Hello. Im not kevin, Im his friend and I would like to know if it in AG3 I will be able to turn the .swf into .exe so I could download it to my PC. This way I could make some changes and allow my friends from steam to play on it. It wont interfere with game on AG, but the game downloaded to my PC.
I am positive you can't do it now so I would like it to be possible to do in AG3.
if it in AG3 I will be able to turn the .swf into .exe so I could download it to my PC.
Not be able to download to your PC via swf? Pish-posh! Try this link: Not every game is listed, but quite a few good ones are inside. Downloading this will bring an icon for it on the PC, which of course you can also stick in a flash drive to carry it to other PCs. I did this for Upgrade Complete because it's so great. Hope it helps, Kevin's friend
Not sure of what you're talking about. You CAN download swf files on a computer. Turning it into an exe would turn it in an actual desktop program, but it's much easier to just download the swf file and run it in adobe flash player.
Some of our games will only work properly if played at Armor Games, because they use our interface library for high scores, game shares, etc., so even if you download the raw SWF to your computer they may not work properly.
But anywho, you can get the swf file (from franks list or from the devolper) but make sherh you have the rights to ( me personaly like Commen Creatives, for that stuff you can make it so they can't clame as there own or change or sell it but there can copy it with credit so problem solved there) or have the devolpers permition to and get a swf to exe converter, it still will use adobe flash player though, it realy wonit change it much though... and some things don't let you send exe files, and only windows can use them... so it don't realy see the piont, most programers like the swf file forma.
Kyahco has some good points, but as I said above, some of our games will ONLY work if played from our web site, and some of them may run but high scores, etc., will be broken.