The easiest way would be donating, for the average person, and you can pretty much find a place to donate with google. Just google "Japan Tsunami Relief", and you will probably find an online charity. For those without a PayPal account, some of my semi-local stores such as (K-mart I think it was? May have been WalLMart, I just went earlier today) had a donation box.
If you mean more on a national-scale than it would also be the obvious thing of sending over food, doctors, search parties, etc in order to help, with the machines and whatnot to help. I think the biggest problem would be prevention of future disasters like this, buildings can be made more resistant to earthquakes, though I don't see how a tsunami could get stopped, and Nuclear Power plants in the aria should also have some fortifying after everything gets sorted out.
Hey guys if u go to and sign up u can win swagbucks by using their search engine like u would google they have a donation fund for japan and look i didn't even add my referal address
well my suggestion is that if u are currently living in japan you should help them by offering food and money, and if your not you should donate to the japanese red cross and tell all ur friends about it.
and they were making paper cranes. You know the origami ones. Well when you donate one and send it in. You will have donated 2 dollars. When they get 100,000 they will stitch them all together and put it up in Japan. That's 200,000 dollars.
No offence, but that 200,000 dollars can be used to buy food, or help in other practical and logical ways rather then using it to build paper cranes. I know it's part of there culture, but how are they going to enjoy it if there is no food, doctors, search parties etc.
for one they can evacuate the people farther away from the reacter than they have been. since it is proven that radiation in small doses is much much much more dangerous on in the long run than a large amount is in a small amount of time
Not to make people mad but, they don't need any help whatsoever. they have plenty of money, just fix it, duh! And same with Haiti, they just sit around going "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, help us." But yet they could just pick up a piece of rubble everyday and drop it into a pile. Like siriously why can't THEY do it. So for the sake of your money. Do NOT donate, they can handle it.
Arkaninerenegade: when you give a crane, they donate $2 to japan relief fund.
Jetcord: You know how much people donated. At least $1,000,000. And you think they don't need it. You think the world revolves around yourself. How about you go to japan and go to one of those shelters. And you come back saying "They can handle it," Then I'll believe you.
I just have to say, it's devastating that this happened. But there are many ways to help. You can donate 10 dollars to some companies just by texting something to something. Also, there are websites like the redcross or salvation army, where you can donate any amount of money. Also, some nba players are donating 1,000 dollars to Japan for every point they score. Everyone can donate just a little to help. Oh yea, Jetcord, were donating money to help with people going there to help. Also, you can't just make a shelter with just rubble and no nails. Same thing goes with everything else, e. g, can't make medical supplies w/sticks. Just please, donate and the whole world will thank you. Sorry on arguing on you Jetcord, but I had to.