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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
554 posts

I have not yet felt God call upon me, but he has to my aunt and uncle, they had no idea i ever existed but God called upon them to take me in, then God called upon my new father to adopt, wherever my parents went adoption always came up so they adopted me

This doesn't make sense but from what I think you mean your aunt and uncle adopted you from your parents and apparently didn't know you existed despite being you being their adopted niece/nephew. And your parents adopted you. Either you have really a really forgetful aunt and uncle, they don't keep in touch with your family or you made this up. Either way not necessarily holy.

grimml, well, it's nice you have mentioned the Bible as evidence. Still, this text means that unicorns serve God, so they are not any kind of gods.

But unicorns aren't gods. Apart from the IPU but that's different.

Well, it can be for some reason. And this one isn't even "rare" given its spread and power beyond what's to reasonably accept from a usual aurora. I know coincidences happen, but this one is too big to explain with only a coincidence. Also there's a solar activity data which stated that the magnetic storm in Jan 25-26, 1938 was not of a solar origin here:

An unlikely or abnormal event is not proof of divine interference.

Well, my point is that certain events can't happen normally if investigated further. Also, you have ignored all the data I have provided.

Yeah, like God existing.
9,462 posts

Also, you have ignored all the data I have provided.

It's not saying there wasn't any solar activity it's just saying during the solar storm there were no significant spots in the Sun's central meridian which get's into discussion over how sunspots form.
8,257 posts

Well, my point is that certain events can't happen normally if investigated further.

Ok, but is there any evidence or proof that positively demonstrates the existence of your god specifically? (I'm sorry if you already said that somewhere, I didn't want to read through all those pages again, but I don't remember you mentioning such a thing)
955 posts

Ok, but is there any evidence or proof that positively demonstrates the existence of your god specifically?
Please classify the &quotositively demonstrates" attribute. AKA what kind of evidence you require?
It's not saying there wasn't any solar activity it's just saying during the solar storm there were no significant spots in the Sun's central meridian which get's into discussion over how sunspots form.
Well, if there would be solar magnetic field emissions, then geomagnetic storm will also occur, but the second set of data displays there was none. Still you're right, sunspots are not the only source of solar activity, and by that time humanity didn't know about coronal mass ejections and other coronal stuff.
8,257 posts

Please classify the &quotositively demonstrates" attribute. AKA what kind of evidence you require?

Evidence that can evidently and irrefutably be attributed to the christian catholic god, to no other god and no natural cause. Since my knowledge of christianism is very basic and every-day, I don't quite know what sort of thing to expect.
195 posts

Well, my point is that certain events can't happen normally if investigated further. Also, you have ignored all the data I have provided.

So if something can't be explained right now, it is an act of God? The same was said about lightning.
5,001 posts

My point is, key words can change the entire meaning of the text. Take the virgin birth, the word, in hebrew, can also mean maiden. Which would change the entire concept of a virgin birth to simply a maiden birth.

Let's not also forget that the characteristics surrounding Jesus is practically a carbon copy from other mythology and religious figures. Several of them were all born to a virgin.
9,462 posts

Well, if there would be solar magnetic field emissions, then geomagnetic storm will also occur, but the second set of data displays there was none.

I'm sorry but I'm having trouble reading your source.

But what this seems to be indicating there were geomagnetic storms of significance that day. A Kp of 5 or higher indicates geomagnetic storms.
"1938/01/25 Ap=107, After max: 09. Before min: 73. Peak Kp=9-"
955 posts

As for Fatima, after reading through the account, it was most likely a sun dog.
Well, a sundog explanation was evaluated, and it misses several points. First, a sundog is the color of the sun, and seems to be about half as bright, while the sun in Fatima reported to be pale, bigger than normal ("like a silver plate hanging on the wall", while a sundog is indeed wider than the sun) and not hurting one's eyes if looked into. Also, a sundog has a fixed angle position from the sun, so it will move along with the sun, while the sun in Fatima was reported to dance and then approach the visitors (visibly) in the zigzagged manner, causing a ton of shrieks and other fearful reactions, and then returning the same way to "the firmament". So a sundog explanation is insufficient.
Evidence that can evidently and irrefutably be attributed to the christian catholic god, to no other god and no natural cause.
Well, many people here are unsatisfied with personal evidence, however if you try, you'll be able to gather medicine proof of Gloria Polo's testimonial (links are on page 86 of this topic), as a starter.
But what this seems to be indicating there were geomagnetic storms of significance that day.
Interesting. Given that 1937 is the year when no connection between Soviet scientists and any foreign groups was available, it is possible that the event of that storm recorded in your source did not affect SU territory with the required severity. I'd like to see the data on those observatories this source mentions, but it looks I can trust this. This leaves only the range part of the 1938 event unclear - why so big?
So if something can't be explained right now, it is an act of God?
There's a word "further" in my quote. Also any such an event has an underlying layer of random events that can coincide, or can be made coincided by God - this is however a non-scientific statement so I'm not basing on this.
9,462 posts

This leaves only the range part of the 1938 event unclear - why so big?

There were some big and unusual storms around that time.

that can coincide, or can be made coincided by God - this is however a non-scientific statement so I'm not basing on this.

Even if we could attribute this to an act of god there is no reason to think it's your God.
955 posts

Even if we could attribute this to an act of god there is no reason to think it's your God.
Taking 25.01.1938 alone, yes indeed, taking Fatima's prediction, there's a link which God made that. Basically prophecies are to be read in conjunction with any events that are around. There are reports that the 2nd secret (which regarded 1938 aurora) was told by Laura to her confessor, and written down and sealed away to not get revealed prior to the time. Such secrets are normally kept sealed without any interference. It's like with Amsterdam 1945-1957, some info was sealed and then revealed to public.
9,462 posts

Taking 25.01.1938 alone, yes indeed, taking Fatima's prediction, there's a link which God made that. Basically prophecies are to be read in conjunction with any events that are around.

Well we really can't take this persona account as evidence.

There are reports that the 2nd secret (which regarded 1938 aurora) was told by Laura to her confessor, and written down and sealed away to not get revealed prior to the time. Such secrets are normally kept sealed without any interference. It's like with Amsterdam 1945-1957, some info was sealed and then revealed to public.

I've seen magicians do this trick all the time.
955 posts

I've seen magicians do this trick all the time.
Please elaborate.
8,257 posts

There are reports that the 2nd secret (which regarded 1938 aurora) was told by Laura to her confessor, and written down and sealed away to not get revealed prior to the time. Such secrets are normally kept sealed without any interference. It's like with Amsterdam 1945-1957, some info was sealed and then revealed to public.

Remembers me of the first part of the Prophecy of the Popes, whose mottos were accurate because they had always been done afterwards.
9,462 posts

Please elaborate.

Magic Tricks: Card Forcing : Prediction in an Envelope Card Magic Trick

Not to mention it doesn't make any sense to keep such information a secret.
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