in my opinion Dawn of the Dead. Horror, Blood, and Action. very good movie if you like that kind of stuff. Most kinds of movies im into is probably Horror, Romance and Suspense. So yeah
This is one of the all time best films ever made in my opinion due to the brilliant acting and the great ending.
My personal favorite film is going to have to be between Fearless as I love martial arts movies and the story line is pretty gripping and Spirited Away as I thought there was not a single fault in the story line or characters. It was just all around brilliant in my opinion.
"La vita è bella" because the title of the film says all
TRANSLATE: italian = La vita è bella english = the life is beautiful american = the life is beautiful? espanol= la vida es bella chinese= ç"å'½æ¯ç¾ä¸½ç
I have a lot of movies i like, i think one of my favourites is hachi, i really cried with that movie haha:P it's just a very sad and also beautiful story
I love all the Bruce Willis' films, because he's a good action films actor. My favorites are: "The Fifth Element", the "Die Hard" serie, "The Siwth Sense", "Armaggedon".