? Or was your Father and Aunt born before the One Child policy? I'm not too familiar with Chinese Geography, but I do know that Qingdao is one of the fastest growing areas in China. Just curious, is all.
26,677 posts

Dragon, I asked my mom, and she said the Marines. Not sure though, since her knowledge of the army is somewhat limited.

Tacky... if the Chinese Marines are anything like the American Marines....... he was the most bad *** of all bad *****.......

You only have four days left. Make what you can of it and have fun.
1,936 posts

I find such irony in this. She berated your father for moving to America, but praises you, the American

Well, she's almost 90.....

Best part by far! Since part of my herritage lies in Newfoundland (the uneducated my look up a map of Canada) I've always loved the ocean. There's just something surreal about it, and no matter what we do it's impossible to truly tame.


Maverick, you do know they have American restaurants right? LIke how America has Chinese restaurants?
Thanks though \\.
My Grandmother had four children, actually. My mom also has three siblings. Large family. :b

Tacky... if the Chinese Marines are anything like the American Marines....... he was the most bad *** of all bad *****.......

He is bretty BA.

You only have four days left. Make what you can of it and have fun.

Hard to do with my ****ing eyes swollen shut.
4,104 posts

Maverick, you do know they have American restaurants right?

, do you mean like Burger King or McDonalds? Or is there food that was invented in America.
6,800 posts

Maverick, you do know they have American restaurants right?

Yeah, but unless China has imported my Grandmother and a Weber grill, they don't have *real* BBQ.

My Grandmother had four children, actually. My mom also has three siblings. Large family. :b

But how did you/they get past the One Child Policy?
6,800 posts

Yeah, well 'foreign' restaurants in America are usually never like the food in the country it recognizes. It's like pizza in Japan or Brazil; they use different representations of our idea of pizza. The Japanese might like eel on their pizza, the Brazilians might have ketchup and mayonnaise on their pizza. Never having been out of the country, don't take my word for it, I just am repeating what I've heard.

You, sir, have clearly not had the devine providence that is a Pulled Pork Sammich.

Maybe they were all born before 1979?

Ah. I see.

This is awkward.
6,800 posts

I'd be scared to try foreign interpretations of American Pizza.

I'm ussualy scared to try American Pizza, period. Only Hawaiian. Other than that, Margherita all the way baby!
3,437 posts

America are usually never like the food in the country it recognizes.

Actually, since pizza is technically Itallian, America is the copycat. No fear though, America follows the general European standard for toppings for the post part.
1,936 posts

? How did that happen?


I would join in the talk about restaurants and such, but I don't feel like it.

I'd also like to thank everyone for getting me to over 500 posts in this thread!
I still remember when I was a noob and first made it. And I'm glad I did. :b
13,344 posts

I still remember when I was a noob and first made it.

I remember when you were a newb. I thought you were a guy. :P

But that isn't important right now. What's important is that the Adventures of AG hasn't had a single post in almost 3 weeks. What kind of anarchy is this???
1,936 posts

Most people did, Ernie. :b
I don't know where Moon is, and I'm in China as well as banned from writing.'ll probably be a while.

1,936 posts

China Trip
Day 11
Circa 4:20 PM

Much to my dismay, I had the misfortune of being bitten by mosquitos on my face several times while I was sleeping. Due to the sorry state of my face and my feminine vanity, my parents allowed me to stay home all day today, reading books and lounging around. Since such unexciting events are equally boring to write about, I'll talk a little about my family instead.
My niece is first up. Ever since I was young I didn't particularily like her. I was used to being the baby of the family, spoiled for the few weeks I visited China. Then she came along and kicked me off my throne. It wasn't just because of my jealousy that I dislike her; it was her spoiled nature. One of our first meetings ended with her biting my finger with all her vicious strength, then bursting into tears so she looked quite the victim.
My dislike for her grew as the years passed. As I grew older I learned gradually that she was younger than me and thus must be catered to. And so I managed to give her what she wanted even as she threw roller blades at me and slapped me when provoked in the slightest. She grew as well, and her physical tantrums diminished down to nothing. However, if she became upset her mouth would twist into a pout and her eyebrows would slant downwards. Then she would sit on the floor and refuse to move until we apologized with all our might.
As of now she's a kind and sweet long as she gets her way.
On the other spectrum is our family maid, Xiao Li. "Maid" You say, "Why, you must be rich!"
That is quite untrue. We hired Xiao Li when she was only 15 to take care of my elderly Grandmother and Grandfather, since my aunts and uncles were too busy with work, and there are no Nursing homes in China. Since the ten years she has worked for us, she has become a true member of our family, living in the same apartment and still taking care of my Grandmother.
Every year since I can remember she has been there, and I've pretty much accepted her as a permanent fixture in our family. When I was young she would let me braid her long hair and we would draw pictures of dogs and sheep frolicking in the grass. As I grew, she started teaching me how to write in Chinese and took me to the markets to buy groceries where I learned how to haggle prices. She's put up with my whining and cooks me all my favorite dishes whenever I visit. She is one of the few people I will be eternally and irrevocably grateful to for as long as I live.
Due to her unrelenting kindness, my family has taken it upon themselves to make sure she has a good life and job even after my Grandmother joins my Grandfather under the shiny black stone. Since she was born after the One Child policy, her brother got the rights and she is legally not a citizen. Thus we just got her an ID and registered her in the Chinese database. And hopefully we'll be able to do all we can to make sure she'll live happily for the rest of her life.

13,817 posts

I had the misfortune of being bitten by mosquitos on my face several times while I was sleeping.

As I said before, you ought to have net next time. Awful that you're allergic to it. All I had was a red face when I used to get bitten.

Sounds like you've had the misfortune of losing your status as the youngest child. D:
1,936 posts

She just lost hers too, actually. My cousin just had a little baby girl who is just adorable. ^^
Another reason my niece doesn't like me is because she's always being compared to me, which I think is unfair. Why compare an 11 year old to a 15 year old? But my relatives do so anyway, and continually speak of how much better my piano playing is and such. When I've been playing for 4 years more than she! She retaliated by challenging me to a Poem reciting contest, which I obviously lost....

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