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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
955 posts

Yes, and the fact you have never mentioned these reasons is nothing to do with it.
You need to read the topic better, I have said that at least twice by this time. In short, if God will show His presence to entire humanity, this will be the ultimate point and end of time, as Jesus promised that. If He would decide to show His glory partially so to not to make the times end, humanity will start to demand off God, falling into self-pride, which does not do good to any human.
You can't prove that something doesn't exist but that doesn't mean it exists.
This does not mean that the something does NOT exist as well, while you're continuously stating exactly that about God. This is the tantrum I spoke about in the neighboring topic.
3,025 posts

You need to read the topic better, I have said that at least twice by this time. In short, if God will show His presence to entire humanity, this will be the ultimate point and end of time, as Jesus promised that. If He would decide to show His glory partially so to not to make the times end, humanity will start to demand off God, falling into self-pride, which does not do good to any human.

No, humans who think for themselves can easily be better than that, and also God would be smart enough to be HONEST and just say "No." instead of hiding under a book.

Self-pride? No idea where you got that from. Spoiled is more like it which is actually a good thing because you know. God is above logic and being spoiled doesn't matter. Not only that but it isn't a bad thing if God can change it - which obviously he can. Jesus promised it because its a good excuse - Jesus nor God has been proven real and that is more or less a "I'm psychic but it doesn't work if skeptics are in the room." or "I can make trees grow 10 feet in 5 seconds if no one looks."

- H
554 posts

You need to read the topic better, I have said that at least twice by this time. In short, if God will show His presence to entire humanity, this will be the ultimate point and end of time, as Jesus promised that. If He would decide to show His glory partially so to not to make the times end, humanity will start to demand off God, falling into self-pride, which does not do good to any human.

But if Jesus was God then why didn't the world end then. And miracles tell the world he exists, loads of people know he exists, the world would apparently be a better place if everyone knew he existed so why doesn't he do a super miracles which has to have been done by him. He apparently does mini miracles so what is the difference.

This does not mean that the something does NOT exist as well, while you're continuously stating exactly that about God. This is the tantrum I spoke about in the neighboring topic.

You need evidence for it to be a viable hypothesis. You earlier stated that god performing miracles is a bad thing so god must not have performed those. Therefore you have no evidence and as a result your theory is of the same likelihood of unicorns and fairies. They could exist but are extremely likely not to.
955 posts

humans who think for themselves can easily be better than that
there's a parable of a scholar who, after reading Adam's story, said "I am not like him, I'll be better". Some day after he saw a fully served dinner, with most dishes covered, and a message from his teacher: "You can eat everything but don't touch the biggest bowl". The kid eventually fell into temptation and opened that bowl, and there was a mouse which bit the kid. Do not think for everyone if you can't prove this.
also God would be smart enough to be HONEST and just say "No." instead of hiding under a book.
Hmm. There's a valid point in here. However, this could make people make premises "So you don't love me!!! *cry*" or alike. Anyway if they will wish for wrong, they will get pissed. This has already happen with the Jews in the desert, and many bad things happened there, like mass poisoning via snakes.
But if Jesus was God then why didn't the world end then.
Because it was Jesus who said that the next coming of Him will be the end, God Father didn't say that He Himself will come again, but instead that a Redeemer will be sent to restore humanity.
You earlier stated that god performing miracles is a bad thing so god must not have performed those.
Which quote was that? I have said that if God performed things on humans' demand, THIS will be bad thing. Don't juggle my words.
the world would apparently be a better place if everyone knew he existed so why doesn't he do a super miracles which has to have been done by him. He apparently does mini miracles so what is the difference.
I can't say for sure as I don't know God's plans. The main reason why it didn't happen should be like when Jesus came to Earth, "when time reached its fullest" (Galates 4:4), so it's not yet probably the time for such a manifest. Other erasons cna't be determined by me. Though the time is pretty close, there's a prophecy that there will be a &quotermanent sign" in Garabandal that "will be able to be photographed but not touched, so everyone will know this is from God", and some extra info stating that the visionary from there will still be alive when this happens. She's pretty old right now, but Simeon the old man who waited for Jesus to come prior to his death waited an indefinite amount of time. I will give you a source tomorrow, or you can google for "Garabandal".
3,025 posts

Do not think for everyone if you can't prove this.

Note: CAN.

Plus that's a story, nothing more.

However, this could make people make premises "So you don't love me!!! *cry*" or alike.

Then they don't trust God enough, do they? If you're willing to devote your life to him through blind faith I don't think him being there but not entirely helping you out is such a problem.

