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ForumsThe Taverni could use some help on getting a girlfriend.

38 5924
2 posts

Help people, i have posted this cuz i need some help on getting a girl. FYI i could have one(really hot too) but theres one girl i have had my eyes on since i was 8 years old. U should also know i'm home schooled and i only see this girl once a month. She's really cute, really popular, and plays basket ball. On this once a month thing i play football with the guys while she's inside with the girls. The only time i see her is when we play basket ball. (She's almost as good as i am at basketball). Help please. I'm 13 and she's 12

  • 38 Replies
3,386 posts

Be really bad-boy and misogynistic. Studies have shown that girls love a guy who can dehumanize them and still act sexy doing it *thumbs-up*

Uh no. Not really.

Guys.. on a gaming site... giving advice... on how to get a girl....
Something is wrong with this picture.

Honestly? Just be a good friend. If she enjoys sports, I'm sure she is up for a little competition. Challenge her for a random day, when it is just you two. Then BAM it rolls from there.
2,420 posts

Oh Kevin,
My friend once tried that. The girl he liked was really shy, and she like him also. He just stopped talking to her, and didn't get anything because she was shy. Though later he asked her out.

Woops, sorry.

I got confused what his intentions are. Does he want to get with a **** or a nice girl?

Because all of what I said only works for ****s.

Well, getting with a nice girl is harder. The part about separating is a way to get with ****s, but to get with a nice girl, you have to make her come to you without separating for a week.

How do you do that?

1. Well, be nonchalant near her. All girls want a guy they can change, they want a challenge. Being a guy who just is neutral towards her but is confident can really attract a girl towards you.

2. If she approaches you or talks to you ever, try to be funny but never let the conversation die, even if you get in trouble for it. It lets her know that you will be hard to change but at the same time, cool to be around with.

3. When talking to her, make yourself her top priority on her mind. She tries to show extra cleavage, try to play fight with some of your friends. It shows her you are, I guess, manly.

4. Joke around, and try to see your boundaries, but be more cautious.

5. If she doesn't do any of the things I described to you, then you're wasting your time and just leave her alone. You guys shouldn't be together.

I think you should hang out with ****s first to show her what you're worth.
70 posts

if u have a phone just ask her or one of her frends for her number and start talking. it worked for me.

1,936 posts

As a girl, I like guys that I can compete with (but not too competitive). It's fun, and it means you spend time with them competing, and it also means you have the same interests. Also, be nice to her. But not creepy nice. Creepy nice is never good.
If you've known her for a while though, being too creepy nice shouldn't be a problem.
Also, make her laugh, and bump elbows or shoulders sometimes.

13,344 posts

Purposely jump in front of her car, if she has one, and rely on Florence Nightengale Syndrome from there.

It worked in Back to the Future.

1,621 posts

try seeing her more and ask her friends what type of guys she likes then try to act like that then try hanging out with her more then ask her on a date then sooner or later you become official if not just try finding other girls

26 posts

try to talk to the girl and maybe get her number. (if she has a phone) you could text eachother. that way you could stay in touch with her when you cant see her. and ask her alot of questions. try not to let her get bored. ask her about her day and life. thats what i like.

13,344 posts

Refer to this thread if this thread just isn't doing it for you.

9,821 posts

Uh no. Not really.

Pssssst. I was being a ****** and giving bad advice on purpose
1,890 posts

1. Have good hygiene.
2. See what kind of books she reads. Read the book, then ask her what she thought of it.
3. Be nice. Don't insult her friends or something she likes.
4.Flirt with her, but just a bit.
5.When you really get to know her, give her something for her birthday.
6. When you have the courage, ask her out.

That is how I got a girlfriend in 6 weeks. Although she broke up with me after I threw a guy who tried to kiss her through a window.

So don't do that. =P

(If you want to know the details ask me on my profile)

2,301 posts

All girls want a guy they can change
Please never say something like this again.

Kevin, you can't make psychological judgments on women just because they're women. You reduce them to a few largely imagined traits and then assume you understand anything at all. Worse than your imaginary wisdom, you're proud of yourself.

If she doesn't do any of the things I described to you, then you're wasting your time and just leave her alone.
Because the only purpose of knowing a girl is sex. Oh wait, no, you're just a misogynist.

I think you should hang out with ****s first to show her what you're worth.
I have a suspicion that she wouldn't need you to surround yourself with your peers for her to see you for what you are, but that would be an adequate display of your worth.

Kevin, a girl isn't a thing for you to "get", nor is she a shallow mix of reactions you seem to see. She's a person like any other, and you ought to consider treating her as such. I hope, for your sake, you learn to respect women, and people in general.

So yeah, OP. I'd advise you just try to be friends with girls/people for now and see where it goes. You probably have a lot to learn about love, girls, and yourself.
4,375 posts

Woops, sorry.
I got confused what his intentions are. Does he want to get with a **** or a nice girl?

The fact that you would even use that word makes me hate you so much more. Calling a girl a **** is terrible Kevin, and you have permission to drown your self in the toilet.

Because all of what I said only works for ****s.

Yes taking advantage of there insecurity is really a good thing, huh Kevin?

Well, getting with a nice girl is harder. The part about separating is a way to get with ****s, but to get with a nice girl, you have to make her come to you without separating for a week.

Well, getting with a girl is really easy, just do the opposite of what Kevin says.

How do you do that?
1. Well, be nonchalant near her. All girls want a guy they can change, they want a challenge. Being a guy who just is neutral towards her but is confident can really attract a girl towards you.

Or, she thinks your not intrested in her, because you show no intrest in her. They want to change you, yet you act like you don't even care if they exist? Right....Good advice.

2. If she approaches you or talks to you ever, try to be funny but never let the conversation die, even if you get in trouble for it. It lets her know that you will be hard to change but at the same time, cool to be around with.

This makes no sense. "O look at me, I'm so hard, I talk when I'm not supposed to, you can't hold me down!"

3. When talking to her, make yourself her top priority on her mind. She tries to show extra cleavage, try to play fight with some of your friends. It shows her you are, I guess, manly.

Or, it makes you look childish and immature. Also, see the person, not the parts.

4. Joke around, and try to see your boundaries, but be more cautious.

Yes, Kevin, that's SUCH great advise. Act like she doens't exist, but test your boundrys. That makes perfect sense.

5. If she doesn't do any of the things I described to you, then you're wasting your time and just leave her alone. You guys shouldn't be together.

ORRRRRRRRRRRR He's actually hanging around a girl who might be worth more then a hystarically short stay in a bed.

I think you should hang out with ****s first to show her what you're worth.

How stupid can you be? "Yea, I can take advantage of her low self esteem, I'm so worth it. I don't care about anything but sex I've never had, so you should date me because I hang out with ****s, I'm worth so much. Form a line ladies" - Kevin
216 posts

well considering your asking the ppl on armor say you should shift ur strategies. ur headed in the wrong direction.

4,206 posts

Well first off, going to public school would really help to actually know people.

Now, after you do this, you should start talking to her and become friends. And do it the slow way. Your only 13. You can easily live for an other 8 years without a girlfriend.

129 posts

wait a few years. that is all i can say

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