- H
955 posts

Then they don't trust God enough, do they?
The main trouble is yes, exactly. If only all the people will trust God, there will be Heaven on Earth, and God will already be manifest here, and there will be no tears, hunger or death anymore. But no, people don't trust God, they want to decide themselves, and this is what brings them into self-pride, jealousy, anger etc.
Plus that's a story, nothing more.
These parables describe Christian view on the problems that touch spiritual. You can regard their inner sense or not, it's up to you.
3,025 posts

The main trouble is yes, exactly. If only all the people will trust God, there will be Heaven on Earth, and God will already be manifest here, and there will be no tears, hunger or death anymore. But no, people don't trust God, they want to decide themselves, and this is what brings them into self-pride, jealousy, anger etc.

Self pride, firstly, is not a bad thing. Plus, jealousy is what comes when an almighty God makes (compared to him) weaklings. And that in itself is an angering thing to do.

And no, because if he were intelligent then he would realize that Logic > Indoctrination. What you're saying is that there's a no-win situation right now because it is HIS fault in the first place. Why would someone rely on a deity which has not been proven (whilst there are more reasonable options) so he could possibly show himself?

If I ask you can you do a backflip and you say yes, all I have is your word. Would I believe you? Meh. Really, I don't know - I'd rather find out. And that's the same thing with Religion except what you say makes God sound more like a **** than a pure and kind being.

These parables describe Christian view on the problems that touch spiritual. You can regard their inner sense or not, it's up to you.

Your first sentence doesn't make sense. Spiritual problems I guess you mean. In which case you shouldn't trust stories like that, it's a "You do something wrong you get punished" which is barely the case. Morality should come from the unbiased belief of yourself and unbiased belief should come from those who teach you like so. Taught to think for yourself but to point out the possible (or certain) consequences of doing something and how it could impact you - that's how a game like Fable I is so good because it SHOWS you what you're doing.

- H
9,462 posts

This does not mean that the something does NOT exist as well, while you're continuously stating exactly that about God. This is the tantrum I spoke about in the neighboring topic.

It also means it's completely unreasonable to believe God does, and is particularly foolish to do so to the point you won't except the possibility he doesn't.

I can't say for sure as I don't know God's plans.

Take a look at the picture I posted on page one.
9,462 posts

What this video is saying should be kept in mind for this thread.
Putting faith in its place

3,371 posts

I saw the video. And while i don't agree with everything i do agree with most of it. Although it seemed a little biest.

9,462 posts

I saw the video. And while i don't agree with everything i do agree with most of it. Although it seemed a little biest.

What part do you not agree with?
955 posts

Self pride, firstly, is not a bad thing.
Self-pride is one of the seven deadly sins, for the first thing.
jealousy is what comes when an almighty God makes (compared to him) weaklings.
You're jealous of God's power? Think about the responsibility first.
Take a look at the picture I posted on page one.
Whatever is revealed can be spoken out loud. Whatever is not, should not be subject of suggestions, they will most likely be false. God wants us to know His ways are above our ways, and we won't understand them fully, and this is normal as He has to move the entire universe.
What this video is saying should be kept in mind for this thread.
Putting faith in its place
Lowering God to mundane, huh? Failure. After all, God "contains" the Amazon river, the 17th century and more.
It also means it's completely unreasonable to believe God does
Does exist, you mean? I have enough reasons, I have my own personal experience combined, which proves God for me. You don't? Okay.
9,462 posts

Self-pride is one of the seven deadly sins, for the first thing.

There isn't anything wrong with taking pride in what one does. Even God seemed to be guilty of this.

Whatever is revealed can be spoken out loud.

Which is nothing. Everything claimed to be revealed is highly subjective and can not be distinguished between fantasy. In fact God has more in common with fantasy then reality being so closely related to magic.

Lowering God to mundane, huh?

No, just pointing out the absurdity of claiming God exists without evidence.
554 posts

Self-pride is one of the seven deadly sins, for the first thing.

But everyone feels proud at one point at least. It's not a bad thing. It's natural

Whatever is revealed can be spoken out loud. Whatever is not, should not be subject of suggestions, they will most likely be false. God wants us to know His ways are above our ways, and we won't understand them fully, and this is normal as He has to move the entire universe.

But what you claim is God's way and you say you can't understand gods way.
3,371 posts

What part do you not agree with?

It seemed to me like they were saying you shouldn't express you're religon in public. The woman was simply praying and she was told she shouldn't have been. But of course just like an atheist can state their lack of belife a christian should be able to state their lack of belife.

Self-pride is one of the seven deadly sins, for the first thing.

It's more like having an obsesion with yourself.
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